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The Board of Public Works approved a $15m contract for preliminary design and engineering and also allotted approximately $61m towards the project in the FY 2017-2022 Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP). In their court filing, Maryland officials stress that the bridge replacement has been over a decade in the making and that the authority has worked with environmental agencies, as well as the public, every step of the way. The bridge has an 11ft travel lane in each direction with no median separation and a slim offset to the parapet. Chevy Chase, MD 20815. It links Newburg in Maryland with Dahlgren in Virginia. On the Harry Nice Bridge TWO CAMERAS: US Route 301 / Harry Nice Bridge on the Virginia Side: Archives. Tap Done. The infrastructure package handed the Department of Transportation new discretionary grant programs and increased the size of other programs, which the administration has tied to goals like combating climate change and promoting racial justice. Wider sidewalks, higher railings, new lighting planned for Roosevelt Bridge. Yuck. The new bridge opened to traffic on October 12, 2022. It will double vehicle capacity with four 12-foot-wide lanes, install a barrier-separated median between east- and westbound lanes and add two-foot shoulders. The Maryland Transportation Authority, which operates toll roads and bridges, had already been working with federal authorities for more than a year when the state formally applied for the loan last summer to help replace the 80-year-old bridge. Individuals who wish to participate and who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, or who require translation services (free of charge), should contact the Title VI Office at mdtaeeo@mdta.maryland.gov or 410-537-5660 (711 for Maryland Relay) no later than three (3) business days before the date of the meeting they wish to attend. Perhaps we can offer them the old bridge for bicycles and save on the cost of demolishment.. Max Smith | maxsmith@wtop.com. You have permission to edit this article. The other, the privately owned Oldtown Low Water Toll Bridge, connects Maryland and West Virginia, far upstream. When the path was dropped from the plan in 2019 and Maryland transportation officials said bikers could share a lane with vehicle traffic, Brenner resigned his position in protest. Understand the MBE/VSBE/DBE Programs and your role as a prime or subcontractor. Improves safety with a barrier-separated median between east- and westbound lanes, two-foot shoulders, and other improvements that meet current safety standards, Eliminates lane-shifting safety issues at toll booths with all-electronic tolling, Enables tall ships to pass beneath its 135-foot clearance, MDTA has made all-electronic tolling permanent statewide, making, tolling works, the benefits of cashless tolling and. Harry W. Nice and former state Sen. Thomas "Mac" Middleton, carries Route 301 traffic over the Potomac River between Newburg, Md., and King George County, Va. Maryland added Middleton's name to the bridge after he sponsored legislation requiring that a replacement be built. On the lock screen of your iPhone or iPad, swipe left to right until you see a list of widgets. 7201 Corporate Center Drive I greatly appreciate your help with the TIFIA loan and am sorry that USDOT has made seemingly unprecedented demands for unrelated bicycle projects, he wrote. Maryland officials then began laying the groundwork for alternative forms of borrowing. The Finance Committee Meeting homepage also provides access to the virtual meeting, schedule, agenda, materials and minutes. According to the Maryland Transportation Authority, traffic was held in both directions while emergency crews accessed the span to aid and transport the injured. The state of Virginia will provide $13m in funding for the project. You should see nearby traffic information in the Today view. Understand the MBE/VSBE/DBE Programs and your role as a prime or subcontractor. Travel news, guides and tips for anyone looking to get away. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Delay 1 mi. The Governor Harry W Nice Memorial / Senator Thomas Mac Middleton Bridge was built in 1940. Read More. The third of three Public Hearingswill be held March 6, 2023, from 5:30-8:00 PM to receive public and private testimony about the proposed toll rate ranges. The Nice-Middleton Bridge is the gateway for the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail and popular cycling and pedestrian venues in Maryland and Virginia. UPDATE At least one injured in crash on bridge. It will improve the traffic safety on US 301 at the approaches to the Potomac River crossing, as well as on the bridge. US 301 / Harry Nice Bridge Live Video Feed. Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. . Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge (U.S. 301) across the Potomac River, and "the new bridge will include a barrier separated bicycle and pedestrian path." All US 301 Maryland Traffic Cameras. Check it out. Calls must be made one hour prior to arrival at the bridge and will only be accepted between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday. All Rights Reserved. The approval on an unusually contentious 17-7 vote allows Maryland to move forward with an application for a large low-interest federal loan crucial to the projects financing plan. A joint venture of Skanska-Corman-McLean (SCM) was awarded a $463m design and build contract for the bridge in November 2019. The new bridge will include signage alerting drivers to cyclists and special joints between sections to accommodate bikes, but Niedringhaus said even die-hard cyclists have told him theyd rather ride on the Beltway.. M4 Prince of Wales Bridge fire LIVE: Traffic updates as lorry carrying Alert: Harry Nice Bridge Closure Effective immediately, The Harry W. Nice Bridge in Newburg is closed. MDTA head: Chesapeake Bay Bridge weekend traffic was due to volume The New Nice Middleton Bridge will replace the Governor Harry W Nice Memorial / Senator Thomas Mac Middleton Bridge on the Potomac River between Maryland and Virginia. The law gives federal officials little say in how projects are designed generally requiring them to approve loans to creditworthy applicants but Marylands application was pulled from the agenda of the Transportation Departments Council on Credit and Finance in August. This is a microcosm of the broader challenges of the federal program structure, said Kevin DeGood, director of infrastructure policy at the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank. Individuals who wish to participate and who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, or who require translation services (free of charge), should contact the Title VI Office at mdtaeeo@mdta.maryland.gov or 410-537-5660 (711 for Maryland Relay) no later than three (3) business days before the date of the meeting they wish to attend. Receive the latest updates on upcoming procurement opportunities. Charles County Commissioners President Reuben Collins pleaded with the state to include the path to help tourism, provide another connection between Maryland and Virginia, and effectively plan for the 100-year life span of the bridge, but said the approval Wednesday was needed to keep the bridge project on track. Since its opening, the structure's use has changed dramatically with the bridge carrying . The bridge is designed to deliver sufficient capacity for vehicular traffic on US 301 in the design year 2030. See traffic near you - Google Maps Help PDF Alert: Harry Nice Bridge Closure - charlescounty.org The outdoor groups waited until the new bridge was complete and just days before the demolition of the old bridge is set to begin to seek emergency relief, the court document states. The widening of the Nice Bridge in southern Maryland will move forward after getting a key approval, but may no longer include a path residents wanted. You can cancel at any time. Hanover, Maryland 21076 WTOP Traffic on Twitter: "ALERT: US-301 on Harry Nice Bridge is BLOCKED Oakland, CA Traffic and Road Conditions - LocalConditions.com RK&K prepared environmental documents for the project, under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). To achieve those goals, the federal agency must work with states that sometimes have other priorities and typically have the final say. Credit: Skanska. Their main comments were about how narrow it is. The route it is on is a good one to take when wanting to avoid the beltway around DC. Expect residual delays as traffic is still backed up. US-301 at Harry Nice Bridge, Virginia Side, Traffic Camera (Charles County) Larry Hogan will lead the first cars over the bridge, according to the invitation. Contents. 7201 Corporate Center Drive It supports about 6.5 million vehicles annually. UPDATE At 3:30 p.m. there are reports and visual evidence (via traffic cam) that the crash on the Harry Nice Bridge has been cleared. Collision on Nice Bridge halts traffic, injuries reported The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) is replacing the existing Nice/Middleton Bridge with a new bridge that will: Double the vehicle capacity with four 12-foot-wide lanes, replacing the old bridge's two 11-foot-wide lanes Hammersmith Bridge is a suspension bridge that was opened, in its current incarnation, in 1887. The existing bridge will be demolished upon completion of the new bridge and materials from the demolished bridge will be used to create an artificial fish reef in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Driving directions. This bridge is the scariest. It is one of eight toll facilities operated by the Maryland Transportation Authority, and is one of two toll bridges over the Potomac River. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Governments on both sides of the bridgein King George and Charles County, Marylandinquired about its use for fishing or as a biking and walking path, and each chose not to pursue retaining the existing bridge due to the future facility maintenance costs, James Ports Jr., chairman of the MdTA, wrote in response. Its a dynamic that will help shape $350 billion for road funding thats part of the infrastructure law, which gives states near-complete control over which projects move forward and leaves federal authorities looking for informal ways to influence what gets built. Traffic Changes Coming to Nice/Middleton Bridge Coming back from a trip in Virginia we sat in traffic on 301 for over an hour waiting to cross the bridge. lawmakers push for new safety regulations after deadly Silver Spring apartment fire, Winds up to 50 mph expected to sweep DC region Saturday, A 'uniquely American' challenge: Group of local universities