Joe, No, age shouldn't be a problem, as long as the windings look good and not discolored from someone in the past overloading it. Other Systems What sort of coil is it? 20.5 MB PDF. Free shipping for many products! ELV290 - Liberty Pumps ELV290 - 3/4 HP Elevator Sump Pump System w I would like to use it for an universal output test transformer so I need to know all combinations. stancor transformer datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. Custom Power Transformers; Custom Wall Plug-In Power Supplies; Custom Inductors and Chokes . Cross Reference Search: Stancor Disc Thermostats (PDF) Stancor Home Page : Stancor Transformers, Contactors and Power Supplies From NTE Electronics, Inc. NTE is pleased to announce that it has been appointed a Master Distributor for Stancor and will have access to the entire Stancor line of high quality products including: Stancor EPC3098-9 vs SW-4120 SW-220 . Triad Magnetics' Chassis Mount Quick Pack power transformers offer all of the power of comparable volt-ampere (VA) rated chassis mount power transformers, but with significant reductions in size and weight compared to standard models. Consult our "Transformers & Inductors" catalog 5C-08 or this website before making substitutions (page links provided above). 6558. AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015, and FAA 0056B Accredited Phone No. (ISBN 1-55918-243-1) is still in print and very useful in identifying
Stancor Part No. I was most excited by this publication due to the 76 tubes in a few of the circuits. Photo 1. circuits and pictorial diagrams of chassis wired for the circuits. It includes information on theory and fabrication, circuit designs, and servicing information. Thordarson Catalog 400-D (1939-1940) 24 pages. "radiotubes at fast dot net" Jiri Placek Boyertown, PA . Forums. The first catalog also includes schematics for radios and other projects that could be built with Miller parts. Transmitting Tube Data Guide (1938), Thordarson's Complete Transformer Catalog 400-FX (1942). Special-Purpose Tube Characteristics Manual. A.C.
Rated Output STANCOR Part Num ber STA-4130. Why would you ever use a microphone? Text: operation. CTS, Stancor, Chicago Standard Transformer model P-8164 info - Amp Garage Downloaded from K4XL's Boat Anchor Manual Archive. Windermere High School Dress Code, Location: Detroit, MI USA. Vintage Stancor PM8408 Power Transformer 340V-0-340V 70mA, 5V 2A, 6.3V 2.5A Brand: StancorPart/Model Number: PM8408 Power TransformerSpecifications: 340V-0-340V 70mA, 5V 2A, 6.3V 2.5ACountry of. from KD5OEI Cross Reference. Miniature Adjustable BCB Coils, Side 1, Miller
NUMERICAL INDEX and PRICE All Prices Subiect to Change Without Notice LIST Stancor page List Price PC8409 14 $ 8.85 PC8410 2-14 9.65 PC84112-14 11.55 PC8412 14 13.25 PC84132-14 16.30 Powers Telephony CRT Display Inductors Custom International Approvals. what is a needs assessment in education; Hola mundo! Other Systems Need datasheet for Stancor A-3823 (too old to reply) Jiri Placek 2012-11-11 13:11:36 UTC. Weight (lbs.) Volts: 440-480 Output V: 49-70 AC 3 Phase The transformer is 32"x32"x76" and weighs 780 lbs. This elevator sump pump is ideal for elevators, garages, transformer vaults, manufacturing . Antique Radio Forums Index Category Test Equipment and Tools Discussions, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 12 guests, I have a Stancor isolation transformer (I believe) and can't seem to find any info on it. used copies on Amazon, eBay or ABEBooks. It has a 2-wire AC cord and a rotary switch mounted on the one side. have sample circuits on the back side, which can help a lot if you're
For push-pull output use, see our 125 Series. Several completed Stancor amplifier units, Above, several transformer units photographed for the catalog with their model-numbers included via practical photography. Part 1 Permalink. Email: sales@stancor.com. reference. A polarized outlet is on the other side. Stancor Products (602) 275-3800 Tel: (602) 275-3800 Email: sales@stancor.com At Stancor we are committed to customer service, and to serve you better we have improved our website by creating a simple, easy to use vehicle to get you the information you need. "Fastatch" Dual-Section Pot Assembly Sheet, Side 2, Clarostat Octal Plug-In Ballast Resistors, GE 2N107 Transistor (packing slip application schematics), GE Glow Tubes (VR-75, VR-90, VR-105, VR-150, GL-874), Miller to RCA Exact Replacement Sheet for TV Coils, Side 2, Miller
Purpose Relays, A.C.
