Stephen Duncan Cause Of Death, Revelation 19 Explained Verse By Verse, Articles W

Locals devour lampredotto sarnies while glugging Chianti reds in hidden trattoria. Pallas and the Centaur by Sandro Botticelli, 1480-85, via The Uffizi Galleries, Florence Between Florence, Milan, Naples, and Rome, Florence was not the most militarily powerful nation. 1.) * Nepotism, Simony, and the Sale of Indulgences. A humorist who portrayed a comic world of giants whose adventures satirized education, politics, and philosophy. The Medici returned to Florence in triumph in 1512 behind the papal and Spanish armies, reasserting power in a clear and ruthless manner. Direct link to Wendy Vo's post I think it is just the wo, Posted 6 years ago. When informed that the city was ready to capitulate by paying off the enemy, Camillus stirred his troops and fellow citizens with powerful rhetoric. . Every day, Italo has 0 trains scheduled to depart from Milan to Florence and from Florence to Milan. c. Prohibiting Usury restricted the growth of business. Florence, Cinque Terre, Rome, & Amalfi Coast - 12 Days. Was there a Pope Giovanni Medici? It issued the Edict of Worms: this edict prohibited the printing and sale of Luther's works and for anyone to give aid and shelter to Luther. It takes an average of 2h 16m to travel from Milan to Florence by train, over a distance of around 155 miles (249 km). Henry of Navarre (Huguenot leader) became king of France in 1589 (Henry IV). Milan. Luther: teacher of Theology at Wittenberg University. Rome is a heady mix of haunting ruins, awe-inspiring art and vibrant street life. Oil paintings . It is also one of the most famous structures in all of Ancient Rome. In 1400 Florence was engaged in a struggle with the Duke of Milan. Delve beneath the famed sights and Florence is a lived-in Italian metropolis. Charles V, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. We normally think of a Republic as a government where everyone votes for representatives who will represent their interests to the government (think of theUnited States pledge of allegiance: "and to the republic for which it stands"). Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Florence and Rome, The Catholic Church, Saint Peter's and more. Shortly before this work was painted, however, the elaborate pageantry of the festival was curtailed. Milan. Botticelli's painting seems to reflect this new concern. b. Tour the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance to see the Ponte Vecchio "living bridge" on the Arno River See all videos for this article 2. At this point in his career, Filippino was still strongly under Botticelli's influence. 5.) He was Dutch and a brilliant classical scholar. It glorified the individual and approved worldly pleasures, viewing life as worthwhile for its own sake, not chiefly as a preparation for the life to come (salvation). At the end of the Middle Ages, writers began to to use the vernacular. a. 1550: Calvinism had spread,but had not become dominant in all areas. Realized their was little chance of religious reform in Catholic France. c. His Divine Comedy, a long poem in which Dante describes an imaginary trip through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven during which one of his guides is the Roman poet Virgil. Definition. d. Congregation: governed by a group of men called a Consistory. Renaissance Popes began the practice of selling them, in order to meet financial needs. In Addition: they also depicted worldly subjects, landscapes, portraits, and scenes of everyday life. Enter or exit at7th Street, Constitution Avenue, or Madison Drive. The volume on display is a . You can land and immediately go to Florence. 5. Direct link to Rida issa's post To behonest thats lowkey . This was about the time of the death of Verrocchio's master, the great sculptor Donatello. Luther issued an Open Declaration to the rulers of Germany. A republic is a form of government in which the people of the state have a great deal more power and influence than they previously did under an absolute monarchy, which was the common form of government in Middle Ages Europe.However, in Florence, the republic did not last long due to several factors, including: economic strife . Pre-reserved train tickets ensure a smooth, hassle-free trip. 7. By the 3rd century ce Florence was a provincial capital of the Roman Empire and a prosperous commercial centre. True. A Greek who settled in Spain, painted religious scenes such as the Assumption, portraits of church officials, and the famous landscape, View of Toledo. I think the author said that Reinaissance means the revival/rebirth of classical, ancient Greek/Roman value! The viewer, rather than being overwhelmed by rich detail, is instead aware of the quiet distance between him and the holy figuresand like the worshipers in the painting leans toward the infant. Filippino was the son of the artist Fra Filippo Lippi. b. Here, the Roman senate honors the hero Camillus with a triumphal parade through Rome. c. 1543: The Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus published On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres. I thought the Renaissance started in this period, so how could it be reborn? g. Mary died in 1558 leaving no heir to succeed her after a reign of five years. 