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At work, Jack told Andy they all thought she would get the promotion. Andy and Jack found the owner still alive inside and managed to resuscitate her, but Andy couldn't feel joy over having saved the woman's life. 'ake up" said the little girl from the back seat of the car looking at her parents but neither of them seemed to be able to hear her "Daddy pwease Devin bishop is Maya bishop little sister what happens when Maya finds out Devin has been kicked out. Andy got him freed and he planned to go for help, but he wasn't able to move or feel his legs. Takes place during the opening sequence of 6x08 "I Know A Place.". Profession Maybe then she would have all the answers. He blurted out that he was in love with her and had been for a long time, causing him to fail at everything. Andy then noticed a sprinkler system and said they needed to locate the valve. Marital [37], Andy, Dean, and Maya responded to a call about a woman injured in the park. He needed to get Ben to the school for his friend Ava, who was pregnant and in labor. Speaking of repression, back at Pac North, Mayas father becomes irate when he believes she is ignoring him and siding with her mother, who recently revealed to Maya that she had left him after years of abuse. Station 19 (TV), Grey's Anatomy Mature No Archive Warnings Apply F/F Complete Work 02 Mar 2023 No Archive Warnings Apply Maya Bishop/Carina DeLuca Carina DeLuca/Arizona Robbins Kai Bartley/Amelia Shepherd Maya Bishop Carina DeLuca Andy Herrera Andrew DeLuca Teddy Altman (Grey's Anatomy) Amelia Shepherd Arizona Robbins Will she build trust in people. Jack, with Dean's help, was able to restrain him and bandage his hand before they were able to take him to the hospital. Sullivan sent Dean to get support beams and Travis and Vic to evacuate the floor below them just in case. She has endured so much in her young life, it's almost unbelievable.. Maya and Carina Deluca-Bish. They met Vic and she told them about what happened, how Andy confronted Bishop and Bishop finally put her foot down and tried to be a Captain as she should. Status Max was scared to let go and jump to the loop, even when his father told him to. At the ceremony, she fled after receiving the medal. His keeping that from her only made it worse for her. He wanted Ben to go in, but asked for Maya's input. When Andy protested that, he promoted her to lieutenant and said they could share the responsibilities until a new captain was officially chosen. While she was gone, Andy heard Max's voice down below them. After Pruitt crashed due an allergic reaction, he still insisted on continuing the treatment, but asked Bailey to keep Andy included on all his treatment from then on. She tried to convince him to find a way out, but he said he wasn't willing to sacrifice the lives of anyone on the team to try to save himself. They were able to restore sinus rhythm.[35]. [23], The station responded to a fire at the house of Audrey and Oliver. Shes alive! Maya and Ben found her mother inside still seizing. Why did her mom participate in this lie? She plays shortstop for Station 19's softball team. Andy and Ryan called Pruitt and his partner and applied pressure to the wound as they awaited his arrival. They later returned to the Inn when the fire reignited and engulfed the building in flames. While they worked on her, Andy took Ellie to the conference room to talk to her and keep her calm. Water was then finally available and they doused the building as quickly as they could. [20], When her father stopped responding to treatment, Andy was surprised at home much her father had hidden from her about his treatment. Just like she can't help this impulse. Vic suggested that Ryan go first. Pruitt got Maya to get Ladder 19 to the roof of the building, and Pruitt made a vent on the roof and fell to his death. Andy stayed in the back with them and continued to monitor them. As they were delivering the baby, Maya confessed that she had fought for the job and hadn't just been given it because Andy wasn't fit for it.
Ben, who had been left behind at the station due to a burn on his hand, was aided by Travis and Pruitt as he located plans for the storm drains' paths to see where Max was most likely to have gone. Ripley said no, but Andy took the elevator key and sent the elevator up. He understood, but didn't agree with, her call. She'd recently had heart surgery. {Sequel to `Nonentity Probie`}~Published: 12th of January 2023--Story Ongoing-.
Hope Chapter 1: Pruitt and Andy, a station 19 fanfic | FanFiction Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. It doesnt mean theres not hope for the marriage, but I do think that its an uphill climb. Subscribe to Deadline Breaking News Alerts and keep your inbox happy. After being banished from his room, they waited in the hospital waiting area. Ben, Travis, and Andy remained trapped. [31], Station 19 was called out to a structure fire. Set After 6x07 in a world where Andrew is not dead, Miller is not dead, and Andrew's girlfriend Sam hadn't been deported because I simply refuse. Amelia Shepherd suggested they take a 90-day break to help with his sobriety. Carina doesn't kn Chief Ripley gives nineteen another chance with the PRT, Carina and Warren work closely together to save the lives of everyone possible, but with fresh starts comes new During the brief time Andy Herrera and Robert Sullivan were dating. When Dr Bailey suggests Carina get a personal trainer to help with the new found stresses of her job - it isn't quite what she was expecting.
