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When Venus is in Taurus, you know exactly what to say and do to attract a lover. In relationships, youre praised for your steadiness and stability, though you can get stuck in a rut. Odette Moderator . Skinny dipping is your idea of foreplay. Peepl, what about the aspects to his Venus? When you inevitably do find "The One," youll take care of them in every way possible. If you want to find that which a person finds attractive, really study his Venus sign. WebAnswer (1 of 8): The Moon Sign and the Rising sign play an important role in this matter not only the Sun sign. You may have heard the hype about Venus retrograde, a six-week backspin that happens every 18 months. I could not do that on this message board but thank you so much for all your help! Venus in Aquarius may dress like a hippie or with a kind of eccentric style. This compassionate Venus vibe could spill over into codependency with people who are deeply troubled or dealing with addictions. Have only met a girl with this placement and she seemed like she was just not capable of loving. Copyright 2000-2016 WebLook to your Venus sign for an answer to that question. He would like a girl who is athletic or, at least, adventurous. Cookies and milk for a snack while dinner slow roasts in the oven? Own your Venus sign and you'll be on your way to feeling more confident and whole within your own skin. Shining bright like the Sun (their planetary ruler), Leo is enthusiastically generous with their affection and resources. If you want to find that which a person finds attractive, really study his Venus sign. In 5 B.C., it was mathematician/stargazer Pythagoras who realized that Phosphorus and Hesperus were one and the same. Really! Cancers love to love and typically make great partners that intuitively know what they and their partners need to thrive together. If Venus is clockwise from your Sun (or at an earlier zodiac sign), youre a Morning Star Venus. They love nice things that engage the senses, especially items that feel good to the touch. I am telling you! Venus in Cap - probably sh*t like all things Cap, apparently too mature, too serious. Rules were meant to be broken and are too restrictive. He has excellent taste in everything, from the opposite sex to toothpaste. This Venus likes to have fun, fun, fun and keep it light, light, light. Next up, but never last, we have the smart, sexy, fun, and a little bit cocky, Leo. Often reserved in public, you open up A LOT when you are in the privacy of your own home. "They're people who sleep well at night, knowing they've done all they can to aid humanity every day," she says. Curtains up! You need to learn how to keep moving forward. While invisible, magnetic Venus holds a secret session with the, This planetary playdate also marks the beginning of, To determine your Venus position, first locate the Sun in your natal chart (. Mars, Mars, Mars-Smoking Hot to Fish Hands Cold. Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Love at first sight is all too real for youand youve probably fallen head over heels in a nanosecond more than once. Here's what your Venus sign means in astrology - New York Post Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000 I was too "clingy" is what OUTSIDERS were telling *him*! very loyal, almost to the point of making one feel guilty. But will you make a better choice next time? The right (healthy!) This enchanting Venus placement makes you a master of seduction, as you artfully weave your gifts of empathy with your intuitive understanding of what turns people on. Each one is very different. Ultimately, youll rise, like the phoenix that represents the highest vibration of Scorpio, and continue your quest for a spiritually aligned partner. Sorry about that, Rachelle! It is very refined and very well mannered. Required fields are marked *. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. I guess beauty is subjective. This sign thrives in a relationship and can be trusted with your heart. Do you agree with the list, or think it misses the mark? Last on our list of top five attractive signs, we have the ever-sexy Scorpio. He loves a partner with a good sense of humor. An accomplished mate is a mustand if they have the money to show for it, no complaints from you. The pickup artists have a technique they call, "neg-ing," where you teasingly insult the person youre attracted to. They often bring out the hidden aggression in others, which is sometimes attractive but can also put people off if they feel intimidated by Leo. Related: The Most Dangerous Zodiac Signs, Ranked. He is not as inclined to go for women who