All comments are held for moderation and will appear after approval. Feeds flawlessly. Avoid Polishing Too Lightly Or Too Roughly i have an extra brand new M4 barrel extension ramp to replace a rifle ramp. In short, if you have a Dremmel you can do it yourself. M4 feed ramps were created during the development of the xM4 carbine for the original Army requirement of a carbine rifle that used the then current M16A2 upper receiver, 14.5" Barrel and had featured a collapsible sliding stock. The barrels also had to be modified. I recently built an AR9 (Glock Mags) that has been running flawlessly for about 3-400rds. Product Details Douglas 18" Flat Dark Earth Cerakoted 416 stainless steel barrel with 1-7 twist and M4 feed ramps. However Ive built numerous ar15 and lr308 rifles and pistols. Feed ramp - Wikipedia Given that most of us dont always have perfect access to truly genuine Mil-Spec, mil-standard parts (those actually used in issued fighting tools), were shopping based on a little part trust and a bigger part knowledge. The good idea is that the round, presented at a lower plane, will contact other lower feed ramps and go right on in. 1 is a standard and the other for use with m4 feed ramp barrels. Product Description Surplus Colt 14.5" SOCOM, carbine length gas system barrel from Colt. M4 feed ramps are not an original design, they were designed for the M4 In fact, the . Rifles, Uppers, Lowers, Barrels, and more, [ARCHIVED THREAD] - Rifle vs m4 feed ramps, Damaged Ak front end Barrel in Trunnion with or without sight bases. The last is using the best and right ammo for the job. This has been my concern with modifying the aluminum parts. Thanks! Good call. 16" Pre-Ban M4 Profile Barrel Assembly CARBINE Gas System About Upper assembly comes completely head spaced and test fired. I checked what I have now. I don't quite trust myself to give it a go, but if that's all there is to it I'm hoping they can do it for a reasonable price. It has 2 ramps cut into the receiver to help the rounds feed into the chamber. [WTB] Black A1 carry handle upper NON-m4 feed ramp $200 SKU: BCM-URG-M4-16 Features: M4 Feed Ramp Barrel Extension Caliber: 5.56 NATO Barrel Length: 16in Barrel Style: Standard Handguard: None BCM M4 Handguards (Double Heat Shield) - Black + $15.00 PKMR (Polymer KeyMod Rail) Carbine Length - Black + $24.95 PKMR (Polymer KeyMod Rail) Carbine Length - Flat Dark Earth + $24.95 Stock Status: Out of stock I have looked and looked and looked. You cannot paste images directly. Do you need an M4 feed ramp on your AR? Here is some info. As a result, the factory machined M4 feed ramps on the receiver are hard coat anodized which adds significant strength to the aluminum. Single Action and Double Action Which One Is Better For You? However, I have seen more than a few basement gunsmith hackjobs using a dremel, some Jack Daniels/liquid courage, and an unsteady hand that have made a total, unrepairable mess of the job. PRI MK 12 Mod H 16" 223/5.56 Upper w/ 1-7 twist Description. 5. Our 6.5 Grendel Black Nitride rifle barrels are made from the finest 4150 Chrome Moly Vanadium and precisely rifled for high accuracy at a great price. However, an M4 barrel extension is dished more so the feed ramps could extend downward, and then an area within the upper is shaped to match. Also, barrel life is relative. Either way is good and both types work great with semi auto only guns. The M4 cut extends down beyond the edge of the barrel extension (has a scalloped appearance), and a correspondingly deeper cut in an M4-spec upper receiver effectively extends the ramps downward (they're lowered). All Rights Reserved. Ar-15 Manufacturers Should Be Avoided: Which Should You Buy? To conclude, the M4 feed ramps bring a lot of improvements to the AR-platform firearms. Dec 17, 2020. Seems M4 is all the rage these days. which is basicallly an m16a1 cut down. Thats true overall and good to keep in mind. So I'm working on my first build, and I'm a little confused. CARBON-15 Stripped Lower Receiver Bullets tend to bump, snag, and stub on these guns. Mind shooting me a link where I can pick on a C marked A1 carry handle for $150? With the bcg moving that much faster, the magazine springs were having a hard time supplying the rounds fast enough, AS WELL AS the tips of the rounds were digging into the feed ramps and catching. I've seen several places say you just need a 1/8" chainsaw sharpening bit and a Dremel to fix it. By Yamil Sued August 6, 2021. It's not worth changing the barrel extension on an already finished barrel, getting the new