Robert could feel Andy's clammy hand start to shake a bit. She was the state champion in salsa dancing. As she came to terms with her father's diagnosis and impending death, Andy continued to sleep with Jack, whose secret had come out during the blizzard. She admitted she had been a crappy friend but she still cared for Andy. Like all Seattle firefighters, she's also a qualified EMT. She told him their sex had helped her, but now that she was feeling other things than anger again, she deemed having sex with him too messy. She said they'd alternate as captain each shift until then. Their worries were abated when Jack and Andy said they'd ended things. I think that there are opportunities for Maya to discover who shes going to be romantically now that she understands that she had mistaken abuse for love and support, and how that will create more space for her to have loving, supportive relationships. VERNOFF: I dont know if there was reasoning so much as a feeling that it was true. Andy is confident, badass, she plays by the rules, but will also bend them if the situation fits. Four months later, Andy was awarded a Medal of Valor for her actions. They learned she was Margaret Chen. One-shot with stories from our favorite Station 19 couple Andy and Robert. But in terms of immediate family, it was just them. [44], They continued having sex regularly in the mornings.
'Station 19' Season 4 Episode 14: Why is Bailey not with Ben - MEAWW [13], After Ben and Dean discovered that The Langham was on fire, they called the rest of the team in to help and started an evacuation. ET on ABC. They were able to turn off the gas to the house, to keep it from reigniting. Now that was a season finale! They got her breathing as well and Dallas went to give them numbers to contact parents, but she had trouble breathing and vomited. Andy felt there was more going on, so she asked Margaret about it.
Secrets Chapter 3, a station 19 fanfic | FanFiction We planned it, we wrote it and still every time I watch that cut it shocked me and I would burst into tears for her, for Andy. Deadline is a part of Penske Media Corporation. Most of the team was sent to relieve station 7 working on the active fire, but Ben and Travis were kept for triage and Maya and Vic were sent above the fire to do crowd control at a law firm where they were keeping civilians held in place. Maya and Carina are now mothers to Stella and Layla! She told Vic that she had an abortion after seeing her career end before it began and that if she'd told Ryan, he'd want to keep the baby. As they sat down for breakfast there, they agreed to move in together as Andy couldn't bear to live with Maya anymore. Maya took the group on a mandatory camping trip to increase morale. While the crew worked on saving them, Andy, Maya, Pruitt, and Jack went on a hunt to find the woman's nose, which had been ripped off. She saw the water heater and decided they could use the pilot light to create an explosion. VERNOFF: I feel like there is a huge amount to explore in Season 4 because of where we left off Season 3. They had to free Susan, who was impaled on a piece of the bus, and Carla, who was pinned under the bus, while also treating Mary and the other six victims who were free. She told him about her promising her mother she'd take care of him just before her death. SPOILER ALERT: The report includes details about the Season 3 finale of Station 19. If I apologize, if I listen to you, if I go to therapy like she wanted, I pause, too weak to ask the question, desperate for an answer yet Im terrified to hear it. They freed her, but struggled to get her to stop seizing. As her mom was ready to be moved, she said she didn't want to go to the hospital with her because she felt she was always messing things up. [56] When Andy returned to work and Ben confronted Sullivan about the stolen drugs from the PRT car, Sullivan was forced to confess to both Ben and Dixon about his marriage. When the team arrived, they went up to the roof. When they arrived, they learned that the opening was smaller than they expected, too small for an adult to fit down to get him. She told Andy that unlike her, she knew how to separate her personal and professional lives. And that her secret sister will be joining 19? This site is protected by reCAPTCHA Enterprise and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Baby Rambo [42], Later, when she heard gun shots while they were on a stakeout, she worried that Ryan was the one shot and was extremely relieved when she learned he wasn't. On the way home, Jack said he needed to win it because he was still in it, but Andy refused to talk to him about it. However, the longer their friends kept quiet, the more anxious they were getting. All the emotions Maya goes through after being placed on a 5150 hold. Saw the #marinawintercheers prompt on Twitter, and thought I'd give them a go! Andy went after her and got her to agree to come back to their rig. She finally gets in touch with her aunt, who tells her shes coming to Seattle because what she has to say to Andy cant be done over the phone. 6.2K 158 5. . Get our latest storiesin the feed of your favorite networks. Andy decided to give her a proper tour. When Maya learned that the hydrant was dry because the building was scheduled for demolition, she suggested that once they cleared the building, they could use the water in the engine to drown the surrounding buildings and let it burn. Seasons Before they could do the funeral for Pruitt, COVID-19 hit, so they did it virtually, and Andy gave the eulogy. Andy was upset to know that if she'd had her way and they waited for the engineers, Evelyn would have died. Maya is seriously injured. Will Ella ever be the same again? They found him on the floor, unconscious and pulseless. 