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Charter of Massachusetts Bay, 1629. In October 1629, the group who remained in England elected John Winthrop to be Governor of the Fleet and the Colony. The Winthrop Fleet in 1630 Eleven Ships Sailed to Massachusetts Bay Colony The Winthrop Fleet consisted of eleven ships. Leave a message for others who see this profile. web pages Garden New York Ships Passenger Lists 1855-1890, Ellis Opt Hazrard. Do you have any other documentation about him? Or search online Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s [$], If you don't find your ancestor on my ships' pages, try genealogy records on Ancestry.com. It's now on the list, but not. Some 35 passengers, family and friends who had remained in Leiden sailed on a ship called the Mayflower but which was not the original ship that came to Plymouth in 1620. OliveTreeGenealogy.com free immigration databases are listed after the fee based databases below, [an error occurred while processing this directive], Step 2: A rage of emigration swept through the eastern and midland counties of England, arousing in the authorities an apprehension which was to be shared by many other local officials of Europe during the next two and a half centuries. List of freemen, Massachusetts Bay Colony from 1630 to 1691 : with freeman's oath, the first paper printed in New England by Andrews, H. Franklin (Henry Franklin), 1844-1919. The Winthrop Fleet was a well-planned and financed expedition that formed the nucleus of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Planters of the Commonwealth; a Study of the Emigrants and Emigration in Colonial Times: To Which Are Added Lists of Passengers to Boston and to the Bay Colony; the Ships which Brought Them; Their English Homes, and the Places of Their Settlement in Massachusetts, 1620-1640. Over the years, passports and passport applications contained different amounts of information about the passport applicant. Traveled with Haddon family (below), Converse, Edward, Sarah, Phineas, John, Josiah, James, with Wife and six children; 3rd, 7th, 11th, 14th Governor of the, Finch, Abraham, Abraham Jr., Daniel, John. Defence Ship, 1635, William French, England to Boston The USCIS Genealogy Program is a fee-for-service program that provides researchers with timely access to historical immigration and naturalization records of deceased immigrants. It is open to all men and women of good character and proven descent from one or more passengers of the Winthrop fleet, or of others who settled in the Bay Colony and Down East* by the end of 1640. The New York herald. [volume], January 16, 1853, Image 4 0000003737 00000 n Mary & John Clearing House The Mary & John 1630 sailed with 140 passengers that have never been found on an official passenger list. on August 19, 2019, xiii, [1] pages, 3 leaves, [3]- 231 pages 25 cm, There are no reviews yet. During the early and mid-19th century, immigrant groups began arriving in Massachusetts in large numbers; Later in the 20th century, immigration from, Massachusetts is home to a small community of. ships may have made more than one voyage and even several a year. Plymouth Colony was first settled in 1620. Includes a list of those who came to the Colonies during the first 50 years. 81,82, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Winthrop_Fleet&oldid=1066517573, John Revell, merchant, who lent money to the Plymouth Colony, and who was chosen assistant to the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Captain Edward Johnson, a leading figure in colonial Massachusetts and one of the founders of Woburn, Massachusetts, This page was last edited on 18 January 2022, at 19:01. Boston, 1821-1850 Ships Passenger ListsShips Passenger Lists Index, 1500s-1900s Indexed CD with names of approximately 3,530,000 individuals who arrived in United States and Canadian ports. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Porter, John, Olding, Margaret, ___, ___,___,___, Pynchon, William, Agnes, John, Anne, Mary, Margaret, Rawlins, Thomas, Mary, Thomas Jr., Nathaniel, John, Joan, Mary, Reynolds, Robert, Mary, Nathaniel, Ruth, Tabitha, Sarah, Founder of Watertown MA, returned to England in 1631 and later was English Ambassador to Holland, Co-Founder of Watertown MA, Weathersfield CT and New Haven CT and Militia officer in. In 1627 cattle division the family appears as "Peeter" and Martha Browne, with her Ford children John and Martha "fford." She died by 1630. I just created this page because it was initially on the top of the category page and category pages aren't supposed to have this much text on it. Founders of Early American Families: Emigrants from Europe 16071657. Plymouth Colony - Location, Pilgrims & Thanksgiving - HISTORY Mayflower Passengers Below is a list of all the passengers on board the Mayflower that ultimately sailed to New England in 1620 as given by William Bradford. The Massachusetts Bay Colony got its start on June 14, 1630, when the Arbella came to anchor in Salem Harbor after a long, stormy voyage. Available now on Amazon.com and Amazon.ca. Island New York Ships Passenger Lists 1894-1927, Search all websites for ships Island, Hotten: p. 71. The Puritans lived longer and healthier lives, and formed large, healthy families. Immigrant Ships To America/First Families/Winthrop Fleet, The William & Francis, Master _____ Thomas, sailed March 9, 1632.*. The records indicate that the ship actually arrived in Massachusetts, but other references mention that the . 0000001504 00000 n She and her husband head to Salt Lake City Utah to research Janie's elusive 4th great-grandmother. worn to the bone.This data base has been compiled simply in hopes of easing In any case, a 1642 arrival, if true would make him inelgible for the PGM project. She participated in. Possibly joined by wife Mary and infant daughter Mary. 0000005756 00000 n 1600-1775, United States, Massachusetts - Emigration and immigration - Indexes, United States, Massachusetts - Emigration and immigration - Periodicals, United States, Massachusetts - Minorities, United States, Massachusetts - Minorities - Genealogy, United States, Massachusetts - Minorities - Genealogy - Periodicals, United States, Massachusetts - Minorities - Vital records, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massachusetts, New England Historic Genealogical Society, University of Massachusetts Amherst Library, https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/index.php?title=Massachusetts_Emigration_and_Immigration&oldid=5229770. The area around Plymouth and Cape Cod, settled by the Pilgrims, was known as Plymouth colony, or the Old Colony. Canada-U.S. 21 Jan 1635: John Cuttinge, Master of the Francis and William Andrewes, Master of the Elizabeth, both of Ipswitch, have brought a list of all the passengers that went in their ships to New England in April 1634 with certificates of their having taken the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance. The Winthrop Fleet was a group of 11 ships led by John Winthrop out of a total of 16[1] funded by the Massachusetts Bay Company which together carried between 700 and 1,000 Puritans plus livestock and provisions from England to New England over the summer of 1630, during the first period of the Great Migration. When John Winthrop, Jr., in 1635 passed through Ireland, Scotland and the north of England, he found that the contagion spread also to these parts; everywhere he stopped, eager inquirers sought him out.". 8-23-1677, What's Available in Massachusetts Immigration Records, Ships' Passenger lists to Massachusetts after 1820, Ships Passenger Lists The Complete Book of Emigrants, 16611669 A list of those who emigrated from England to America, including those who were deported and those sold into labor. Significant immigration from other European countries began in the 1840s, when many people came to work in the textile mills. The Winthrop Fleet was a well-planned and financed expedition that formed the nucleus of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. James' son Charles came into direct conflict with Parliament, and viewed them as a threat to his authority. The Complete Book of Emigrants, 17001750. From Ship Passenger Lists by Carl Boyer referencing a previous work by Isabel MacBeath Calder entitled Passengers on the Hector, 1637-38, The New Haven Colony pp. Immigration records usually take the form of ship's passenger lists collected at the port of entry. I thought it was supposed to be on this page. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index. Martha Ford - Widow of Fortune passenger William Ford. Massachusetts: Passengers on the "Lion" from England to Boston, 1632, 2 Volumes, call #MA-047 Port Arrivals and Immigrants to the City of Boston, 1715-1716 and 1762-1768, pub call #MA-054 Passenger and Immigration Lists: Boston, 1821-1850, CD IR P008 Towey Surname Boston Passenger List 1820-1943, Npub, Michigan: One could argue the Arbella's arrival had a greater impact on the colonization of New England than the Mayflower 10 years earlier. Love, Poverty And War: Journeys And Essays [PDF] [5qkamljh8p80] The popular interest anticipated most of the features appearing in later periods. Walter Hayne 55 wife: Elizabeth daughters: Mary - 5, Sufference servants: John Blanford - 27 John Riddet - 26 Richard Bidlecombe - 16 Peter Noyce 47 son: Thomas - 15 daughter: Elizabeth servants: Robert Davis - 30 John Rutter - 22 Margaret Davis - 26 Nicholas Guy 50 wife: Jane - 30 daughter: Mary servants Joseph Taynter - 25 Robert Bayley - 23 ISTG Vol 2 - Unspecified Name - Immigrant Ships First Settlers - long list of links. The Great Migration of Picky Puritans, 1620-40 - New England Historical The WikiTree profile for Robert Reynolds is found here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Reynolds-326 On that profile it seems to discount that Robert was son of George Robert and Thomasyn (Church) Reynolds. Bay Colony in 1629 with 400 settlers. [2] The King's imposition of Personal Rule gave many Puritans a sense of hopelessness regarding their future in that country, and many prepared to leave it permanently for life in New England, and a wealthy group of leaders obtained a Royal Charter in March 1629 for the Massachusetts Bay Colony.[3]. The initial group (Arbella and her three escorts)[5] Over the ensuing winter, the leaders recruited a large group of Puritan families, representing all manner of skilled labor to ensure a robust colony. Lots of recorded ancestors and descendants. 0000009255 00000 n Libraries with large genealogical collections, such as the, Order copies of passenger arrival records with, As late as 1795, the population of Massachusetts was nearly 95% of. Most of the Puritans who came to New England were prosperous middle-class families. See his profile. You may want to go to that profile to see what research is there. 0000006475 00000 n 11 vols. 0000002888 00000 n The Ships List But then again it says he was elected to office in NY in 1691, 31 years after his death (maybe was John Jr). Andrew Ford Acquired Property in the Plymouth Colony to . Alexander Brown, "The first republic in America", Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1898 - 688 pages. Passenger lists | National Library of Australia Garden New York Ships Passenger Lists 1855-1890, Ellis Immigrant Ships To America/First Families/Winthrop Fleet, French, Susanna (Riddlesdale) (1584-1658), Massachusetts Bay Colony - A Puritan colony. These first Massachusetts Bay settlers, numbering scarcely one thousand, hailed mainly from the English counties of Suffolk, Essex and Dorset. I don't see the ship at packratpro or olivetree or by charles edward banks or in any of the usual places. on NARA microfilm, Castle The spring of 1634 brought at least 30 ships to the Massachusetts Bay, all laden with passengers for the new colony, and there soon descended on the outpost at Agawam scores of new arrivals, along with colonists who had already tried out other towns in the Bay Colony. In the 1870s large numbers of Canadians, especially French Canadians, began to move overland into the state. She is number 78: Reynolds Sarah 20, #36. Puritan migration to New England (1620-1640), https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Reynolds-326, https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Great_Migration_Ships. Alphabetical with age and roll number. Supplemental volumes have been issued annually. Prior to 1880 about 95 percent of the overseas immigrants to Massachusetts came from Britain, Ireland, and northern Europe. Plymouth Populations, 1620-1690 - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign H|[0+)"}Z[Ul)HNB;-9WxxX>m[nBmU@B|Elt`d FOXp Will do so now. The Puritan population in England had been growing for several years leading up to this time. Chatto and Windus, 1874 - 580 pages (, "Topographical Dictionary of 2885 English Emigrants to New England 1620 - 1650" by Charles Edwards Banks, Edited and Indexed by Elijah Ellsworth Brownell, Southern Book Company, Baltimore, 1957. The Maritime Heritage Project, started in 1997, is a free research tool for those seeking history of passengers, ships, captains, merchants and merchandise sailing into California during the mid-to-late 1800s. You can view them with a trial period free access. In the 1623 land division the family was assigned 4 lots under her name as "Widow Foord." In 1626 she married Mayflower passenger Peter Browne.