barrel extension to line up correctly with the gas port will probably cost more in gunsmithing/machining fees than buying a new barrel. The upper is designed to have two levels of top rails for mounting of night vision in front of scopes. Since the M4 barrel is one and a half inches shorter than the minimum legal barrel you can install in an AR15, the M4 gas tube will be, of course, smaller. They were not intended to be super long range man killers. Notice how the ramp starts on the barrel extension and not in the receiver. well.. it's kinda hard to get stuff in this part of the world. Reliability is the main concern for me when I re-barrel this rifle. Feels like a silly question now that it makes sense. 's blog. Is it worth the extra 50 bucks?" The difference between standard feed ramps and M4 ramps is easy to see. Looking to spend $180-250 (depending on condition, forge mark and if a rear sight is included or not.) On AR9's, I understand the distance between the Mag Follower and the Feed Ramp is a known complication in the design. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. LanceRiley, I've modified barrel/receivers even before M4 cuts came out and done some receivers when the barrels had cuts. What's the difference? From hunters and military members, to competition shooters and general firearm enthusiasts, we welcome anyone who values and respects the way of the firearm. I like all my guns to be reliable. Some argue that, factually, its a step to enable a smoother feeding. I've been thinking about doing sort of an "Early Diemaco C8 carbine" clone build with a C7 style upper receiver. Any body need a anchor for a very small boat? Its fine to use an M4 Barrel with a non-N4 (rifle) upper but if you have the barrel already is much simpler to just buy a M-4 upper and just replace the upper the barrel is harder to build..I have even cut ramps on a rifle upper and it really wasent needed That is before I knew better.Then I guncoted the ramps before I found out about Aluminum Black treatment. *Must have a registered ARFCOM account to win. Looking For Bear Creek Arsenal Barrels Review? You will receive an email every Friday morning featuring the latest chatter from the hottest topics, breaking news surrounding legislation, as well as exclusive deals only available to ARFCOM email subscribers. practical_man Gun smith said , not head spaced properly. Man, its crazy how many of yall have absolutely no idea why you do what you do. - The Shooter's Log, 2012 SHOT Show Special Report: Del-Ton TRX Rifle and More! AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types. M16's fed pretty well before the M4 feed ramps were introduced. 4. I'd get jams from bullets hitting the back of the upper so I took a small round file and made the M4 ramps in the upper. Do you have an AR barrel or feed ramp tip? I've seen that pic, it is a good reference. Mind shooting me a link where I can pick on a C marked A1 carry handle for $150? Just put it in and shoot it. Edited April 27, 2014 by Mark Gale They offer a lower, more extensive, and smoother entry for any round of ammo, whether its necessary or not. Making a non M4 feed ramp barrel work in an M4 feed ramp upper. There are several, but Steve and the guys at ADCO in OH are one such option (they use the Dremel method, but they do it right as I have seen several first-hand examples of their work and its performance after the fact). Buy AR 15 16" .350 Legend Nitride M4 Profile Barrel 1:16: GunBroker is the largest seller of AR15 Parts Gun Parts All: 974000728 . When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. AR15.Com reserves the right to overwrite or replace any affiliate, commercial, or monetizable links, posted by users, with our own. You CAN modify a rifle/A2 barrel extension to an M4 style extension, but it isn't always the best way to go unless you just have to do it. I've seen uppers with and without anodizing on M4 ramps . it seems to me to be about 50/50 with and without. Then you can get a regular rifle barrel for the upper with no ramps. So, an M4 feed ramp includes the barrel extension and the upper. i have the rifle barrel. The barrel extension and the receiver both have to have the cuts. "A Bad Day At The Range Is Better Than A Great Day Working". By However, if youre wanting to rebarrel a non-M4-cut upper with an M4 feed-ramp equipped barrel, or going the other direction: you have a new upper thats been relieved to fit with the M4 ramps, and a non-M4-cut barrel extension, and that wont work! I have seen it done many, MANY times and if done right, it