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However, thats what made these characters so great. Its just 1 of the worst traits Ravenclaws tend to have. That's all I need to take out my little blue and bronze pennant and hope, nay, know I will be sorted into Ravenclaw when my time comes. Theyve got a long house tradition of doing whatever it takes to win so watch out, especially in Quidditch matches and exams. It's not unusual to find twenty people standing outside the common room door, all trying to work out the answer to the day's question together. Ravenclaw House contains some of the most unique witches and wizards at Hogwarts. Or even improving your decision-making skills. She famously responded: I assert our inalienable right to party.. Element On top of that, Professor Trelawneys no slouch in the eccentric department. [23], Isolt Sayre, founder of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, wanted to be a Ravenclaw as a child, but never got to attend Hogwarts. So even if they can think outside the box to learn new stuff. We tend to rely too much on the first piece of information given to us, almost like our mind is anchored and we int, On the Psychology of Your Harry Potter House, On Why Its Annoying When People Copy You. She rarely speaks to anyone outside Ravenclaw, but is a great resource for Ravenclaws who are lost or have lost something. But a lot of them are actually pretty good with jokes too. What are the character traits of a Ravenclaw Just so they could get the top marks in a test or a course. The Ravenclaw Head of House in the 1990s was Filius Flitwick. The House was founded by Rowena Ravenclaw. Maybe you're considered fashionable or maybe not, but whichever way it goes, your sartorial decisions usually get people's attention. Ravenclaws are known for their knowledge and smarts, but intuition is also one of the great Ravenclaw traits. A yearly award given to the most outstanding Hogwarts House. They can often expect others to have the same high standards that they do. Harry Potter believed that they tended to side with Gryffindor in its rivalry with Slytherin, as did Hufflepuff house. "Another cool thing about Ravenclaw is that our people are the most individual some might even call them eccentrics. Some people mistake Ravenclaws for being 100% uptight. If the riddle is especially difficult, large groups of students may congregate outside the door as they try to figure it out. After all, Hogwarts was located and named based on a dream that Hogwarts founder Rowena Ravenclaw had in which a warty hog led her to the Black Lake. Ravenclaw House is full of clever, studious, thoughtful, and unique witches and wizards. She has a curious outlook on life and lives life to the fullest. Rowena Ravenclaw One of the best Ravenclaw traits is that many of them also have a good deal of wisdom. Ravenclaw won the sixth house cup with 32,377,299 points, becoming the only House to win the House Cup consecutively. Even so, not all Ravenclaws were motivated by academic prowess. WebAnswer (1 of 7): Honestly at surface level they dont seem similar at all but then you look closer. Ravenclaw Traits Characters like Luna Lovegood are a good example of these Ravenclaw traits. While a Ravenclaw dedicates their life to studying the most elusive secrets of the wizarding world, they aren't keen to share their most precious knowledge all of the time. At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in: Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery& Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells& Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore& Harry Potter: Magic Awakened& Hogwarts Legacy.As such, spoilers will be present within the article. A view of the entrance from within the common room. Relative to Gryffindor, Slytherin, or even Hufflepuff, not much is known about Ravenclaw, the Hogwarts house known for producing some of the brightest, quirkiest, And if you need someone who can blend good reasoning with a hilarious comeback. The Head of Ravenclaw House. Its irresistible for the reader to wonder to which house they would be assigned if they were presented with their Hogwarts letter at age 11. For example, remember when Sirius Black escaped from prison? Unlike the other common rooms in the school, a logical riddle given by a bronze eagle-shaped knocker must be answered to enter. There's a higher than average probability you went to art school. No, they didnt. Hufflepuffs are just the most humble of all the houses and dont feel the need to shout about their achievements in the same way as the others. Luna