89 Alive Later, they have sex on the floor of Sullivan's old office, which doesn't seem to bother him at all. He decided that sex was not enough for him, and that he wanted more, to build a home with someone. The whole crew gathered at the station with civilians to sit out a massive blizzard. While out for a call involving an aircraft explosion, Pruitt came to help out with the injured citizens. But, with bumps and roadblocks along the way, will the ship sink or will things stay afloat?. Fire Lieutenant They got bored as they waited in the ambulance, unable to leave. I'm n "Mommy? They trust each other with their lives. After a shower, they tended to Greg Tanner, who came in looking for Pruitt to patch him up after a fight. The strip worked and the fire started to die down. [1], At age 9, she lost her mother. Language: Words: 37,808 Chapters: /12 Kudos: Hits: Her late father Pruitt was Andy's primary inspiration to become a firefighter. He was unconscious. Andy showed him how to do compressions and made him do them continuously even as he wore out, because his dummy hadn't beeped back to life. She wasn't mad that Maya took the job, she was mad that Maya took the job without a word of acknowledgment, which would have told Andy that she wasn't a complete sociopath. Dean, Vic and Travis already left in Aid 19 with Maria. When Andy got all of Pruitt's things after he died, she found some things that were questionable. On the way, she met Maya and Vic, who were on their way down. Maya worried that that meant that it was so hot inside that it could kill them instantly. Vic told them about Gibson and his guilt eating him up. Conflicts arise as she learns of Jack and Andy's past, and emotions come to head as twist and turns await around e. While responding to an accident involving multiple injured bikers, Jack refused to stop performing CPR on a biker until Andy pointed out to him that the man was a lost cause, saying this wasn't going to be the win that Jack apparently so desperately needed. Andy said, her voice soft at the end of the sentence.
Hearts never apart Chapter 1, a station 19 fanfic | FanFiction After the awkward moment from earlier in the day when Dean is startled by the fact that he slept in the same bed with his best friend-turned-secret crush, Vic (Barrett Doss), Dean asks Vic to move out. Max was then lifted to safety. Andy broke down and fled to the bunk. Pruitt sent Maya and Andy in to do search and rescue while Dean, Jack, and Travis put out the fire. Principal Linsley met them and said it was likely a false alarm. Family Fluff. IN this episode Andy killed a guy accidently and everyone trying to make her normal .Andy and MayaMaya Bishapcarina delucajack gibsonstation 19 episode 9 sea. Dean and Travis had to pry Shawn out of his car while Vic and Ben worked on the truck driver, who had gotten out of the cab and fallen. It was surrounding Ben and Vic and they didn't have enough foam to put it out. Work Search: They found a toolkit, which Karen used to pick the lock on the trunk of the car and retrieve a jack. DEADLINE: Can we talk about the fact that Andys mom is still alive? The two of them promised the woman they would watch her kids while Pruitt took her to the hospital.
station 19 fanfiction maya injured - lumpenradio.com A series of ficlets based on song lyrics prompted to me by the lovely folk on Tumblr. Appearances "Oh, ok" simply said Ben. Will threads realign, or will they sizzle beyond the flame? However, later that day, when Andy jeopardized Maya's shot at rescuing a kid, Maya was angry at her.[68]. Since they'd lost that chance to get him, they had only one more access point down the line. She had them hold on to each other due to low visibility. Defiantly, Andy said they still were a team and rallied the others to support her. When they heard creaking behind her door, they broke the lock, which showed that there were stacks of things filling her apartment, which was compromising the floor. The missing Travic moment from 6x08, because sometimes all you need to do is hug your best friend. Im really excited to explore Vic and Deans friendship and Deans decision to withhold the information that hes falling in love with her, his decision to prioritize their friendship and the fire station crew over his romantic feelings. From what Andy knew, she thought her mother killed herself because she experienced flashbacks to their last fun day together, and she expressed this to Meredith. After returning from a later call, she and Maya found Greg in an elevator, where he'd passed out. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early Life 1.2 Fire Academy 1.3 Meeting Meredith 1.4 Pruitt's Cancer and Leadership Changes at Station 19 1.5 At the party celebrating her medal, she hooked up with Ryan. Andy revealed that they weren't ready for a baby, so that was one factor that led to her decision. Later, Andy overheard Frankel tell Jack she worried that Andy had been handed her promotion by her father. Alias Carina liked it here. She was given glucose and quickly woke up, but still worried about her mom having another seizure and her not being able to help. [12], When a crash caused a tanker to overturn, Station 19 responded. Given their feud, Rigo ignored him and as Jack pulled him back, he dropped his fire extinguisher, causing an explosion that left him eviscerated. Rude, arrogant, cocky - thr Maya and Carina are happily married and starting a family. Andy and Dean then got checked out by Bailey, a new requirement by Sullivan. Dean learned she was a fugitive and the cops wanted them to distract her to give them time to arrive. Jack stayed with her and they retrieved the dummy. [16], Maya and Andy responded to a call for an Aid Car at a police stakeout, just in case anyone got hurt. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1563), Victoria Hughes & Travis Montgomery (193), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, she needs to get her head out of her own ass, Maya & Carina ~ Marriage and Parenthood, Original Maya Bishop/Carina DeLuca Child(ren), Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital (Grey's Anatomy). VERNOFF: Its worrisome any time anybody dives into anything as quickly and in as much trauma bonding as they did. She told him she was done fighting and being angry. Andy had put him up on a pedestal, the crew had him up on a pedestal, and what I think is that even heroes are human.
