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The designation carbine is simply cosmetic, as the 44 Carbine offers all of the power and accuracy of a full-size rifle. The gun could easily range out to 200 yards and I dont believe in shooting game at longer ranges than that as the risk of just wounding increases proportionately with the range with any gun. The MP40 was a very compact and lightweight weapon, and was chambered for the same 9mm Luger round as the German army's standard pistol. The answer to this question is not as simple as it may seem. Spec Sheet. In 1985, the Ruger 44 Carbine was discontinued due to its high production cost after nearly a quarter million of the rifles had been made. Marlin 1895. Uniquely designed for use with a variety of magazines, the PC Carbine has an easily . I got an email for a Black Friday Sale on the CLA for $700. The Deerfield Carbine or Model 99/44 is a .44 Magnum semi-automatic rifle produced by Sturm, Ruger & Co. The semi-automatic design would feature a square receiver with a side ejection port that fully enclosed the bolt. The new gun held 5 rounds. There were several drawbacks to the M1 Carbine during World War II. contraceptive discontinuation is defined as starting contraceptive use and then stopping for any reason while still at risk of an unintended pregnancy. Ever since the. Why did Ruger discontinue the 44 carbine? Smith & Wesson Model 29 They had the only receiver that I know of that Ruger machined from solid blocks of steel instead of investment casting. Browning BLR. That also means a better chance of coming home with dinner for the family. Developed in the 1950s and made famous by the giant magnum revolvers in the Dirty Harry movies, this round delivers muzzle velocities between 1,100 and 1,600 feet per second with heavy bullets that are ideal for deer hunting or bear self-defense. Hodgdon In 1985, the Ruger 44 Carbine was discontinued due to its high production cost after nearly a quarter million of the rifles had been made. Answer (1 of 3): It was never discontinued. 44 magnum. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. There are many reasons why a product might be discontinued. The Ruger .44 magnum loads it's tubular magazine from the bottom of the receiver. For hunters looking for a light and handy carbine for medium-sized game at short to moderate ranges, the Ruger 44 Carbine is still hard to beat. The Ruger 96/44 was Rugers .44 Magnum lever action using a rotary magazine holding four rounds, The 96/44 had a barrel length of 18-1/2 with a weight slightly under 6 lbs. required a locked action in such a compact and lightweight package. Compare this to over 5,000,000 sold of the 22 LR version. Who makes the best 44 lever action rifle? The receiver of the 44 Carbine started as a solid block of steel that was machined into its final form into which the three lugs of the bolt locked. If a company is no longer able to produce a product, it could be because the materials or components it needs are no longer available, or because the manufacturing process has become too expensive. The cost to manufacture. Ruger discontinue the 44 carbine for several reasons. 44 Magnum semi-automatic rifle produced by Sturm, Ruger & Co. The MP40 was also a very reliable and accurate weapon, and was favored by many German troops. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. The .44 Magnum semi-auto carbine proved to be one of the best balanced combinations of power with minimum recoil available. We can not guarantee its completeness or reliability so please use caution. It could also be that the company has gone out of business. It is i Click for more info NEW THIS WEEK! The Guns.com inventory includes lever-action rifles for sale in a wide range of prices. The "U.S. Rifle, Caliber .30, Model of 1903," better-known as the M1903 Springfield, has become one of the most popular U.S. military small arms to collect. All information published on this website is provided in good faith and for general use only. This meant that the M1 Carbine couldn't compete with the longer-ranged and more powerful rifles used by the enemy, which often resulted in American soldiers being outgunned in engagements. Why did Ruger discontinue the 44 carbine? These 44 Magnum rifles are perfect brush and hunting guns. A fan of the big magnum, founder Bill Ruger was among the first to see the cartridges potential as a rifle round. Its 18 -inch barrel was rifled with a twist of one turn in 38 inches. However, the MP40 was not without its disadvantages. Turned out to be a great choice! In 1956, Bill Ruger learned the .44 Magnum was being developed and quickly decided to chamber it in the Blackhawk, beefing up the cylinder and frame to handle the heavier recoil. Have to agree with Tarbe, that it might be a cast bullet issue. Additionally, Ruger may have determined that the costs associated with continuing to produce the 44 carbine outweighed the benefits. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. The Model 44 is a solid-topped receiver carbine, while the Deerfield Carbine has an open-top design more resembling the M1 Carbine. The Ruger 44 carbine semi-automatic was a centerfire 4+1 chambered around . Primarily, the revolver calibers (.357 Magnum, .44 Magnum) and the Hornets (.17 Hornet, .22 Hornet). If there is no longer a demand for a product, it could be because tastes have changed, or because a new and better product has come on the market. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. It does not store any personal data. I did have a 99/44 which I adored. It was introduced in 2000 and discontinued in 2006.. Not that it would matter too much when hunting where often, assuming youre facing the animals broadside, a single hardcast semi-wadcutter 240-grain bullet in the lungs will be more than enough for a quick humane kill. Even its ammo was compact. The Deerfield uses a four round rotary box magazine while the standard uses a clip-on style. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Finally, Ruger added ghost ring sights to the 44 Carbine to help improve aiming. I suppose it was inevitable given the soft AR market and the softer 308 market. At that time, the 44 Carbine was one of the newest and most advanced carbines on the market. Smith & Wesson Model 29 The PC9 was later discontinued, but Ruger continues to offer a similar carbine in the form of the SR9C. The M1 Carbine was designed to be a replacement for the M1911 pistol, which was the primary sidearm of the time. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Cold hammer-forged barrel results in ultra-precise rifling that provides . We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. How many rounds does a Ruger 44 carbine hold? The Ruger SR40c is one of many semi-automatic handguns using the .40 S&W round. Finally, the 44 Carbine was not as available as other carbines. It does not store any personal data. In an effort to improve the 44 Carbine, Ruger employed a number of design changes. Today, the 44 Carbine is still very popular but its availability has increased significantly. This was well understood in the old days but like much of the old knowledge it seems to be largely forgotten today. The Deerfield Carbine replaced the earlier Ruger Model 44 Deerstalker rifle first produced in 1961 and dropped from the Ruger lineup in 1985 due to high production cost. A fan of the big magnum, founder Bill Ruger was among the first to see the cartridges potential as a rifle round. It was a much more expensive weapon to produce than the M1 Carbine, and it was also more difficult to control in full auto due to its high rate of fire. Hornady shows it in S&W revolvers in their catalogue. Why did Ruger discontinue the 44 carbine? He also increased the magazine capacity to 15 rounds and made the stock adjustable. 44 Magnum lever action using a rotary magazine holding four rounds, The 96/44 had a barrel length of 18-1/2 with a weight slightly under 6 lbs. When all of these factors are considered, it is easy to see why the 44 Carbine was and still is a very popular gun. Even at 100 yards the 44 Mags bigger, heavier bullet is going to transfer substantially more energy to its target than the 357 Mag could have at the same range. 44 Magnum bullet can reach speeds of up to 1,380 feet per second, generating kinetic energy at themuzzle of 1,015 foot-pounds of force. The .44 Magnum does not ruin much meat and offers a quick and humane kill. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. What type of gun did Clint Eastwood use in Dirty Harry? The new and improved Deerfield that was introduced in the 2000's suffered from feeding problems. Henry models start at less than $300 and go up to about $1,800. Unless youre comparing an unusually weak 44 Mag to an absolute monster of a 357 Mag, the 44 Mag is always going to benefit from an energy advantage. Ruger made the .44 Magnum carbine in Southport from 1959 to 1979 and in Manchester from 1969 to 1985. This time, they included the takedown action. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The Ruger 96/44 was Ruger's .44 Magnum lever action using a rotary magazine holding four rounds, The 96/44 had a barrel length of 18-1/2 with a weight slightly under 6 lbs. A short-stroke piston tapped gas off the barrel and pushed an action slide to the rear, which unlocked the bolt through a camming action. About 250,000 were made and it was still selling well when it was discontinued. The .44 Magnum had already proved itself on grizzly bears when fired from a pistol and the round had more power when fired from a rifle and could be fired faster as the carbine has negligible recoil while the .44 Magnum pistol is extremely slow for second shots because of heavy recoil. CVA Scout V2 Takedown. This PC Carbine is chambered in 9MM and is well-equipped for home-defense, recreational shooting.Click for more info Guns Listing ID: 316052 The Ruger PC Carbine is a handgun caliber rifle that is handy and dependable. I suppose it was inevitable given the soft AR market and the softer 308 market. four rounds I think its focus was kinda narrow. 