works/functions 100% without issue. FN AR-15 5.56X45mm Nato . There's no downside to having M4 feedramps on your carbine, but they are not as necessary without full auto and when using followers that will not tilt (or in a 20 AR15). Barrel FAQs | Ballistic Advantage Absolutely nothing to do with casing diameter, or whatever other weird sht you guys imagine. I don't have much to add re: feed ramps, but. Anything else you want to share about M4 clones would be appreciated, especially when it comes to a reliable rifle. I'm a machinist in the aerospace industry and lucky enough to have. Watch a video about our Modern Series AR barrel: What Are M4 Feed Ramps and What Is The Benefit Of It? - Adventure Footstep Brevity matters. I didnt think anything about it having M4 feed ramps. The parts are interchangeable. The rifle-platform M16s dont use them. what does it do?? I use it for hunting dogs only. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I have a non ramped barrel in a ramped upper, feeds fine. Upper Receiver, A4, Flat Top, USGI, Numbered, AR-Stoner Upper Receiver Stripped AR-15 A3 Flat-Top Matte, Black River Tactical 16 Cold Hammer Forged Optimum Barrel Accuracy Evaluation. and add them to non-m4 barrels.? The only one I found is LaRue's upper, but it won't work with the hand guard I'm using (Geissele MKIII). BCM 16" M4 Carbine Upper Receiver Group | BravoCompanyUSA The first reason is that they are, indeed, better. Subscribe to our monthly Newsletter to receive firearm news, product discounts from your favorite Industry Partners, and more. However, they do have M4 feed-ramps which is not clone correct. The M4, and the CAR-15, before it have had similar problems like the ones you mentioned. 6.5 Grendel Type 2 | 16" Black Nitride | 1:8 Twist Carbine Length Gas . Subscribe to our monthly Newsletter to receive firearm news, product discounts from your favorite Industry Partners, and more. On the other hand, I wouldn't consider them as a deal breaker, and they would not pass up a good deal with an upper only because it did not have them - the M4 feed ramps. The M4 style feed ramps and barrel extension provide consistent feeding and the matte black Manganese Phosphate finish resists external corrosion and oxidation. Load a magazine with two or three rounds, lock the bolt group back on your rifle or carbine and insert the magazine. Then the manufacturer discontinued the barrel. The Mission of Cheaper Than Dirt! 30 cal. The Differences Between an M4 and an AR15 - Music Raiser FN AR-15 5.56X45mm Nato 14.70" M4 Profile Barrel Carbine Length Gas Thats an important thing since without the feed ramps, issues can arise when receivers and barrel extensions are mismatched. Sign up for the ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership. Seems counter intuitive to recommend an M4 cut upper, especially if the barrel Im looking at has the rifle feed ramp (not M4 cut). *Must have a registered ARFCOM account to win. This Kit is made to cut or polish the STEEL Feed Ramps on your Barrel Extension ONLY. If you want precision, dont look to the mil-spec gun, look to the one that is popular in 3-gun competitions, at Thunder Ranch, etc. They provide a lower, wider, and smoother entry for any round of ammo, whether its necessary or not. Powered by Invision Community, M4-style barrel extension with Rifle-type upper. JavaScript is disabled. I cant advise on that one folks. Copyright 1996-2023 AR15.COM LLC. Barrels are Douglas 416 stainless steel with 1-7 twist with M4 feed ramps Not saying a really good gunsmith cant do it, just that theres a bit of an involved process. aaargh.. that's the setup I hate to see. We're a little past that point as I already own both the barrel and receiver, both of which cant easily be replaced or swapped for a decent price. Now move move the on deck cartridge forward to the 3/8 of inch position and again note the position of the tip of the bullet in relationship to the barrel extension. And it appears that the bolt is slamming into the top of the bullet. The M4 Style Feed ramps And Barrel Extension Provide Consistent Feeding And The Matte Black Manganese Phosphate Finish resists External Corrosion And OxidationLength: 14.70"Model: AR-15Finish: Manganese PhosphateBarrel Type: Carbine LengthBarrel Features: Chrome-LinedManufacturer: FN Mfg Number: 20-100405Model: AR-15 . Ready to drop onto a complete lower receiver. M4 Feed ramps on barrel extensions are a solid example. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Would not feed to save its life! You absolutely do not want it the other way around however. Editors Note: This article was originally published in January of 2019. For use by barrel manufacturers. The barrel is supposed to have the M4 feed ramps. Does anyone have a follow up that confirms or denies my claim? You can modify the upper, but bear in mind that the un-anodized aluminum surface will be very soft and prone to wear if your particular bullet hits it frequently. Not all mil-spec features advertised on the product information are the real mil-specs. He had more to say and added some more engineer and gun designer speak too. M4 feed ramps will extend the barrel extension and the upper receiver. I guess it depends on what your relationship to the necessary shop activities is. The magazine lips cannot move, so with these larger diameter cartridges, the bullet tips down lower about the centerline of the bore (half of the diameter increase to be exact). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Use this M4 Barrel extention with M4 feedramps. can the barrel extension be bought individualy? Del-Ton, Inc. AR-15 16" M4 Custom Upper When carrying out feed ramp polishing, it is crucial to prioritize the frame's angles, which is a critical part of the feed ramp. Finding the proper upper receiver is your best option. It's best to use rifle/rifle combo or M4/M4. Add M4 cuts to Barrel Ext $15.00 We can modify your rifle extension to match the M4 cuts in an upper receiver. This is a big tip, by the way, for pistol-caliber ARs. FWIW one of my rifles has M4 feed ramps on the barrel and no M4 feed ramps on the upper and it has functioned just fine. Looking for a black stripped A1 upper with non m4 feed ramps (just realized the upper I have wont work with my barrel). Im an old vet, now retired and looking to build some ARs as a hobby to keep me doing something that I will enjoy. M4 Barrel Extension (M4 Feedramps) $22.95 (4 reviews) SKU: Barrel-Extension-M4 Stock Status: Quantity: Add to Wish List Description For your AR15, M16, M4. Your previous content has been restored. When you need to nail something you use a hammer not a wrench. By colt A1E1 733 uppers didn't have extended carbine feedramps ? One of the AR15 engineers under Gene Stoner pretty much said that the M4 isn't a good platform, especially once the gas port erodes a bit. This 20" BCM barrel is machined from SS410 stainless steel. Konza Defender M-LOK 5.56 16" Rifle - $399.99 | Anodized red parts. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Your email address will not be published. How to Clone the M16A2 Rifle - The New Rifleman So, lets glide down these lines below to erase your misconceptions about them. Was sort of worried about how it would run with an 11.5" barrel and mismatched ramps, but it sounds like it should be good to go either way. It's an interesting question. AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types. The rifle receiver, doesn't have ramps on the receiver, they are only cut into the barrel. M855A1 5.56mm NATO Penetrator Ammo Feed Ramp Issues: Real, Hype or just So the engineers lowered the feed rampa into the receiver. M4 extension with .350 M4 style feed ramps 11 Degree Target Crown Threaded Muzzle 5/8"x24 TPI Weight: 26.5 ounces Previous. Here's some info from Randall Rauch aka, if your barrel extension has M4 ramps you should have an upper receiver also with the ramps. The trust part is accepting claims of USGI-spec parts actually being done to not only blueprint dimensions, but also made from the correct materials treated to the same processes. Will my A3 upper reciever work with my M4 barrel extention.According to some or your posts they will.Thanks Bill. In this episode of Gun Stock Reviews, we look at the difference between M4 Ramps and the old standard ramps of the past. Display as a link instead, Only took a few minutes. Come join the discussion about racing, builds, pro mods, hot rods, events, turbos, nitrous, superchargers, and more! True, which is why they're not even needed in semi autos. - The Shooter's Log, 2012 SHOT Show Special Report: Daniel Defense DDM4 V5 in .300 Blackout and a Factory SBR - The Shooter's Log, 2012 SHOT Show Special Report: SOG Armory Predator Rifle - The Shooter's Log, Surefire's 100-Round MAG5-100: The Highest Capacity AR-15 Magazine - The Shooter's Log, Throwback Thursday: Taurus Judge Range Report, ATI Milsport SGA 410 All the Advantages of an AR in .410, Ruger SR1911 LW Commander The Lightweight .45 ACP, Rifle Hack: Sighting for 100 Yards at a Distance of 25 Yards, Throwback Thursday: All About Bullet Grain. Either way is good