2.) 3.) Then, between 1408 and 1414 Florence was threatened once again, this time by the King of Naples, who also died before he could successfully conquer Florence. Day 1 - Arrival in Milan. 2. 15th Century: Florence came under the control (rule) of the Medici family. Since the duke himself is no longer among the living, it's hard to ask him. This tour of Italy combines Italy's glorious cities Rome, Florence, Venice, with its beautiful nature Lake Como and the Amalfi Coast. The size of this painting suggests that it was probably displayed like a frieze with other panels in the home of a wealthy Florentine family. Botticelli's ethereal figures, defined by line rather than modeled with light and shadow, seem to float, their drapery billowing in graceful patterns. Perhaps it was even something else. It was built between 70 and 80 CE and was ordered to be built by Emperor Vespasian who ruled over Rome from 69 to 79 CE. 3. c. Helped to preserve Catholicism in Poland, Southern Germany, and Belgium. Perhaps because they had a different manifestation of government? c. She married Philip, son of Charles V and heir to the Spanish throne (her cousin). The distance from Rome to Florence is 162 miles and many high-speed trains make the trip in just 1 hour and 29 minutes. D. Machiavelli's The Prince represented an attempt to find ways to . Florence is where the Renaissance first began. Was it not so that during the beginning of the 15th century that Turks were threatening Constantinople more and more and that a great flight of artists, painters, sculpturers, writhers and scientists fled the city and came to Italy. 3. It had been the center of Greco-Roman Culture, Italy contained sculpture, buildings, roads, and manuscripts that excited curiosity about classical civilization. b. Lutheran: Justification By Faith --- salvation would be granted through faith alone. We know, for example, that Jacopo worked with Filippo Lippi, Ghirlandaio, and Botticelli. 4. * it is still retained by the present British Monarch. The practice and use of experimentation, observation and the use of mathematics were introduced in the late Renaissance. Florentia (The Flourishing Town) was founded in 59 bce as a colony for soldiers of the armies of Rome and was laid out as a rectangular garrison town (castrum) below the hilltop Etruscan town of Faesulae. The workshop of a Renaissance artist was both studio and school, where apprentices were trained to paint in the style of the master. 1. Marital alliances of Medici family members with members of the French nobility include those of Catherine de Mdici, queen of Henry II and later regent of France; Grand Duke Ferdinand I, who married Christine of Lorraine; and Marie de Mdicis, who married King Henry IV of France. 1. Paintings of Tobias and his angelic guardian were likely commissioned as dedications to ensure a safe journey, or offer thanks for a safe return. Cosimo de Medici (Cosimo the Elder) became the leading citizen in Florence after his return in 1434 from a year of exile. That's not nice. h. Result: her reign strengthened Protestant feeling in England. One of the few successes was the conquest of Pisa in 1406, making Florence a maritime power at last. * Claimed indulgences would not only bring pardon for sins, but also pardon for sins not yet committed. In Leonardo's painting she holds a carnation. b. b. Ptolemy-100's A.D.-theorized the earth was the center of the universe. They were viewed as a threat to the French Crown-Civil War broke out in 1562. You may be tempted to rush through Rome in fewer days. In a city filled with artists, the busiest workshop in the later 1400s was that of Domenico Ghirlandaio. a. They took over papal banking monopolies from rivals in nearby Siena and became tax collectors for the pope throughout Europe. Locally, Florence also added neighbouring cities to its sphere of influence and obliged rival powersPisa, Siena, Pistoia, and Arezzoto become its allies. Some of them were the Metallii, the Cornelii, the Claudii, the Valerii. a. 2. In. 25 Famous Paintings to See the Next Time Youre in Florence, Fra Bartolomeo: portrait of Girolamo Savonarola. b. It is not clear whether the present gilt surface (not original) replaced original gilding or was applied over a now-obliterated landscape, such as seen elsewhere in this room. Lutheranism Spread to Norway, Sweden, and Denmark and it became the Established Church: in Norway and Sweden. His strict rule came to an end in 1498, but with it closed a phase of Florentine