is a good example of this, and its a shame that other characters who are in Ravenclaw arent explored more. They treasure it in themselves and others. "As for the Hufflepuffs, well, nobody could say theyre not nice people. Minerva McGonagall was a Hatstall, having approximately equal Ravenclaw and Gryffindor traits; the Sorting Hat finally sorted her into Gryffindor. Five Admirable Ravenclaw Traits. Ravenclaws have a lot to be proud of, and sometimes that goes to their head. The houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. @kay, agree! Luna Lovegood, for example, was one such student: eccentric to put it at its mildest, she was a Ravenclaw student who initially was bullied for her open defiance of conventionality, but ultimately became a celebrated wizarding naturalist and renowned for her participation in the legendary Battle of Hogwarts and past membership in Dumbledore's Army. In fact, there are a lot of excellent qualities the Sorting Hat looks for in potential Slytherins and Merlin himself even belonged to this misunderstood house! And Ravenclaws were some of the worst offenders. Here are the best and worst Ravenclaw traits. 5 Ravenclaw Characteristics To Be Proud Of But too much pride blinds them from the truth. Eagle[3] Our dormitories are in turrets off the main tower; our four-poster beds are covered in sky blue silk eiderdowns and the sound of the wind whistling around the windows is very relaxing. Because deep down, I think we all know where we belong and if we don't, obviously, we just head on over to Hufflepuff where everyone is really nice to us despite the fact that we might not have any discernible talents or inclinations (no, really, that's kind of their thing). Sign Up to receive new posts right in your inbox. Gilderoy Lockhart) and some are more comfortable alone with their thoughts (ex. Each house boasts their own traditions, values, and characteristics, modelled after one of the four founders of the school. Ravenclaw came third for the seventh and eighth house cups with 49,775,819 and 23,712,525 points. 19 Good And Bad Ravenclaw House Traits [Ultimate List] Related: Harry Potter: 9 Ravenclaw Quotes That Perfectly Sum Up Their Personality. Even Luna got the short end of the stick. While Ravenclaws have a lot of positive traits, such as their intelligence and creativity, their introverted nature, and perfectionism they can also make the more judgemental. They definitely think they are smarter and more put together than students from other houses. Did the Ministry officials act with the same urgency? He may not be clever or brave in the way everyone thinks he is, but he's not dumb when it comes to business and public image. So we can thank their intelligence for helping beat the Dark Lord. The best examples of these negative Ravenclaw traits come from Moaning Myrtle, Ollivander, and Helena Ravenclaw. Delivering the latest news and official products from the Wizarding World and our partners. In fact, I'd advise you to triple-check your bag for everything you need before leaving Ravenclaw Tower. Hufflepuff Students in Ravenclaw are noted for their individuality and acceptance of people and things that others would consider weird, as well as their outstanding intelligence. [26][27] However, during the 1994 Triwizard Tournament, most Ravenclaws supported Hufflepuff champion Cedric Diggory over Harry. So whats wandcraft got anything to do with memory, you ask? Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for "Fair Use" for purposes such as education and research. Why Ravenclaws werent as kind as you remember. Brought to you by Wizarding World Digital, a partnership between Warner Bros. and Pottermore. Youre bound to get a good sense of the worlds functions as well. Most fans think of Ravenclaws as the academic type. TM & WBEI. 2 Kageyama Tobio Uses Ravenclaw Traits To Excel At Volleyball (Haikyuu!!) We not only accept off-beat eccentrics for who they are but welcome them into our lives with open arms. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord, Unidentified Dumbledore's Army male Ravenclaw member 1997-1998 (II), Unidentified Ravenclaw boy during the Battle of Hogwarts, Ravenclaw boy who carried a body during the Battle of Hogwarts, Ravenclaw black girl during the Battle of Hogwarts, Ravenclaw girl during the Battle of Hogwarts, Ravenclaw student asked to the Yule Ball by a Durmstrang student, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - The Original Screenplay, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore - The Complete Screenplay, Pottermore introductions to Hogwarts Houses, Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Sybill Trelawney", Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Gilderoy Lockhart", The Leaky Cauldron and Mugglenet interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling, Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry", Pottermore - Secret Lives of the Hogwarts Ghosts, Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Mr Ollivander", Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Professor Quirrell", J.K. Rowling and the Live Chat,, July 30, 2007, Jealous daughter of the house founder, who stole her mother's, Famous for his eccentric habits, such as wearing a, Later became a celebrity author and adventurer (until being exposed as a fraud), disgraced winner of the, Member of Dumbledore's Army and close friend of, In the books, Ravenclaw colours are blue and bronze; however, in the. They make a quick 180 turn when anything harms their academic success. If the Sorting Hat placed you here, you would have demonstrated qualities like courage, bravery and determination. These two characters differ in their extroversion. Because theres no reason for you to put everything out there. One of the things about Ravenclaws' intelligence is that they often care about learning for its own sake. Though they are often called stuck up, that is not the case. Millicent Bagnold 5 Perks Of Being A Ravenclaw In Harry Potter (And 5 Harsh But no. According to J.K. Rowling, Hufflepuff corresponds to the element of earth. Wait, wasnt she a drunk and a not so good teacher?, Well, theres no denying that unpleasant part of her. Related: Harry Potter: 5 Things That Prove Ravenclaw Is The Best House (& 5 That Prove Its The Worst), Intelligence can mean a lot of different things, but surface-level intelligence can sometimes only go so far. Slytherin. This was evidenced by Luna Lovegood, who held her own as a fourth year in a duel against the Death Eaters in the Department of Mysteries during Order of the Phoenix. Community content is available under. Both Geminis and Ravenclaws are curious, clever, and witty. This can also connect to the tendency to be a bit stuck-up, or at least, perceived as such. Looking to maximize your performance at work? This is a great way to meet fellow Ravenclaws from other years, and to learn from them although it is a bit annoying if you've forgotten your Quidditch robes and need to get in and out in a hurry. The Ravenclaw colours are blue and bronze, the emblem is an eagle, the Head of House is Professor Filius Flitwick and the common room sits at the top of Ravenclaw Tower behind an enchanted knocker. Our emblem is the eagle, which soars where others cannot climb; our house colors are blue and bronze, and our common room is found at the top of Ravenclaw Tower, behind a door with an enchanted knocker. When your friend says, "When I read, or watch a movie or TV, I like to just kind turn off and not think, so I pick fluffy crap," this legitimately blows your mind. The most beloved Ravenclaw among Harry Potter fans. House Ghost: The Grey Lady In high school, you probably hung out in the art or band room or in the theater a lot. One of the students that already passed the ceremony with the sorting hat is Luna Lovegood. And her arrogance really showed earlier in the story. The rest of the school thinks she never speaks, but shell talk to Ravenclaws. Plus, a study says that being creative makes you happier too. If you're friends with other Ravenclaws, you take pride in the Genius Posse you've assembled. "You probably know that some of Ravenclaws most renowned members include Gilderoy Lockhart and Luna Lovegood. Garrick Ollivander Join the Fan Club and bring your traits with you. In Lockhart's case, he's so self-obsessed that he doesn't even notice anything else going on around him, like the fact that Hogwarts is in danger and Harry can hear snakes in detention. A thing that frightened a wizard or witch the most. Ravenclaws are the Hogwarts intellectuals, the dreamers. Readers are immersed in the wizarding life inside of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, where pupils start their journey by being sorted into one of four houses: Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. And everybody deserves to be proud of their accomplishments. Because Ravenclaws are all about intellect and learning, one of the worst Ravenclaw traits is that they tend to be a bit more distant and have their heads in the clouds. As a result, they didnt just want to beat other houses. Wit[4][5][6]Learning[4][5][6]Wisdom[4]Acceptance[7]Intelligence[8]Creativity[8] Illustration