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You do this by eating everything you can and evolving to be bigger and bitier. Dominating the open waters in Maneater requires building the best shark. Maneater: All evolutions | Green Man Gaming For a full list of Maneater evolution Set, Check out all three Evolution Set in Maneater. The speed combined with the strength will give you an edge and make you a harder target since you can attack then evade before the hunters or other predatory animals can get a shot on you. Was just wondering on what the best gear and abilities are the best. 12.5% Lunge Speed 12.5% Acceleration Bonus, 15% Acceleration Bonus 15% Max Speed 15% Lunge Speed 15% Swim Speed On lunge releases a cloud that puts 6 poison counters on all creatures within 8m. The above image shows the ratings parameters of a Mega bull shark that has all five evolutions within the Bio-Electric Set equipped and upgraded to Tier 5. There are five shark levels that span from the beginning of the game: Pup, Teen, Adult, Elder, Mega. This is the Brutal Muscles upgrade, which you can earn by gaining Infamy and defeating Bounty Hunters. Shadow Fins - Golden Shores. And Incredible - Evolutions In Maneater - GameByte Makes normally hostile wildlife that are a fraction of your size neutral to you. When he's not playing or writing, he's drawing comics and making puns. Adult to Elder. BECOME THE MANEATER Experience the ultimate power fantasy as the apex predator of the seas - a terrifying SHARK Maneater is a single player, open world action RPG ShaRkPG where YOU are the shark. Lets take a look at all the evolution types and its benefit. Each evolution can be upgraded a total of four times. 2 Hearty. 4 poison counters on all creatures in 9m. Maneater Guide - All Apex Predators | How to fight Apex - EthuGamer Maneater: Truth Quest DLC Out Now With Toothy New Evolutions and As for the "Organ" mutations, I found that I used different ones for different situations. This set is unlocked by defeating Apex predators in certain locations. RELATED: This cloud reduces the speed, defense and attack damage. The Shadow Head evolution give you more Thrash Damage and increase Lunge Speed. 10% Max Speed 10% Swim Speed On tail whip the poison projectile deals 25 damage in 30m range. Dragonite Dragonair & Dratini 3 CARD EVOLUTION HOLO SET 2022 Silvter The Shadow body ability lets you delete large swarms of targets like massed up hunters, teams of enemy sharks, and those ever so frustrating humans running around on the beaches - hit them with your maximum poison damage aura and wait for the body count to skyrocket. Maneaters shark upgrades can be acquired in a variety of ways. The body cover the biggest part of the shark compare to other part like head or fins. - Hearty, Reinforced Cartilage, and Brutal Muscles are an excellent combination for a tough fight. Or mix match. Because there are varied enemy types in Maneater, players will want to have several sets ready for different encounters. Gives you the Shadow Form ability. The full list for this set of bonuses is listed below: Jaw: +25% thrash damage, +60% boat bite damage. The full list for this set of bonuses is listed below: Grab the following organs to power up further and complete the defensive denizen of the deep. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. It includes Mass, Health, Defense, Damage, and Speed. All Maneater Hunter Bosses and how to fight them. On slam, the target boat cannot move for 10s. Unlocking all the shark evolution and organ upgrades is going to take a bit of work. this evolution turns your tail into a lightning projector. Bone Set - Increases the damage you do to boats. Maneater is an indie title developed by Tripwire studio. This also has a bonus to Boat. Maneater: The Best Shark Builds - TheGamer I like the Shadow but it doesn't give much in the way of power, and the electric looks a little silly to me. Curious what everyone favorite or go to evolution is? A beefy shark is a healthy shark and Maneater is a testament to that. At the top tier, the sharks land speed is increased by 50 percent, and its lung capacity by 125 percent! Members. Similar to Shadow Body, you can now release a Poison Cloud when evade, putting a 5 Poison Counters to enemies when hit. Markdown is allowed. Gives you the Shadow Form ability. 10% Lunge Speed 10% Max Speed 10% Acceleration Bonus 10% Swim Speed, 20% Projectile Damage Resistance 20% Electrical Damage Resistance and on lunge, you turn into lightning, inflicting 12 damage and putting 4 stun counters on anything within 8m. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for NEW SEALED Vintage MECANNO ERECTOR EVOLUTION SET 1 METAL CONSTRUCTION Damage Box at the best online prices at eBay! Pup Shark - You start the game as a pup, so don't worry too much about this one. The surging bursts of lightning compensate for the lack of speed rating. This set makes you a shark with the ability to cover your enemies in a black, inky liquid and also makes you look like the batmobile. Maneater: Bio-Electric Evolution Set List and Guide - Outsider Gaming On bite you release an electrical shock, inflicting 8 damage and putting 2 stun counter on anything within 3.5m. This upgrade improves your lung capacity and moving speed, which allows you to be more effective out of the water. Fin-tastic! 