greatness. Direct link to David Alexander's post Giorgia, my friend, this , Posted 4 years ago. Tobit is described as a man of good faith who suffers from blindness and poverty. In 1472, the city boasted 54 workshops for marble and stone; it employed 44 master gold- and silversmiths, and at least thirty master painters. He attracted many followers, including, it seems, Botticelli, who abandoned mythological subjects. However, Florence was a Republic in the sense that there was a constitution which limited the power of the nobility (as well as laborers) and ensured that no one person or group could have complete political control (so it was far from our ideal of everyone voting, in fact a very small percentage of the population had the vote). He spoke in praise of the dignity of human beings. Intellectual: Impact of the Renaissance. Portrayed everyday life and common people in his paintings. In this period, which we call the Early Renaissance, Florence is not a city in the unified country of Italy, as it is now. This painting is based on the Book of Tobit which tells the story of Tobit of Nenevah. Clear in the distant landscape are the Palazzo Vecchio, center of the city administration; Brunelleschi's huge cathedral dome; and the campanile designed by Giotto. They were backed against the Medici by the popular party in Florence, which (with French help) succeeded in exiling the Medici and declaring Florence a republic. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. Admission: attempted to force Luther to state whether he was a rebellious clergyman or not. With a balance between its leading merchant families, Florence was now ruled by its guilds, divided into seven major guilds and a number of minor ones. They were major patrons of the arts, and helped majorly in the Florentine renaissance. Finish off your travels relaxing on the . Tickets cost 23 - 35 and the journey takes 3h 35m. It's one of the world's most charismatic cities. 2. Stability was briefly threatened in 1478 by the brutal but abortive Pazzi conspiracy seeking to end the Medici rule. Focused attention upon secular society rather than the medieval preoccupation with the Church and religious affairs. Legend held that earthquakes destroyed pagan temples at the moment Christ was born, and in a more general sense ruins suggest that the old order of the Law of Moses is supplanted by the new era of Grace made possible by Christ's birth. d. It required the clergy to renounce worldly pleasures. The rise of the Florentine woolen cloth industry and of banking provided a basis of capital. Many northern scholars also traveled to Italy to absorb Italian art and learning. According to legend, Rome was founded by brothers Romulus and Remus in 753 BCE atop Rome's Palatine Hill. a. Cunning and experimentation were not encouraged in most apprentices to the Arti. b. 12th Century: Europeans discovered paper from the Moslems. The works in this tour date from the time of Lorenzo de' Medici, the Magnificent, whom Machiavelli called "the greatest patron of literature and art that any prince has ever been.". Italy is one of the most famous countries for structures which include the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Colosseum. Charles V: nephew of Catherine of Aragon. 1 / 20. Not as Protestant as Edward's advisors -- she wanted a strong national church that would unite the English People. Fascination with the melodies, rhythms, and colorful materials from distant lands is a romantic trend known as musical nationalism. 2.) These flights jet off from London Stansted, Edinburgh, Manchester, East Midlands and Glasgow, taking around 2 hours 30 minutes. atop Rome's Palatine Hill. 3. _____ were an especially popular art form in Flanders in the early 15th century. Train from Florence to Venice. Florence saw itself as the ideal city state, a place where the freedom of the individual was guaranteed, and where many citizens had the right to participate in the government (this must have been very different than living in the Duchy of Milan, for example, which was ruled by a succession of Dukes with absolute power). 5. The northern Italian cities developed international trade: Genoa, Venice, Milan 1. Benefiting from the revival of trade that resulted from the Crusades, Italy had wealthy influential people who became patrons (supporters) of literature, art, and science. Among the greatest patrons in 15th-century Florence were members of the powerful Medici family, who ruled as princes, though the city was, in name, a republic. A. Signori (despots) or oligarchies (rule of merchant aristocracies) controlled much of Italy by 1300. He imitated the style of classical writers. Florence's position in the wool and silk industries relied on its reputation for qualitya tradition of craftsmanship that made discerning patrons of its merchants and financiers. a. Catholic: through good works and the sacraments. But as surprisingly small as Florence is, the riverside city looms large as the cradle of the Renaissance. Economic: "Jealousy of the Church's Wealth". Revived interest, chiefly among educated people, in literature and writing. Here's the best 10 day itinerary for road tripping from Milan to Rome. b. Henry had her condemned and put to death for treason. . A few weeks after his birth, the family moved to Florence. A republic is, after all, a place that respects the opinions of individuals, individualism was a critical part of the Humanism that thrived in Florence in the 15th century. 