by Jim Kay Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. That's why most of the wizards and witches placed in Ravenclaw like Luna, Professor Quirrell, and Cho Chang were known for being timid. Well, its not something unique to Hufflepuffs. His success lies in his ability to marry the right wand wood with the right core, and help match the wands to their ideal owners. Rowena valued learning, so she chose students who demonstrated cleverness and wisdom. And its 1 of their best traits. In 1 of her classes, they looked at every students Boggart. The emblematic animal was a badger, and yellow and For example, we know Ravenclaws value their academics. Students enter through a door with an bronze eagle-shaped knocker. Helena Ravenclaw, for example, stole her mother's diadem to bring perfection to her intellect and outperform her own mother. While Ravenclaw House members have their good qualities, they can also be cunning, calculated, prideful, judgmental, and overly competitive. Professor Lockhart is the best - or rather, worst - example of these bad Ravenclaw traits. She was a natural-born Seer. Like when you need to help a person realize their mistakes. (Remember to discover your own wand right here.). Animal Since competition can have a positive effect on social motivation. While Luna Lovegood says some downright outlandish things, she also has the capability of being incredibly wise. Since it all boils back down to expanding their knowledge. Popular Minister for Magic and predecessor of Cornelius Fudge, Bagnold was in office when Voldemort tried and failed to kill Harry Potter as a child. "I think thats nearly everything. "I'm Prefect Robert Hilliard, and I'm delighted to welcome you to RAVENCLAW HOUSE. Since Ravenclaws are not strict moralists in the same way that Gryffindors are, it can give leeway to less savory acts from Ravenclaw wizards, though certainly not outright evil. Its a lifelong process that you never really stop doing until your time comes. In fact, theres no way of spinning that type of attitude into a positive. But Ravenclaws take it too far and hurt other peoples feelings. Her choice of blue as a colour for the Ilvermorny school uniform was inspired by Ravenclaw.[25]. However, their strong academic intellect does not necessarily define the Ravenclaw house it is their desire to gain knowledge at every opportunity. And all of her Divination classes have certainly changed her habits. But even the Sorting Hat took more than 5 minutes to decide. And can you guess what form Hermiones Boggart took? Noted cool human Wil Wheaton defines a nerd as "a person who loves something to its greatest extent, and then looks for other people who love it in the same way, so they can celebrate loving it together." A type of magic that was fierce and mostly used to cause harm. 5 Ravenclaw Characteristics To Be Proud Ravenclaws are famous for being the smartest bunch in Hogwarts. WebHufflepuff House is one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was founded by Helga Hufflepuff. Well, it was a Horcrux. However, Hermione stated in her first year when figuring out the complicated riddle, beneath the trapdoor, that most wizards and witches did not have much sense of logic,[31] which might be something that Ravenclaw noticed herself and decided to use clever riddles instead of passwords, as they were safer than some words. One of the best Ravenclaw traits is wittiness. And even discover the magical powers of the number 7. FawcettIgnatia WildsmithChester DaviesTulip KarasuBadeea AliTalbott WingerAndre Egwu The house colours for Slytherin are silver and emerald green and the emblem is a serpent. And if theres 1 Hogwarts house unafraid of making its own path. Like curses and spells that belonged to the Dark Arts. And with people like Luna Lovegood with them. These are not the only two Ravenclaw traits, however, as characters like Cho Chang and Luna Lovegood have showcased that Ravenclaws are so much more. Ravenclaw is one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Some are outgoing and flamboyant (ex. Ravenclaw Tower Luna Lovegood). They have this unique ability to understand something. And not so much on the little details that surround them. Since Ravenclaws are academically motivated and tend to excel in this area, they sometimes look down on the other witches and wizards that are not as smart as them. And if were talking about the smartest wizards. I think that Ravenclaw is more about being careful and wise, unlike Gryffindor which is the aggressive and thoughtless house. Hufflepuff House Personality Traits: Good and