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"We. The letter I wrote was written 3 weeks ago, and I told her that this is what I really wanted. Since then it seemed we were going to work it out and move on and her attitude changed suddenly. Even though the relationship with his wife was amazing at the start, it just gets better and better every year that they are together. Firstly, she cannot remain friends or have any contact with this man if she wants to work on your marriage. More . Broke up with gf, she kissed another guy? She says she's sorry for messing with me and wants to be back together but only if I give her more attention. I don't want to feel paranoid or insecure because the relationship will be doomed. Two days later - she calls me and tells me she wants to break up. It was a day or two after our first date, and we had gone to hang out in her. Its a **** up situation and you have the right to be mad. I can unsubscribe at anytime with a click. my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it New interactions must take place, and some words need to change. If thats what your girlfriend did, then its fine to forgive her if you have the emotional strength to do so and you know that she wouldnt ever want to do that again. I blew her off, criticized her, judged her and was generally mean for far too long. The thought of your girlfriend kissing another lad is going to burn your head out for a good while yet mate and your going to have to just deal with it the best way you can but you'll have a good while of thinking about it yet. Then, when I got home that night, my girlfriend asked me how it was. She said was feeling very stressed and was feeling low and her mate had got with some lad so she was just stood there and this lad started talking to her. She can play the piano, 1 2 3 Mary, Mary, who is she? Then you find out it was "kinda" touching her. What he needs to do is stop saying and doing the sorts of things that are causing his girlfriend to lose touch with her feelings of love, respect and attraction for him. She told me that if she could take it back, she would. She phoned and skyped me about 20 times that night and text me to pick up/talk but I rejected her calls, told her I didn't want to talk to her and turned off my phone. How does it feel to be 2nd string? You're getting what's called the trickle truth. I she dosent tell you, I think its the right thing to confront her. Your story is no different from thousands of others. Playing second string means that she'll leave you as soon as someone better comes along. Please note: The suggestions and advice offered on this web site are opinions only and are not to be used in the place of professional psychological counseling or medical advice. You can tell her that you are looking for a serious, committed and if she wants that, you are willing to give it to her, but if you notice that she doesnt want that, you and her are simply going to break up and go your separate ways. I'd say they did more than just kiss. Thats how I found out. At first I thought she was txting me bc she was still confused but now I realize it was simply to make sure i don't relapse. It drove me crazy and I think I have been too needy. Cheating comes very frequently when there's a need of one of you that is not being fullfilled. She just told me today, and it happened last night. Guys the exact same thing has after happening me and this proved to be an excellent read. Today, I found out that she kissed another guy from school. Getting her to love you, respect you, touch you and want you the way she did in the beginning, isn't difficult at all. Copyright 1997-2022 my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it Many brave knigts had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison, but non prevailed. I would never be able to trust her again, and I doubt you would either. I'd bet the farm she did the nasty with this dude. If you and your significant other don't think kissing constitutes as cheating, that's great! Maybe she didnt tell me because she wanted to see if we were still the same as before. I just couldn't resist. You don't know if they know, or know and don't care, or if they are just U2 and know, don't care and deep down don't . Let us now see what you should do when your girlfriend has kissed another guy and told you. I knew how excited she was about moving away to university and having her freedom because she had told me before we had got together so I didn't want to hold her back with commitment, and I don't think she thought it would be that easy for me to visit her very often because I also see my baby regularly and am also in work. So, what should a boyfriend do in this situation? The first time we met (a week ago), I could see it in her eyes that something was wrong. What do I do? My Ex Girlfriend and I kissed..I need help. Can I let her have boys as her best friend again? I think you should keep enjoying life with your lady and yes, appear a little cool and confident and as wellmake those amazing dates and don't fly off the handle and just spending every little minute with her while trying to sort this outbut I think a few weeks of time should get you two back to where you were before hand. He took her to the courtyard, Asked her, Will you marry me? Yes, No, Maybe so, Yes, No, Maybe so. I think she did it because she regrets and still had feelings for me. So the prospect of staying together after she left for university went unspoken. My Long Distance Girlfriend won't video call with me. She kept telling the lad she had a boyfriend but in the end they had a very brief kiss. She's letting all of that crap get to her head. I.e. If it doesn't, at least I can say I tried. The truth is she messing with you because she is selfish and slutty. I got really mad and told her what I saw in the e-mail. One of the major issues facing relationships is trust. Right now she says she needs to be single and she has implied she wants to go datingI'm just hoping at this point Btw : my life has been ****ing hell since this **** began and my focus on studies has weaned. We were brilliant together and just bounced off eachother's sense of humour and we just understood eachother instantly and shared the and values in life. If your girlfriend is the type of woman who doesnt yet feel the need to settle down into a truly committed, lifetime relationship, then shes going to change her mind unless she realizes that you are the man for her. Gymgirlie Because by telling you her guilt would be assuaged. Location: SPACESHIP! I already graduated college and she's still in college. Should I keep kissing her? hey i think u should give her another chance, i know she hurt u but i think everyone deserves a second chance. She pecked him on the lips and he was paying for her cell phone bill. I Was Raised By A 90 Years Old Ninja - Facebook She ran after me with tears and stopped me right before I walked in. Im still sad sometimes when im thinking about it, but its nothing compared to what I felt back then. It's a constant fear of "What if she does it again? You're safe to her, a known quantity, good enough for now till she sorts out what she wants. I broke up with her because of that. "I had a boyfriend briefly in high school, but the first girl I kissed was someone I met at college orientation. I gave her a letter, and in that letter I wrote about how