2.) The long-time center of the powerful Roman Empire, Rome boasts nearly 3,000 years of architecture, history, and culture. 1. Giovanni Rucellai, a major patron of art and architecture in fifteenth-century Florence, paid Leon Battista Alberti to construct the Palazzo Rucellai and the faade of Santa Maria Novella, both high-profile and extremely costly undertakings. Political parties grew up along the issues of aggressive expansion and preservation of peace; the former policy was embraced by the Blacks (Neri; the rich merchants), the latter by the Whites (Bianchi; the lesser citizens). As worshipers bowed their heads at the elevation of the host, Giuliano was brutally stabbed. b. Jane Seymour's family controlled the throne as regents for Edward. He supported the heliocentric theory of planetary revolution. Notice, too, the Virgin's left hand, which holds a pomegranate, symbol of the Resurrection. However, if you're traveling on a slower . Official painter to the court of King Philip IV of Spain; also did many paintings of royalty. 2. 3. Pirates, Italy has so many amazing cities, instead of picking 1 you could head off to 4 on this awesome city trip we have come across.. * Differences: Services in English not Latin. Ludovico negotiated with both Italian and non-Italian powers in order to protect himself from the danger posed by Naples, but the most fateful of his dealings were with the king of France, Charles VIII (1483 98). Considered the greatest painter of Northern Europe. The people of ancient Rome were divided into two classes: wealthy, aristocratic patricians and poorer commoners called plebians. Political Problem: Henry was opposed to the interference of any outside power or the influence of the Catholic Church within England. Luther retained only two sacraments: baptism and communion ------- he maintained the others were not authorized in the Bible. a. Aristarchus-200's B.C.-theorized that the sun was the center of the universe. This madonna is modeled after one by Leonardo; in fact, the painting was once thought to be an early work by Leonardo. During the 12th and 13th centuries the economic and political power of the city grew steadily. Florence in the Early Renaissance by Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Beth Harris The Renaissance really gets going in the early years of the fifteenth century in Florence. Whoever the client of Renaissance art, they . Despite their delight in pagan themes, most Florentine humanists remained deeply pious. d. Bishops and Abbots who had become protestants had to resign and give up their land (it remained the property of the Catholic Church). . Direct link to kleecolor's post If they did, it was in a , Posted 7 years ago. The lyrical and graceful linethe rippling cascades of drapery and the fanlike fall of cloth at the Virgin's hemshow Filippino's debt to his teacher, but the confident colors are the artist's own. 2. b. In the West, Constantine I (r. 306-337 CE) successfully defeated Maxentius at the Milvian Bridge in Rome. The guilds were took the term 'Arti' in Italian. He is famous for his Laughing Cavalier. 4. Although the archangel is usually shown with a mortar or medicine box, his identity here is established by the presence of Tobias holding a fish. Direct link to pim hienkens's post Was it not so that during, Posted 8 years ago. It was ruled by the powerful Medici Family who used their money to support artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. b. His family name was 'Flavian'; therefore the original name of the Colosseum was the Flavian Amphitheater. Jan van Eyck. Rubens (1577-1640) -- depicted action in religious and historical paintings. Itinerary. Devised pumps and canals: attempted to discover the scientific principle behind waves. 3. The other early Italian city-states to appear in northern . It was an invitation for scholars to debate the issue with him. Stroll through cobblestone streets in Florence and sip on Chianti wine before discovering the enchanting, colorful villages of Cinque Terre. Drew inspiration from classical civilization - eagerly seeking, studying, and publicizing ancient Greek and Roman manuscripts. Term. Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, and Macbeth. Sandro Botticelli, Italian, 1446 - 1510, The Adoration of the Magi, c. 1478/1482, tempera and oil on panel, Andrew W. Mellon Collection, 1937.1.22. In Hebrew, Raphael's name means "God has healed." But the colors differ from Leonardos subdued palette, and the landscape lacks his fanciful mountains. 1450: printing with movable type was invented by a German, Johan Gutenberg. So Rome still just shades it, particularly as the airport connection is slightly easier and around 20 minutes quicker, and the Rome-Florence trains are every 30 minutes and Milan-Florence are hourly. 1. She was married to Henry after the death of Anne Boleyn. In ancient Rome, the leading patrons were the old patrician families which had retaimed their wealth and prestiege. 15th-century Florence is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance. The open window and mourning dove were familiar symbols of death, alluding to the flight of the soul and the deceased's passage to the afterlife. Other significant guilds included wool merchants, bankers, masons, builders, sculptors, lawyers and solicitors, Doctors and Apothecaries. Its streets formed a pattern of rectangular blocks, with a central forum, a temple to Mars, an amphitheatre, and public baths. Domenico Ghirlandaio, Italian, 1449 - 1494, Madonna and Child, c. 1470/1475, tempera on panel transferred to hardboard, Samuel H. Kress Collection 1961.9.49. Subjects like this one, taken from the writings of the ancient Roman author Livy, displayed the learning and sophistication of Renaissance patrons and were especially popular in domestic settings. Cosimo and his wife, Eleonora of Toledo, patronized the arts and undertook vast building programs, such as the construction of the Uffizi, the renovation of the Palazzo Vecchio, and the reconstruction of the Pitti Palace. The Society of Jesus . You will stay for 8 nights in total, 2 nights each in Rome, Florence, Milan and Venice.. Rearing horses in the background, for example, appear to reflect the colossal horses of the Dioscuri. I didn't find direct flights from Milan (MXP) to Florence (surprisingly), and the train is closer to four hours. Questioning Attitude: some doubted the Church's religious authority (powers). c. Jane died of natural causes shortly after Edward's birth. Influenced by the artistic achievements of Classical Greece and Rome. a. Babylonian Captivity (1309-1377)--- Papacy headquartered in Avignon, France under the domination of the French king. 2. Make the most of your time in Italy with this 11-day journey through the highlights of the country. Many of the ceremonies and the organization of the Church were also the same as the Catholic Church. A painter and architect born near Florence. Direct link to hschiro2022's post How is Florence different, Posted 10 months ago. Among the greatest patrons in 15th-century Florence were members of the powerful Medici family, who ruled as princes, though the city was, in name, a republic. 1. The decorated parade floats recalled the lavish spectacle of processions in Florence. d. The word Machiavellian has come to mean "cunning and unscrupulous" -- a prototype for a totalitarian dictator, right or left wing. Train from Rome to Florence. Stated his position on the question of indulgences. A city-state run during the Renaissance by the Medici family. Rome is only two hours away from Florence by train, which you can catch at the Santa Maria Novella station and that will lead you to the Roma Termini train station, basically in the center. Lorenzo di Credi, Italian, c. 1457/1459 - 1536, Madonna and Child with a Pomegranate, 1475/1480, oil on panel, Samuel H. Kress Collection, 1952.5.65. In addition, the younger son of Lorenzo was elected Pope Leo X; his pontificate (151321) was noteworthy for its cultivation of the arts, especially his employment of Raphael. A scholar and clever political leader. b. Spiritual leaders (soldiers) to fight Protestantism: priests and teachers. He lived an increasingly opulent life, as is apparent in the ostentation of the Medici Palace and the patronage of churches such as San Lorenzo and the monastery of St. Mark, with its frescoes by Fra Angelico. Ever since Georgio Vasari's Lives of the Artists (1550, revised and enlarged 1568), the study of Renaissance art has been inextricably tied to the concept of patronage. b. The consequence, however, was the loss of political autonomy to the larger conflicts of Italian peninsular struggles. What were key features of early civilizations. Medici patronage bankrolled the works of the architect Brunelleschi, sculptors Donatello and Ghiberti, and painters Masacchio, Sandro Botticelli, Fra Angelico, Paolo Uccello, Filippo Lippi, Piero della Francesca and Domenico Ghirlandaio, who explored three . This was true not only for the wealthy, but also for those of more modest means. Direct link to aecaroe's post The guilds of Florence we, Posted 4 years ago. Stay in a nice B&B there for a few days. Day 3 - Best of Venice - free time. Renaissance painting emphasized