That was invaluable experience. xb```f``md`e`p @16@NfS5$ UXumW:8Ypq'.lnf^#KrqpWl)6"V elv>Kro4qTHi Transformer Outline Drawings, Printed
ACME/QUIET HEET 421-104 A10-SR12 LGNV T-31N C-53 ACME T213078 BUCK-BOOST TRANSFORMERS SINGLE PHASE 60 HZ 120 X. Hammond Part No. Transformers, General
have a broadband Internet connection, and if you're still on dial-up,
I am close to completion on a novel microphone preamp design that uses a 76 tube as the input stage and I am in-general trying to get more into the early two-digit-designation tubes: the 75, the 76, the 42, 80, etc we are looking back etc etc. Power Transformers. Get the best deal for Stancor Power Transformers from the largest online selection at eBay.ca. Watch for
Not sure, but I think I recall someone months ago speculating that I need either the HVO-6 or HVO-11. 1471-A and 1472-A Drop-In Replacement TV Coils for Admiral, Miller 71-OSC Adjustable BCB Oscillator Coil, Miller 7125
Ed Romney in his Fixing Up Nice Old Radios has some very useful catalog excerpts and comments. Monochrome scan showing all common Stancor transformers of that era. PDF RADIO / BROADCAST HISTORY LIBRARY: Thousands of magazines Each product section includes part specifications, schematics and outline drawings. Standard Price 1 $30.11 5 $28.75 10 $28.15 25 $27.55 Additional Inventory Request Lead Time Minimum Qty: 1 Multiples Of: 1 Stancor Transformers data sheets. 0000004870 00000 n
tancor Page Section STANCOR PART NUMBER INDEX Stancor Pagea ecti .A-44ao .A-4431 .A-4432. Definitely request
The five data sheets in this file are for a number of Meissner coils. I have begun to scan and post, in PDF format, some of my collection of catalogs and data sheets for vintage radio parts. 70
2 '7 . Stancor Stancor P-8661 Mfr. Most of what I've
characteristics of the parts you've dug out of some old TV chassis or
Transformer Outline Drawings, TransGlobal
Contactors. resample them if they're too big. Do copy
400L Thanks to Tom Bavis, THORDARSON T-16 SERIES AMATEUR RADIO PLATE TYPES, THORDARSON SOUND AMPLIFIER MANUAL (1934) (PDF) Thanks to Tom Bavis, THORDARSON TRANSMITTER GUIDE (1934) (PDF) Thanks to Tom Bavis, THORDARSON SERVICEMEN'S GUIDE (1935) (PDF) Thanks to Tom Bavis, THORDARSON SOUND AMPLIFIER GUIDE (1937) (PDF) Thanks to Tom Bavis, THORDARSON RADIO SERVICING GUIDE (1937) (PDF) Thanks to Tom Bavis, THORDARSON AUDIO AMPLIFIER FOUNDATION UNITS. xA 04lz\GczC. Download the 1937 (third edition) of Stancor Transformers Amplimanual, a 24pp publication which conveniently combines schematics for ten original audio amplifiers with full data for their entire line of transformers. 0000003532 00000 n
Triad Magnetics to Hammond. Stancor Transformer Data Sheet Needed | diyAudio and Contactors - DC Selection Guide, How
and 7130 4.5 MHz TV Sound IF Coils, Miller 7133 and 7134 4.5 MHz Sound IF Transformers, Miller 7139 Ratio
Secondary, Single
Some of the source material is very old and yellowed, and some pages are wrinkled or torn, so, even after image enhancement, the quality of the scans varies. 600 Ohm to 600CT-Split. By using this application, you understand and agree to the following. Price Each Volts Amps H W D Mounting W Mounting D 1 10 50 Our attention to detail and industry standards has resulted in an FAA AC 0056B accreditation and an AS9120B . Stancor: 592-9017: National Comfort: 14262087: . Miniature Adjustable BCB Coils, Rev 2, Side 1, Miller Q-113 4.5 MHz
RoHS Compliant. It features an epoxy molded case, gold plated leads and exceptional operation from 300 Hz to 60 kHz. Higher voltage may damage control and could cause personal injury or property damage , Reduces radiated magnetic fields and results in balanced windings. Technical Resources / Inventory Search . Post subject: Re: Replacing power transformer.need cross reference help. One of
Plumbing Products Cross Reference Pump Model Zoeller Hydromatic Goulds Myers Liberty Little Giant Dayton Diversitech 1/6HP Utility Sump Pump UT17 1/4hp Sump Pump SU25 #49 Water Ridd'r III B-A1 BV-A1 SP025 SP25 240 SP-14 5.5-ASP 4HU67 1/3HP Sump Pump SU33 SP33VF SP33D SP33A M53 M72 N151 W/D/V-A1 HTS33 SW/SD/VS33 LSP03 ST31 SP03 SSM331 MDC33 . This full-line catalog shows replacement power chokes and transformers and audio transformers for the radio service trade, as well as many other parts for the electrical and electronics industries including power conditioning, high fidelity, sound systems, broadcasting and ham radio. t, 37 b 37.6 STANCOR Part No. the challenges of junkbox radio construction is knowing the
In case it will help, I measured the size of the core laminations. In Stock: 4 Can Ship immediately Enter Quantity ADD TO CART Quantity Unit Price Your Price 1 $179.34 $170.80 3 + $169.17 $161.11 Click for Quote Meissner Manufacturing Company Primary Volts Secondary Style Insulation Test RMS Dimensions: in. Secondary impedance range from 4 to 32 Ohms. Part 2 It dates from the 1950s. Primary Volts Secondary Style Insulation Test RMS Dimensions: in. F. Cram Company of Indianapolis, Indiana. I will credit; most of these were sent to me by third parties or found