offer ideas to reduce gun violence. For starters, it's about to be replaced. Construction Timeline Fact Sheets The work is the Maryland Transportation Authoritys $5.4 million project to repair the substructure and superstructure of the Nice Bridge. SoMDC covers every aspect of the SoMD Region and will continue to grow with the community. The loan ultimately was approved without new conditions but the wait increased its cost by at least $20 million as interest rates rose, according to a February estimate provided in documents obtained by The Washington Post. It is one of the biggest transportation initiatives taken by the state of Maryland and will benefit southern Maryland and north-eastern Virginia.. The M4 has been closed westbound after a lorry fire on the Prince of Wales bridge. When pressed by the judge on Thursday on the timeframe, state officials said the new bridge is ready to open to traffic on Oct. 12, 2022, and that demolition of the Nice Bridge would begin in earnest the next day, according to court documents. Roadway realignment and the construction of 800m-long approaches on each side of the bridge will be completed as part of the project. Originally called the Potomac River Bridge, it was renamed in April 1968. Bringing US 301 across the Potomac River between Maryland and Virginia, the bridge is 135 feet above the water and has a very steep grade to and from the top. Who thought of building a bridge so narrow, one way on, one way off! The New Nice Middleton Bridge is expected to be completed by 2023. Credit: Skanksa. Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) Yesterday at 11:30 AM. Jim Ports, then the executive director of the Maryland Transportation Authority, followed up in a Sept. 30 letter to Pollack, saying his state agency lacked the authority to build bike lanes on U.S. 301 because it doesnt control the road. Bay Bridge (US 50/301) Lane Closures and Traffic Patterns Scheduled for the Week of March 5 - 11, 2023 Thu, 03/02/2023 - 07:17 (I-895) Baltimore Harbor Tunnel Overnight Lane Closures for March 6 - 9, 2023 News & Updates | Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel - HRBT Expansion Facebook. Sign up for updates and alerts from the Maryland Transportation Authority, Joppatowne High School (Media Center) In November 2019, the project was approved by the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) Board. Realtime driving directions based on live traffic updates from Waze - Get the best route to your destination from fellow drivers. At 3:30 p.m. there are reports and visual evidence (via traffic cam) that the crash on the Harry Nice Bridge has been cleared. Network with Primes, MDTA Procurement Officers and MDTA CRFP Compliance Officers. 1-877-BAYSPAN (229-7726) #mdtraffic #MDShorebound MDTA (@TheMDTA) June 11, 2021 The bridge is designed to meet the current HS25 (45t) load requirements. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews. Network with Primes, MDTA Procurement Officers and MDTA CRFP Compliance Officers. Hanover, Maryland 21076 Police closed the. The . Understand the MBE/VSBE/DBE Programs and your role as a prime or subcontractor. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The new bridge will have a service life of 100 years. The agency had already spent $1 million on the application process, Ports wrote, and failure to close the loan would mean that public funds would be wasted.. Lawsuit alleges Maryland hasn't examined all the environmental impacts of the new $463 million structure and the destruction of the 81-year-old span. The Nice/Middleton Bridge opened in 1940 and carries two lanes of U.S. 301 for 1.7 miles over the Potomac, connecting Charles County, Md., and King George County, Va. Scroll to the bottom and tap Edit. Learn about resources to assist in growing and strengthening your business. Note that theinitial zoom level may cause overlapping of projects/traffic cones. Get with the program VA! March 2023 (33) February 2023 (280) January 2023 (291) With the aging, narrow bridge seen as a traffic bottleneck, Maryland Gov. Get breaking news and daily headlines delivered to your email inbox by signing up here. The bridge will also include a median barrier for separating traffic flows in each direction and an outside shoulder in either side of the structure. Receive the latest updates on upcoming procurement opportunities. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. It also comes in handy when the I 95/495 DC traffic becomes unbearable. Potomac River Bridge Governor Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge Approximate latitude, longitude +38.36251, -76.99060 (decimal degrees) 3821'45" N, 7659'26" W (degreesminutes'seconds") Approximate UTM coordinates 18/326085/4247913 (zone/easting/northing) Quadrangle map: Dahlgren Average daily traffic (as of 2017) 17,933 Inventory number Under federal rules, significant progress on infrastructure can mean more road deaths and decrepit bridges. Battery fire on Spirit flight to Florida sends 10 to hospital. Instead, the Transportation Department subjected the application to months of scrutiny, making what Allen Garman, the Maryland authoritys director of treasury and debt, called in an email obtained by The Post seemingly unprecedented demands for unrelated bicycle projects., Garman briefed the authoritys finance committee about the application in December, saying federal