realism, attention to detail, and a desire for perfection. Milan to Florence by train. Giorgia, my friend, this looks like your homework. Among them: Two bishops and Archbishop Cranmer (67 years old) were burned at the stake. b. What was the center of the early Renaissance? However, in the summer of 1348 the Black Death struck, reducing the population by half. b. Republican Florence was led briefly by a fiery Dominican preacher, Girolamo Savonarola, who boldly condemned the luxury and urbane culture of his predecessors. a. Arthur: older brother of Henry who died before he could become king. Or it may beest from an earlier encounter/and or disagreement between the two city states at the time, not unlike yon Sparta and Athens in ancient Greece during 431 BC? b. Expensively clad citizens reenacted the journey of the three kings to Bethlehem with processions through the streets. Day 4 - Free time - Venice to Florence. a. e. The Council also prepared an Index of Prohibited Books: a list of heretical books forbidden to Catholics. Florentia ("The Flourishing Town") was founded in 59 bce as a colony for soldiers of the armies of Rome and was laid out as a rectangular garrison town ( castrum) below the hilltop Etruscan town of Faesulae. It's a sleek and chic modern city, the thriving finance and fashion capital of Italy. An Italian, who lived for a while near Florence, was a scholar of law, philosophy, Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and Arabic. She gave birth to a daughter, Elizabeth, but no sons. After Lorenzo the Magnificent died in 1492, economic and political disasters put Florence in the hands of Savonarola's radical religious reformers. Everyone was not required to be a member. Act of Succession had been passed by Parliament prior to Henry's death. Filippino's education was taken over by his father's pupil, Botticelli, and their association lasted many years. 2. Basic Doctrine: Predestination ------- God has chosen those who would be saved before birth. Living a pure and righteous life was the only way one could prove he was one of the Elect. a. Instead, Italy was divided into many city-states (Florence, Milan, Venice etc. Because of this, Milan is known as Italy's "new" city and represents modern Italy. Romantic music puts unprecedented emphasis on self-expression and individuality of style. A powerful banking family that gained power in Florence in the 15th century. Day 1: Explore Milan Milan is an amazing destination in northern Italy. b. Areopagitica: in which Milton advocated freedom of the press. From the late 18th to the mid-20th century, a large Anglo-American colony was an integral part of the Florentine scene. It is often difficult to distinguish the work of the master from that of talented assistants whose individual styles were not yet fully developed. 1. He commemorated a Spanish victory against the Dutch in his Surrender of Breda. It reaffirmed basic Catholic Doctrines such as Papal Supremacy and the authority of the Church to interpret the Bible. B. Early Renaissance painters dealt with religious themes but with a lifelike approach. a. 1. The slow economic rebirth of Italy in the fifty years following the devastation of the 1348 plague resulted in a population shift from countryside to commune. Both the republican elites of Florence and Venice and the ruling families of Milan, Ferrara, and Urbino hired humanists to teach their children classical morality and to write elegant, classical letters, histories, and propaganda. The Adoration of the Magi. 1632: Galileo published his Dialogue on the Two Great Systems of the World. b. Doctrine and ritual remained Catholic. f. Calais: the last English possession in France was lost during her reign. Let's see how the two cities . What is Pope Pius II remembered as? a. He achieved this position by virtue of his great wealth (the result of the largest banking network in Europe) and an extensive network of patronage obligations. In 1494, shortly after the death of Lorenzo, French armies under King Charles VIII invaded Italy. 4.) The guilds of Florence were secular corporations that controlled the arts and trades in Florence from the twelfth into the sixteenth century. a. a. Italian who studied the classics and wrote in both Italian and Latin. All of this said, classical stories from antiquity were often used as inspiration and subject-matter for paintings. c. The edict was openly defied in areas of the German States (Holy Roman Empire). To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. And, by the end of the centuryfor the first time since antiquitysome art was being made simply "for art's sake." Many of Milan's old monuments and buildings were destroyed during WWII and the new construction and modern architecture give Milan a sophisticated vibe. Luxury goods bought in the Levant, such as spices, dyes, and silks, were imported to Italy and then resold throughout Europe.