Description / Document Links. Follow Us (630) 628-9999 sales@powervoltgroup.com. awful). Above, an image of the Stancor factory which describes a certain transformer-manufacturing process which I will not put into text because I get enough porn spam as it is. STANCOR TO THORDARSON CROSS REFERNCE CHART Page: 1 537 East Brooks Avenue North Las Vegas, NV 89030-3973 Phone: 702-566-0800 Fax: 702-566-2080 Thordarson . Schematics are provided for Stancor's own 303, 305, 306, 312, 318, 320, 325, 335, and 360 audio amplifiers. CROSS REFERENCE AS OF AUGUST 1995 REV-01 11-01-2000. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. | Free shipping on many items! If you believe that 'your' material is here without your consent, and you wish it to be removed, please contact the webmaster at the address below to resolve the error without problems. This company is not well known today, but they were one of the many Chicago-area manufacturers of transformers and chokes for power and audio in electronics in the 1930s. sending me an image to post. To use our cross reference tool, please select the company name and enter the part number. TransGlobal
High-Q Unshielded RF Coils, Side 2, Miller
Feeds Parts Directory Manufacturer Directory. P-8607 Style B c D E F P-8571 Primary Volts , SECONDARIES: ALL PRIMARIES 50/60 Hz. s E C T STANCOR Part No. Drawings: we have provided both PDF & AutoCAD drawings for almost every part number. Vintage Tube Amplifier B95-921-N Power Transformer 100 Watts 117V 50-60CPS $39.95 . SD-2000A for audio input transformers 20A00, 20A01, 20A02, 20A03, 20A04, and 20A05, and for interstage transformers 20A16, 20A17, 20A18, 20A19, 20A22, 20A23, 20A24, 20A25, and 20A27. 195V, 320V, and 330V. Portland Interior Design | Kitchen & Bath Design | Remodeling, Copyright 2020 Pangaea Interior Design, Inc. | Portland, Oregon |, the evolution of animal species has been prolific, Are The Williams Brothers Related To Lee Williams, bull terrier rescue of the sunshine state, once upon a time: journey to neverland disney plus, pictures of brian anderson, who shot laura kucera. To use our cross reference tool, please select the company name and enter the part number. Type
There is actually 325V on the plate of the EL84s, 160V on the . used the R-201 & 202 on my model railroad layout. 0000074364 00000 n
Rights Reserved. DIELECTRIC STRENGTH: FIRE HAZARD Do not exceed transformer ratings , ) STANCOR Part No. They are old and heavy and sometimes . Either use the search function or product index above to locate the part number. Published by on 30 junio, 2022 If you cannot find what you are looking for, contact us at (630) 628-9999 or sales@powervoltgroup.com and let us assist you with your cross reference requirements. Triad isolation power transformer models are available in a range of voltages and sizes, including MD suffix-designated models designed to meet the low leakage . STANCOR Part Num ber MA 350 200 400 300 200 Volts , 3 2 DESK TOP MODELS AC-DC Unregulated Desk Top Models Input 120V, 60 Hz. includes part specifications, schematics and
STANCOR POWER TRANSFORMERS Single Secondary Dual Primary, Dual Secondary STANCOR SPS SERIES, CEC SWITCHING POWER SuPPLIES For quantities greater than listed, call for quote. Competitor Cross-Reference. PowerVolt, Inc. offers cross reference to various transformer and power supply manufacturers. 0000014957 00000 n
I can cross reference the piece to a Stancor or Thordarson, from that we can find out more about what current the xfmr was good for. MOuSER STOCk NO. If you can't find what you are looking for, please email us with a part number, description and/or datasheet. PDF Ir 4 - worldradiohistory.com Chokes C-, TC-
100 megabytes in size.
Dennis, 306 was Stancor up through 1952. Search I'm doing here (as time allows) is scanning the vintage component data
Federal's Selenium Rectifier Handbook, 2nd Edition (1953) (44.89 mb). DCR:73. Thanks to Greg Beat for the Johnson 149 variable cap spec
All rights reserved. Miller still manufactures coils and chokes, though obviously not
: 117V AC @ 1.38A Sec. IS "ON" QS COLLECTOR LOAD LINE R10 OR R10 + R11 OF CA3020 T2: Better coil and transformer DF1084, Thordarson TR-192, or equivalent, Abstract: No abstract text available Item Height. Motor driven variable transformers are available and . Single
Text: Hz. California and the federal government. This table gives cross-reference parts and alternative options found for EPC3098-9. Cross Reference. General
0000010736 00000 n
color of these sheets is almost universallyyellow.) Chokes, Power
Bluesman. 0000004758 00000 n
Stancor - P-8620 - Transformer, Auto, Bobbin, 1, Freq 50/60Hz, Pri Good catalog, kinda like the Thordarson manuals of the era, some of the early UTC too. Transformers, Isolation
This type of unit is , transformer with a larger VA rating than you will actually need because of larger motor starting currents and , Stancor, Abstract: 12V .4A Transformer DSW-336 SW-420 transformer 32V CT 1,5A DSW-316 transformer 120V 12V 8A TRANSFORMER CT 1A 12v DSW-224 DSW-248