much I loved her and that I was so happy that we waited. Copyright The Modern Man. But the last month she stopped talking to me. In passing she mentions that one of her friends kissed her on the cheek. Had you not objected to it she would probably have not felt very guilty about cheating. In this case, maybe it was her need of contact or physical interaction. My girlfriend kissed another guy, what should I do? sitting on a couch at a house party and the guy sitting next to her started kissing her, a guy took advantage of her in the back of a taxi, if she was almost at the point of passing out, etc), then it is possible to my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it A part of me wants to forgive her, because I love her. So my girlfriend and I had an argument on new years and she went to hang out with her friends (two of whom are boys that I always felt like they maybe flirted). In any case, she ends up drinking a bunch and hanging out there all night because we argued and wanted to have some space. I really want to meet her everyday and hang out, but I feel like I should act a little cold and confident around her. foe st patricks day event strategy. The Lovesick Drifters - Live at Lorraine's | Hank Williams | Hank Girlfriend kissed another guy while drunk and a few other details. Mainly do to fact that my girlfriend lied about a lot of things. delete her from your life. I have met the guy before, I wasn't intimidated by him as he is not the kind of person my gf would go for (Both looks & personality wise). I caught my wife with another man : r/shortscarystories Thats just my advise. -GF's feelings changed and she wanted to break up because the she and the other dude were, or did, hook up again. Girlfriend of one year kissed another guy and lied! PLEASE HELP! ADVICE Glad you saw my post . You can simply see it as a once in a lifetime mistake she made due to getting a bit too drunk and then laugh it off as nothing to worry about. She blames the kiss on the guy and alcohol and my lack of giving attention to her. She told me another man kissed her and she didn't push away. I mean, you also had needs and missed her a lot, but you didn't do anything like that. do what makes u happy **** the rest. Keep it Clean. My Activity Streams Content New Today Community Guidelines; More. If you tend to get angry and get into arguments with your girlfriend too often, you need to start being more light-hearted about things and force yourself to laugh and smile about the kind of things that would normally make you angry or annoy you. Because indeed, she won't do anything like that for long. Dude she needs to stay gone. If she is truly committed to you, she will definitely become more sensible, but if she isnt really sure about her commitment to you, the same mistake will almost certainly happen again in future. If you get back with her she WILL do this again. She says she's sorry it happened but she feels she did not cheat on me. I know I can get another girlfriend, I've always been more succesful than her at getting sex etc from the opposite sex but I dunno wtf to do, i love her for many reasons other than this obviously. My girlfriend of 4 years kissed and "played" with another guy. But I found this from a long time member SJer and I thought it may pertain to your situation. confidence, high self-esteem) and turned off by the weakness (e.g. She said no so I asked why has she text that to her mate then? We said our goodbye's and that I would see her in a couple of weeks. Also, it's natural that things feel different right now. But people make mistakes, and maybe they deserve a second chance. But you need to think that all the possibilites lie in your head. I want her back so badly because I finally understand her and realize how freaking good she is and how much she mattered to me. {Man} Once upon a time there was a lovely princess. sitting on a couch at a house party and the guy sitting next to her started kissing her, a guy took advantage of her in the back of a taxi, if she was almost at the point of passing out, etc), then it is possible to forgive her for that and continue on in a committed, trusting relationship. she left the ex - the family - the security! Essentially, what you need to do is make her feel the pain of losing an awesome guy like you, so she then realizes that she has made a mistake and comes back to apologize and ask for another chance. So after the first date after 6 months I went home and checked her e-mail. rick rieder personal net worth; Basically, I tried, obsessively, to fix this **** and stay with her. Joey McCartney, 32, and Jesse McCartney, 36, are allegedly the two men responsible for the home invasion murder. Regardless of how good your intentions are and how great of a guy you really are, demanding that of her will make her feel like she is trapped in a relationship with an insecure guy, which will actually make her feel more attracted to the guy she recently kissed. truly committed, kind of like each other, long distance, co-worker relationship, high school sweethearts, etc) and why she kissed him. I'm glad you're optimist at the moment. Well, in short.this **** ****ing sucks. If you hadn't found about that, you will be able to still enjoy the relation. She's usually dead laid back so I just put it down to the pressure of the work she had to put in. Im glad I kissed him now because it has allowed me to see this side of you). This has turned out to be kind of a soap opera I knowin any case we spoke further and after a week we talked. Her friend then grabbed her and pulled her away. Let her really think of how stupid she was, so she will never to it again. Best of look mate, Wow that kinda touched me because that almost half of it happened to me but she doesn't love me she loves another guy named sce she acts so different around me and is her self around her friends last time she asks me "wat would u do if I kissed a guy" what should I say after that and then she asks me "wat would u do if I went out with your best freind while going out with u?" My thoughts are not to break up with her, because I understand her mistake, but rather to find out how to move on! She was bleary-eyed. Sure you might pay more attention for a while, but then you will slip back into your old habits, and she will wander again. I hate that what we had together is in . Home / Uncategorized / my girlfriend kissed another guy and lied about it. Thanks for the response! Lastly, she keeps apologizing for hurting me (ambiguously she says hurting me but implying for wanting to break up with me but not necessarily for the kiss). She blames me for this, also denies that its her doing (this is all implied, she wont have a direct conversation thats honest about this). You need to get rid and move on. My marriage. She hasn't gone after that guy which is telling and makes me feel better and currently she's not dating or anything. And although you can understand it, it doesn't justify here acts. As you can see, its not only women who cannot be trusted. The . I needed time and space and just before christmas I decided to forgive her because I seen how remorseful she was and she's begged me for another chance saying she can't bare to lose me and can't bare to see me hurt so much. I agreed. My girlfriend kissed another guy, what should I do - My girlfriend kissed another guy (or he kissed her I guess..) and other