Bad. "Ravenclaw house has an illustrious history. Nobody can beat Ravenclaws in that department. A lot of Ravenclaws were pretty good at remembering stuff. Some of these eventually also ended up being not only accepted but even celebrated, in spite of being initially subjected to scorn for their various oddities. While other houses such as Slytherin and Gryffindor might be more willing to cut corners, Ravenclaws are more on the perfectionist side. members. When it comes to playing volleyball, his wisdom for the game she was almost placed into Ravenclaw instead, What are the Harry Potter Characters MBTI Types (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). When you rap on the door, this knocker will ask you a question, and if you can answer it correctly, you are allowed in. "Without wishing to boast, this is the house where the cleverest witches and wizards live. When you think of Ravenclaw, you probably picture the eccentric and endearing Luna Lovegood. In fact, its 1 of Gryffindors best traits too. As you already know, intelligence is the key trait of Ravenclaw House. TM & WBEI. It was Luna Lovegood. He's the punch line of a lot of wizarding jokes. Unfortunately, one of the lesser Ravenclaw traits is they can come off as self-important. They are very competitive academically, and they are also diligent and Harry Potter: Why Hermione Isn't in Ravenclaw Professor Flitwick is the perfect example of a unique member of Ravenclaw House. Then Harry started dating Cho Chang, seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and it was like, "Yes! Bad Ravenclaw Personality TraitsCunning. While Ravenclaws are intelligent and usually have good intentions, they sometimes use their guile to their advantage to manipulate people.Arrogant. Ravenclaws have a lot to be proud of, and sometimes that goes to their head. Snobby. Calculating. Judgmental. Of course, youd think everyone would be like Luna Lovegood, right? Im Dr. Darcie Dixon, welcome to Behavioural Sassonomics, the site where I explore the oddities and absurdities of human behaviour! Theyre not all bad, but youd do well to be on your guard until you know them well. So theres nothing wrong with not blending in with the crowd. They may love to study, but their learning isn't just by rote or from books they are also some of the most intuitive students at Hogwarts, with a deep understanding of how things work. Head Rowena Ravenclaw[1] In fact, we are also the house that gave the wizarding world Uric the Oddball, who used a jellyfish for a hat. A couple mentions here, an observation from Hermione there, and aside from a really cool snatch of backstory about Ravenclaw founder Rowena and her daughter Helena in Deathly Hallows that's it. And many of us learn that poking our noses in everything will only get us into trouble. Ravenclaw The domed ceiling was painted with the night sky, which was echoed in the midnight-blue carpet. They tend to stick to themselves and be a bit distant from some of the dramas and issues that the rest of the school tends to have. But youll be surprised at how strong and independent you can really be. In fact, its easily 1 of my favorite scenes from the film: Sure, Ravenclaws are known for being smart. Thank you so much, Professor! Pottermore Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. It's not immediately obvious that varied characters like Lockhart, Cho, and Luna, all belong to the same house, after all. If I had a criticism, Id say Gryffindors tend to be show-offs. [23] Hermione Granger was also considered for Ravenclaw due to her intelligence, but the hat ultimately decided on Gryffindor once again. And if were talking about the bluntest Hogwarts house. Though perhaps not the most shining example his house has to offer, Gilderoy Lockhart was of above-average intelligence and did achieve dizzying heights of fame in the wizarding world. Unlike the other houses, who all have concealed entrances to their common rooms, we don't need one. Its symbol, How the Ravenclaw House members treated outsiders. Sometimes they think that only a fellow Ravenclaw can understand their ambition for academic success. Cho Chang only warmed up to Harry after Cedric Diggory's death, and while Luna Lovegood was emotionally intelligent, her oddities created distance between her and the majority of the student body. NEXT: The Best Harry Potter Students In Ravenclaw Ranked By Their Grades. Ravenclaws are characterized by their brilliance, creativity, wit, and originality. The knocker asks a question of anyone who knocks on it and opens the door when the question is answered correctly.