4 How far will a 44 mag shoot accurately? What kind of gun is the Ruger 44 Magnum carbine? To remove the bolt from the Ruger M77, first make sure the rifle is unloaded. The Ruger Model 44 was replaced by the Ruger Deerfield Carbine introduced in 2000 and produced until 2006. The Mini-14 proved popular with law enforcement and civilians alike, and was Ruger's best-selling rifle for many years. Naturally, the 30-30 flings its bullets much faster than the 44 mag, and has a considerably higher energy but I can attest that the 44 magnum with good 240-grain jacketed bullets is one heck of a fine game-getter. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. It was especially popular with troops who were not comfortable with the larger and heavier standard infantry rifles. One was that the weapon was underpowered, due largely to the fact that it was originally designed as a tool for non-frontline troops such as rear-echelon personnel and officers. For heavy 300 JHPs the best thing you can run is H110 and look up loads in the Hodgdon manual under Rifle loads. Ruger 44 Carbine. The semi-automatic design would feature a square receiver with a side ejection port that fully enclosed the bolt. There are various reasons as to why women discontinue their contraception methods. Why did Ruger discontinue the 44 carbine? 5. What is the difference between HSI and Hscei? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc., better known by the shortened name Ruger, is an American firearm manufacturing company based in Southport, Connecticut, with production facilities also in Newport, New Hampshire; Mayodan, North Carolina; and Prescott, Arizona. Browning Lever Action Rifle. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. In some cases, it is because the company has decided to focus on other products that are more popular or more profitable. The RS model came equipped from the factory with an aperture rear sight and sling swivels, the Sporter featured a fancy Monte Carlo stock and the International established the Ruger tradition of making a rifle stocked to the muzzle in the Mannlicher style. I still see them at gun shows regularly Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. As expected, this announcement sent varmint hunters into a bit of a frenzy (both buying and worrying). When it comes to collectability, the earliest Deerstalker-marked carbines bring the highest premiums. Thats plenty of power, enough to take down up to deer-size game at distances of up to 50 yards. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Finally, the 44 Carbine was not very reliable, and often jammed. It is a great gun for hunting and sport shooting. Just as the Remington 740 was based on that company's shotgun internal design, Bill Ruger took his company's 10/22 rimfire carbine and upscaled it to handle .44 Magnum via a 4-round tubular . Magnum revolverthe most powerful handgun in the world. It was a crown S&W wore proudly, albeit briefly. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. There are two outstanding Ruger .44 Magnum rifles worth getting, one of which is in current production, but the other has to be found usedthough it's well worth it if you find one. Copyright 2023 MassInitiative | All rights reserved. One of the first factors that need to be considered is when the 44 Carbine was introduced. Fortunately, J. Dewey Mfg. The Deerfield Carbine is a semi-automatic based partially on the Mini-14 and partially on the 10/22. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The Deerfield Carbine is a semi-automatic rifle that uses a rotating-bolt short-stroke gas-piston. It was introduced in 2000 and discontinued in 2006. The day of the semi-auto had arrived. The rifle takes down super easy: just push a button and twist apart. Had they made it take a magazine simular to a .44 Desert Eagle pistol, it would have appealed to the self defense crowd.would have made a passible patrol carbine or boat gun. First, declining sales of the product likely played a role. Light and easy to carry it soon became extremely popular as a woods rifle. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. It used a 4-round internal tubular magazine and was produced from 1961 to 1985. This feature makes it handy for packing in a vehicle or for camping. Why did Ruger discontinue the 44 carbine? Any action you take based on the information found on cgaa.org is strictly at your discretion. In 1985, the Ruger 44 Carbine was discontinued due to its high production cost after nearly a quarter million of the rifles had been made. Why did Ruger discontinue the Deerfield Carbine? This belief was well founded. Every gun has its day, and that is good for the collector! Sometimes a product is discontinued because it is being replaced by a newer and better version. 44 Magnum choose 240 grain bullets for deer-sized animals and black bear. So much so that when Betty got ahold of that gun she started shooting it like it was a .22 which got expensive really fast. The Deerfield also uses a rotary magazine similar to that used on Ruger's .22 LR 10/22 rifle, whereas the Model 44 was fed via a fixed 4-shot tubular magazine. Copyright 2023 National Rifle Association, Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinics, Volunteer At The Great American Outdoor Show, Marion P. 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