and both types work great with semi auto only guns. An upper without feed ramps can be used with a barrel that has them as the majority of the ramp is on the barrel extension. Semi autos run slower than full autos. The barrel blanks available are made from 416 Stainless Steel. From hunters and military members, to competition shooters and general firearm enthusiasts, we welcome anyone who values and respects the way of the firearm. M4A1s run at 950 rounds per minute in full auto and even 950+ rounds per minute as the gas port erodes open bigger and bigger with wear and allows them to run even faster and much more violent. [ARCHIVED THREAD] - M4 feed ramp barrel in a non M4 ramp upper. Everything that you have on your side to make any weapons more reliable and work when it absolutely needs to is a plus. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Description Genuine 14.5" SOCOM, carbine length gas system barrel from Colt. Thanks for explaining the feed ramp topic in a couple of different ways. AR15.Com reserves the right to overwrite or replace any affiliate, commercial, or monetizable links, posted by users, with our own. I have done the same, protect the Barrel extension with a layer of electrical tape and carefully file or Dremel the ramps into the aluminum receiver. CUTTING M4 RAMPS - YouTube You must log in or register to reply here. This USGI modification was done to both the barrel extension and the upper receiver, creating a longer and steeper feed ramp. For the purposes of this chapter, we'll call the new one the M4, and the old one the AR. FFL Fax: 866-721-8691. No feed ramps. In general, all you need to understand is that the M4 feed ramps include the barrel extension and upper receiver. You can put a M4 barrel and non-M4 receiver together, but you can't mismatch them the other way. Is one better than the other? AR-15 Barrel Extension Question - Sniper's Hide Forum UPPER RECEIVER: AR-15 Mil-Spec Machined out of 7075-T6 Forged Aluminum, M4 Feed Ramps, Cerakoted Magpul Flat Dark Earth (FDE) Color with Forward Assist and Ejection Port Cover Installed BARREL: 22 inch, 223 Wylde Caliber, 4150 CMV, 1:7 Twist, Heavy Bull Barrel Profile, Straight Fluted, Melonite/Nitride Finish - made for us by Tactical Kinetics HAND The photo shows the dents and the bolt lugs line up perfectly. If you ever have an issue, then look at getting a correct barrel for the upper. The leading cause that leads to the development of the M4 feed ramp is the gas pressure from the carbine gas system that is increasing along with a high cyclic rate. You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, I'll probably build a pistol out of this one. Little polish. -The Barrel MUST be removed from the Upper Receiver in order to use this Kit.-Never cut or polish the aluminum M4 Feed Ramps in your upper receiver! are all barrels w/ m4 feed ramps?? pm me at BOG or PG, or get in touch with my number 09177542777 if you're interested. But, as with anything else, this work can go too far. I would only add the feed ramps to the receiver if I had feeding issues, which you should not have. If I can correct an issue before it's an issue that is preferred. DSA has fat top, Mueller, non feed ramp uppers for $40. For those who have actually done it will a new barrel with the M4 feed ramp extension function properly with an old school rifle-type upper receiver? pictures would help. Reach in through the ejection port and slide the on deck cartridge about 1/4 inch forward and observe the tip of the bullet in relationship to the barrel extension. Feed ramps on barrel extensions are a good example. However, its rare now to find an upper receiver or a ready-to-go barrel that doesnt have the M4 cuts. Experts advise on 31 degrees+30 minus-zip. 11.5", SBN, 1:7, 5.56 NATO Barrel upper recievers and barrels are hard to comeby. The A2's are pretty reliable guns, but trashed mags can cause them to have malfunctions also. Thats receivers, bolts, and on down the list of the 100 or so parts that can make up an AR-15. I picked up a side charging upper from Sundevil last year. Share it in the comments section. When I function tested it the first time with live half-jacketed rounds I had the worst FTF jam I have ever experienced. BUT if you find someone to grind your feed ramps and they do a good job, post it up and let us know. FN AR15 barrels are hammer forged using the same proprietary high-grade Chrome Moly Vanadium steel used in FN's venerable machinegun barrels produced to handle the punishment of .
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