are model-thin, tomboy-ish, or for the Also a plus, theyre not afraid to spend their money on the finer things in life. Aquarius is a rare, genuine spirit that stops people in their tracks. Thank you! During the dating phase, you require all the traditional trappings: long-stemmed roses, Rumi poems, picnics in the park. Save the red roses and the red carpets: If you were born with Venus in practical Virgothe sign of selfless servicea pure heart and noble character are your true turn-ons. Deeply private and mysterious, you hate to feel vulnerable or exposed. Geminis are super attractive, no doubt! sensitive, artistic, kind & somewhat elusive me, except maybe the artistic part, I guess its hidden deeeeep down; hes been saying since the day one that I have kind eyes Most aesthetically pleasing: venus air/fire which in vedic translates to earth/water all commital nonbackstabbers . Venus in Pisces is, unlikely, to play games when he is in love. This liberated (and sometimes fickle) Venus sign might even make it hard for you to attach to one partner. Sure, I understand the whole chart should be studied. In Libra Venus represents loving relationships, harmony, balance, justice and judgement. You prefer to plunge into the depths of intimacy and find out every one of your lovers secrets. Theyre also very feet-to-the-earth partners, craving stability and reliability. I picture Pamela Anderson in her red Speedo .He likes to do exciting activities like sky dive. Their fixation on being the brightest and most dominant makes them very attached to being right, at all times. That's Venus in Astrology. Venus Signs Pleasing parents falls pretty low on your list of priorities; in fact, shock value can be an aphrodisiac! How To Attract A Man Based On His Venus Sign | YourTango Why arent you attracted to Aries Venus? Along your romantic flight path, you may fall for a few wounded birds, especially if their keen intellect appeals to your "sapiosexual" love of a beautiful mind. She is also Leo rising, so her love for quality has always been combined with Scarlett OHaras thirst for gorgeous fabrics, intricate jewellery and luscious hairstyles (and these cant be low-quality, by definition). People are attracted to you, and you gain a lot of friends. According to our venus we are supposed to be hoes but I dont know about that. My sign is taurus and my venus is gemini too lol. While your book of love may be filled with steamy and half-finished chapters, at least it wont be boring! The chemistrys gotta be bubbling like a freshly corked Veuve! Ruled by Uranusthe planet o Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Leos love attention, so they always try to look their best to guarantee they'll receive it. but he also has chrion to asc and moon in pisces and cancer moon trine each other.. hehe, Venus in Scorpio - possessive idiots who want all of your being. A physical lover, hugs and hand-holding are but some of the ways you show how you feel. Libra Rising Libra is ruled by Venus and is considered the most attractive ascendant. "Leos feel that it's nice to look nice, and it shows," she explains. your Venus sign says about your love language With Venus in nurturing Cancer, youre equal parts caretaker and coquette. But what if her reversal is actually a blessing in disguise? He/She wants an attractive partner. WebVenus in Cancer Keyword: Comfortable. She should broaden his horizons (Venus in 9th house) and be passionate (trine Pluto). Captivating placements. I can see this Venus falling in love( so to speak) with a picture. All that effort pays off in the end. Welcome to Popular Astrology. And so he told me I was too clingy (??? With your finely tuned sense of balance, you easily sense when a partnership is out of sync, and youll quickly adjust. Romance is a priority, but they are oddly noncommittal., Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Personal Numerology. The planet of love and beauty is literally at home (domicile) in decadent Taurus, one of the two zodiac signs Venus rules. In the process, we may become impregnated with new visions of what love could be and giving us a chance to bring them to life and to light! When Venus is in Libra, favorable energy creates a true-love scenario. WebWestern Venus in earth/water signs are completely unloyal Venus Taurus/Scorpio males, by far least attractive.