officials initially wanted guarantees about an unrelated project on Interstate 95, then requested the state install bike and pedestrian lanes on another stretch of highway. [4] The new Nice Bridge opened to traffic in October 2022. Live Traffic Info | Queen Anne's County, MD - Official Website Based on some conversations here in California, I think we might need [to] get a put our foot down letter drafted, Slater wrote in an email. Opinion: Implications of the Broken Promise on the Nice Bridge Brenner was appointed by Hogan to an advisory committee on the plan to include a bike and pedestrian path, separated by a barrier, on the new 1.7 mile span. The existing bridge is a 2.7km-long, two-lane structure located on US 301 over the Potomac River. Larry Hogan (R) announced a plan in 2016 to replace it with a new crossing that would carry four lanes of traffic and include a separated bike and pedestrian path. I think its reasonable that with new people, you would have different questions, Ports said. MDTA is implementing the project to improve traffic movement and safety. briefed the authoritys finance committee, JetBlue is at the center of two cases that could remake the industry, Metro to spend $55 million on wheel repairs after release of NTSB report, 7 in hospital as turbulence forces Lufthansa plane to divert to Dulles, Federal advisory urges railroads to improve use of safety detectors, Bus program doesnt have funding, D.C. finance chief says. The Charles County Department of Emergency Services would like to notify citizens that the Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge on Route 301 in Charles County is closed to traffic due to an accident. The lorry was carrying 24 pallets of wine, according to the fire service, and no injuries have been reported. Any incident markers are checked for updates approximately every 5-10 minutes, but you need to reload the page to load any new updates; the data provided may still be the same status/view as before. Its super scary! US-301 at Harry Nice Bridge, Virginia Side, Traffic Camera (Charles County) Email or phone: Password: . I've been lucky enough to be a newspaper reporter for more than 40 years, covering everything from human-interest stories to medical news, farming to fracking, personal columns to county government. Expect major delays. # MDShorebound See more. There is zero need to start the demolition, other than spite, he emailed. Bay Bridge (US 50/301) Lane Closures and Traffic Patterns Scheduled for the Week of February 26 - March 4, 2023 Thu, 02/23/2023 - 05:59 Bay Bridge (US 50/301) Lane Closures and Traffic Patterns Scheduled for the Week of February 26 - March 4, 2023 Thu, 02/23/2023 - 05:56 More Traffic Advisories >> WAS THIS PAGE HELPFUL? Let's drive across the *very scary* Governor Harry Nice Bridge in Southern Maryland! 41.878 | -87.630. About 5:33 p.m., the agency said there was 3 1/2 backup on the eastbound lanes before the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. The worst ever! The extension of Maryland Route 3 is known as US 301. US 301 Maryland Traffic in Real Time - EzeRoad From The CapeCod.com NewsCenter Read! ACCIDENT ON - Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) - Facebook Also, I would suggest not using it as an alternate route, if there happens to be an accident (which happens pretty often) you may have a long delay. 2310 Broening Highway, Baltimore, MD 21224 Last week, the authoritys communication director, Kelly Melhem, wouldnt confirm any dates regarding opening of the new bridge or demolition of the old. The Southern Maryland Chronicle(SoMDC) is an all-digital news source for SoMD. 1. prfans UPDATE - At least one injured in crash on bridge - The BayNet Local: (410) 537-1000 - Out of Area: 1 (866) 713-1596Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Keep up to date with the latest live traffic report, news and updates from every major province and city in South Africa. I avoid this bridge if possible. Thomas "Mac" Middleton Bridge. These lane shifts are being implemented to provide construction crews with a safe and efficient work zone to construct a new approach to the future bridge. Address: Riverbank House, 1 . As part of the process to greenlight a $200 million loan, our team did its due diligence, which includes asking standard questions and exploring alternatives that could benefit the people who rely on the bridge and help protect safety, which is a priority in everything that DOT does, the statement said. The crash, which occurred around 2 p.m. snarled traffic in both directions for well over an hour. 2023 Southern Maryland News & Entertainment. The outdoor groups desire to have a separate path for bikers and walkers does not amount to irreparable harm, according to the court filing, and comes too late in the process. The Transportation Department said in a statement that the loan to Maryland ultimately closed to the satisfaction of both parties.. No lanes closed. But the toll authority decided the $64 million it would cost could be better spent converting shoulders to additional driving lanes on a section of Interstate 95. Newburg, MD- Lane Shifts Begin at the Nice/Middleton Bridge During the Week of Oct. 5 During the week of Oct. 5, 2020, the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) will implement lane shifts on US 301 between the toll plaza and the existing Nice/Middleton bridge.