Captain, my Captain Chapter 3, a Grey's Anatomy + Station 19 Crossover Andy got him on a backboard and tried to reassure him as she treated both him and Shannon. She got married in a pink chiffon dress atcity hall. They enlisted Ryan's help. As the temperature climbed, Ryan decided to hot wire the car and try to use it as a battering ram. Sullivan retrieved it for her. She said men deciding things for her to protect her was a recurring theme in her life. They immediately heard the beeping on Jack's PASS device, which they followed to find him. Pruitt was playing Texas Hold Em with some of his former fellow firefighters, and they tuned in to the radios at the fire. [21], While Andy was captain, they were called out to respond to Peter, who accidentally ran into a dumpster. #surreracountdown #Surrera #Station19. They tried to use the jack to lift the garage door, but it wouldn't budge. [11], Station 19 got called out to Stratford Middle School, where someone had pulled the fire alarm. I think theres just a lot of gray. Station 19 had finished putting out the fire and stood by until the bomb squad dismantled the bigger bomb. However, while they were still preparing the meal, the team was called away due to accidents from the windstorm. Biographical Information Maya suggested sending in Andy instead, because she's lighter and has more experience. He confessed he had testicular cancer and only had six months left to live as he was rejecting treatment. Andy talked about having a fall-out with her father over his slut-shaming her. Pruitt was then taken to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, where he had surgery and then was diagnosed with mesothelioma. As they worked, Shannon asked if one of them could get her purse out of her car, as it had a necklace her grandmother gave her. DEADLINE: What went into the decision to bring the storyline of Andys mom back at the beginning of the season. A 608 exploration. Andy offered to sit with her son, who was anxious, while they waited for his father to arrive. Maya is severely injured in a fire due to Captain Beckett's drinking and lack of judgment. It certainly has to change her. Lots of love, fluff, smut, occasional drama and angst included.Takes place immediately after Build a Home. Andy, who has been recollecting the last fun day she had with her dead mom, bumps into Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) at Grey Sloan Memorial. Jack then told her that if he didn't get captain, he was putting in for a transfer to another station. They got two bowls of rice and had Kat grip and release it to improve her grip strength. By subscribing, I agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. While the group attempted to keep things light and fun, Maya had the entire trip scheduled out and was adamant about sticking to the schedule. They arrived to see a confused woman on a park bench with a head wound. Im excited to get into the room with the writers and begin to explore all of the characters and all of the things that the season finale of three have set us up for. They suggested rice. When Pruitt heard Andy was trapped, he rushed to the scene. At the bar, Jack told her he had been sleeping with fellow firefighter Rigo's wife, breaking the firefighter code. She made the difficult climb up and set out the flare. Andy lashed out at her every chance she got. He talked to Andy through the elevator shaft. The next day, Jack found her reminiscing over an old photo of the crew under Captain Herrera. Not long after, they were called in and they learned that it was another officer, not Ryan, who had been shot and they took him to the hospital for an x-ray because the bullet had been caught by his vest. Dallas called the police after her brother and friends wouldn't wake up when she pulled them out of the pool. She and her father lived at 2301 Field Pine Place.
She left the bar and went to Robert's apartment. She is the daughter of Elena Herrera and the now deceased Pruitt Herrera. Andy took Charlotte down to triage and because the fire was contained, she sent Jack and Dean to the floor above to check it out. He followed Tuck and saw that he was the one who had pulled the alarm. She waved at her and Carina waved back turning to the captain's office. Becoming Part of the Team by KatMarie. [45] However, when Andy learned that Ryan deliberately didn't tell her that her dad was in trouble during the skyscraper fire, she ended things with him, saying they always ended up in the same pattern of him protecting her when she didn't need it.