(IME!!!!!) Expand, evolve, and learn into your sunset years? Assista a contedos populares dos seguintes criadores: Owen Pierson(@owenpiersonxo), libracarolastrologer(@astrostarr4), libracarolastrologer(@astrostarr4), Astrotok(@realms0flight), IntuitionsbyNiko(@intuitionsbyniko), He is a refined person and likes his partners to be, as well. The person who can hold a fascinating conversation and inspire you to think outside the box could be the one who lures you into a permanent domestic partnership. Yes, please, and plenty of it. As such, she has two names: In the morning, she is Phosphorus, which means bringer of light. What starts as a Tinder, "Lets meet up for drinks" thing could evolve into a 24-hour date that takes you from karaoke to after-hours bars to the bedroom to brunchand maybe a burlesque show in between. I gained 5lbs of ice cream weight sulking it out with one of them one time so I love my Taurus Venus girls, indefinitely but I get very mad/disappointed when they go all "doormat" and some of them just do!~) --- seriously - rant over~ holla' if you know someone like these ladies ^ ><; --- ty for letting me get that off my chest~ lol <3, omg thats me venus in Taurusdont know whe to let go, Posts: 68772From: Pluto/house next to NickiGRegistered: Sep 2010, ------------------Passion, Lust, Desire. This Venus likes refinement in the partner. With your tender underbelly, it can take you years to get over a breakup or so-called rejection. But I end up with the Scorpios. Leo people are also endlessly loyal to their tribe. Endless hugs, cuddles, kisses, and devoted affection? The list is obviously wrong! These are tidbits, no more , It would take me a lot of time to answer, Julia. Aquarius is always on this list. Venus in Taurus She will fall in love with your mind, so if this is not your strong suit, you may need to look for another Venus, like Aries, who wants to drive your sports car. WebVenus in Taurus. By the way, why do you call a Cap stellium exhausting? Donald Trump, one of my role models, has it. Under this liberated Venus influence you chafe at the idea of anyone "owning" you. But try not to declare your undying love too quickly. And why cant Trump be a role model? The partners he chooses must be the same. Even a confident Scorpio can be too overbearing for most people. Each one is like a different animal. They love to touch and enjoy all forms of comfort. Her feminine looks (Venus in Pisces) should be achieved through quality clothing and decent style (Uranus & Neptune in Capricorn), while the woman should be perceived as high-quality and well-mannered (Capricorn, again). Related: Which Zodiac Sign is the Smartest? The planets most powerful position, indicates ease and added fortune when using the planets energy if placed here in the chart. Nesting with your S.O. Check. When Venus is in Aries, your attractive image draws many romantic opportunities where you arent afraid to take the lead. It turns out, when you simply can't take your eyes off of someone, astrology might also have something to do with it. my ex psychopath narcissist husband has it too, one of your role models! You want to know NOW: Are you into me or not? If youre not working the room like a Hollywood head-turner on the red carpet, youre probably writing a cinematic narrative in your head about all the ups and downs of your romantic life. Planetary rulerships affect the character, appearance, and behavior of an individual. Your email address will not be published. The man Im currently dating has Venus in Pisces (conjunct my Moon). With that said, we can pinpoint some of the most attractive signs based on certain qualities, like planet rulerships. is sensitive, artistic, kind & somewhat elusive (Venus in Pisces) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The 5 Most Physically Attractive Zodiac Signs In Astrology My Mums portrait. He takes love seriously. Prior to it, as Venus retrograde winds down her evening star cycle, we may see things that need to be put to bed, so to speak: limiting beliefs, toxic relationships, unreasonable demands, destructive and abusive behaviors. It represents one of humanity's most basic drives: the need to relate. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. . You woo at a prolonged pace and dont want to miss out on a single courtship ritual. When Venus is in Leo, your attitude towards love is something out of a fairy tale. Image credit: Dharma Productions. With flirtatious energy, you draw people in and sometimes grow bored rather quickly. Venus in Capricorn must respect those people in her life. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. When Venus is in Aquarius, you desire a partner who finds you intelligent and interesting. YOU are the most important person to me. If you were born with Venus in fantasy-fueled Pisces, you see the poetry in basically everything. Yup, that too. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. Pisces are delicate in nature and are usually why can't you!? Aquarians are often generous people who love to give back. What Makes Each Zodiac Sign Attractive: Best Traits & Features His home is probably brightly decorated. The AstroTwins have collaborated with Nordstrom, Kate Spade and Urban Outfitters, among other major brands. Youre looking for a partner who wants to build something stable and fruitful togetherand that doesnt come along every day. They can be highly unstable at times with erratic moods that cause them to lash out or close up tight. Venus is the planet of relating, like the Moon. Don't be surprised if you can't take your eyes off of them. Regardless, your ideal mate will have a global sensibility, and youll enjoy traveling together at every opportunity. Some possessiveness turns him on, because, while dating, he does not have to experience control on a daily basis. This is a rather rare Venus sign, from my experience. Taurus pampers their loved ones and surrounds them with beautiful things. That means he does love well,so to speak. What makes you attractive and sexy? Honigman credits their good looks with getting enough beauty sleep. Venus, The Most Beautiful | venoastrology.com Related: Which Zodiac Sign is the Strongest? Love is like a theatrical performance for those born with Venus in dramatic Leo. Venus in Capricorn likes classic everythingfrom clothes to home decor. Relationships are an investment, as far as youre concerned. WebIf a mans Venus is in Cancer, he may prefer women who come across as sweet, soft, and warm. Venus in the Zodiac Signs - LiveAbout At first I though he was playing me, I mean, who would actually do all those things? Whats your rising sign, by the way? Single years will certainly be storied for Venus-in-Sagittarius people, with a few tales that could make a sex worker blush. Ive got the Cap stellium, EXHAUSING Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, North Node. You are the main character and expect your partner to be the most beautiful in all the land. He does not like coarse humor.He, also, is very, very sensitive to tastes and smells. You take the words out of my mouth, Edit : I don't like anyting Scorpio in a man, be it sun, moon, ascendant or venus. WebAttractiveness: reliable and practical Taurus is an earth sign and is associated with the planet Venus. Venus square or opposing Neptune. This content includes information from experts in their field and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy. They are master showmen and a magnet for other people. You should do a Most Likely To Cheat Zodiak Im sure they would be #1 ha! This Venus looks for perfection. Casual dating is so NOT your jam. If any Venus would be attracted to a Goth, it would be this one. We constantly strive to provide you with the best information possible. While moves like these can be manipulative, you know how to keep an attraction dynamic by interrupting lazy habits that can dull the sexual tension. Jealousy is a pretty foreign concept for Venus in Aquarius. Of course, youll do everything in your power to prevent the "old married couple" vibe from kicking in, showering your partner with gifts, strutting around in sexy (matching) lingerie, booking exciting vacations, and keeping up with fitness and beauty regimens. If you had your preference, youd mate for life, and many a Venus in Cancer weds early, even to a childhood sweetheart. This can make you wildly adventurous (read: generally nonmonogamous) or endlessly devoted to your mate. Love, Once the object of your affections passes your tests, youre all in, shopping for housewares at Crate and Barrel, pinning iconic engagements rings, scouting out hillside mansions for your wedding ceremony, and figuring out which grandparent youll name the first kid after. his venus), I have Venus in cancer and I'm glad with my current Cap-Venus is what I can tell you.I can't be clingy enough now. They love to party plan and make fantastic hosts. When Venus is in Cancer, you are a secure option for someone looking to be welcomed home with open arms. Some Venus-in-Capricorn people might actually swoon at the notion of co-creating a business. They might be the prettiest, behind Libra. almost too comfy, not much vibe, Venus in Taurus - weird. Learning about neuroscience and its effect on human emotions can give you a template for empathy. He does not want a clinging vine: someone who makes her whole life about him. They beam with pro-social qualities like loyalty, curiosity, and romanticism. He is classic for loving his children, which is a hallmark of this sign. Our online classes and training programs allow you to learn from experts from anywhere in the world.