2 poison counters on all creatures in 7m. Bone Body; 2500 Protein & Fat, 3125 Mineral . Maneater: Everything You Need To Know About The Bio-Electric Set 10% Lunge Speed 10% Acceleration Bonus, 12.5% Acceleration Bonus 12.5% Max Speed 12.5% Lunge Speed 12.5% Swim Speed On lunge releases a cloud that puts 4 poison counters on all creatures within 7m. It reduces incoming damage from all sources by a lot and overcharges your damage vs boats. Fulfilling certain conditions, you'll be able to unlock Atomic body parts to change your shark yet again. These are the zones in question: Shadow Teeth - Dead Horse Lake . Maneater: The Best Shark Build | Tips4Gamers How to Get the Shadow, Bone and Bio-Electric Evolution Sets in Maneater Crafted to team the best features of both felt-tip and gel liners, Fenty Beauty's inky offering combines the crisp colour intensity of a liquid and the silky glide of a gel into one single fast-drying formula. How to unlock the Atomic Bomb achievement in Maneater: Acquire 100% of the Atomic Evolution set. Its quite useful on its own but can be improved significantly with the Shadow Tail. As you turn into Lighting during evade, all damage is nullified on evasion. This video shows the Mega shark level 40 equipped with all tiers of the atomic set.Shark facts:1) The atomic evolution set releases radioactivity through ato. While youre swimming around, eating up everything that you can to level-up, you may as well capitalise on the nutrient stacking. Bio-Electric Teeth: Bite to release an electric shock which puts stun counters on anything nearby; Bio-Electric Head: Disables the target boat on contact; Bio-Electric Body: Inflicts lightning damage on lunge and increases damage resistance; Bio-Electric Fins: Turn into lightning to place stun counters on anything nearby; Bio-Electric Tail: Launch a wave of electricity which places stun counters on anything in its path. Now, Im writing everything and anything, from sports to gaming, SEO-optimised content to reviews and previews. They both have their own strengths and weaknesses. As much as the electric fins look odd, love the teleporting aspect to them with that 100% evasion. 20% Max Speed 20% Swim Speed On tail whip the poison projectile deals 50 damage in 30m range. A target is stunned when it accumulates 10 stun counters. - The Bio-electric set gives the highest damage potential (and it looks really out of this world! You can choose whatever you want for the other two organ upgrades as it will not affect this Maneater shark build. Mutations and Evolutions List - Maneater Wiki Guide - IGN Inflicts 20 damage and puts 3 stun counters on anything in the path for 30m. A new evolution comes to Maneater: Truth Quest in the form of the Atomic set. I like the shadow teeth for health recovery. 5% Thrash Damage 12% Boat Bite Damage Bonus, 10% Thrash Damage 24% Boat Bite Damage Bonus, 15% Thrash Damage 36% Boat Bite Damage Bonus, 25% Thrash Damage 60% Boat Bite Damage Bonus, Defeat the Apex predator of Prosperity Sands. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you. On tail whip the poison projectile deals 35 damage in 30m range. At the highest tier, it boosts all of them by 30 percent! When evade, you will also cause a shockwave to damage nearby enemies (50 Damage) The evasion does not completely reduce all damage though (20% Damage Resistance on Evasion). 10% Max Speed 10% Evade Speed 10% Lunge Speed 10% Acceleration Bonus 10% Swim Speed, 15% Max Speed 15% Evade Speed 15% Lunge Speed 15% Acceleration Bonus 15% Swim Speed, 20% Max Speed 20% Evade Speed 20% Lunge Speed 20% Acceleration Bonus 20% Swim Speed, 25% Max Speed 25% Evade Speed 25% Lunge Speed 25% Acceleration Bonus 25% Swim Speed, 30% Max Speed 30% Evade Speed 30% Lunge Speed 30% Acceleration Bonus 30% Swim Speed. Total awards: 1. He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. Turns your tail into a lightning projector. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). Tier 2 Stats (8,000 Minerals) Tier 3 Stats (10,000 Minerals) Tier 4 Stats (12,000 Minerals, 175 Mutagen . A set that gives you the ability to shock anything around you by attacking, also making you look like a blue, glowing fungus. This set is unlocked by defeating Apex predators in certain locations. Your evasion can now inflict stun counters (3) to targets, and your evade speed is increased. You have bonuses to Ramming Damage, Force and has a boost to Knockback. Maneater Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The Shadow Set is great against sea creatures and humans thanks to the speed and the very useful poison strikes. This evolution turns you into a spinning, bone-bladed blender of destruction. For equipping two or more parts with the same Evolution set, you can unlock the set bonus as well. Maneater: How to Get Shadow Evolution - Twinfinite ethugamer May 26 . When activated, this evolution gives you the Lightning Burst ability. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 20% Electrical Damage Resistance and on lunge, you turn into lightning, inflicting 12 damage and putting 4 stun counters on anything within 8m. Bone Fins. Increases your speed when you are badly injured. I think the shadow set looks the coolest but for getting through the infamy levels and in fact any part of the game really, shadow teeth and bone everything else is your best bet. Shadow teeth to shred sea life, bone fins and tails to shred boats, shadow for even more ompfh and shadow coloring cause it looks the best with those parts. It is recharged by damaging or consuming creatures. Maneater: Shark Levels List and How to Evolve Guide Elder to Mega. This body also reduces damage from bullets and other boat devices. Inflicts 16 damage and puts 3 stun counters on anything in the path for 30m. These evolutions enhance the ability of the shark, as well as let you use special ability. Fat Digestion - Gives you more health from eating and more fat from fat sources. The body gives you access to a special power and the Atomic Body lets you charge up a radioactive laser that you can aim at various targets once locked on. Grab the following organs to boost effectiveness further: Remember these are the stats at max evolution, which require resources to upgrade. Started off as a sports writer with a focus on football, ice hockey, boxing, and American football. The preferred armor set for underwater hunters is the Bio-Electric Armor set. Among them all, the Atomic Body is a must-have for your shark build. Makes the shark look like white rocks. The shark is fast, but so are enemies, which means that it can take back-to-back damage rapidly. Maneater: Everything You Need To Know About The Bone Set - Game Rant I've tried the other 2 and they just don't seem to add any value at all. The shark is fast, but so are enemies, which means that it can take back-to-back damage rapidly. Creatures suffer -1% speed, damage resistance, damage output plus 0.2 damage per second for each counter, up to 30 counters. After leaving RealSport, I diversified my writing substantially, kept with sport, but also learned much more heavily into pop culture, iGaming, travel, business, tech, and especially gaming. Tuesday, August 31, 2021. Its a simple but practical upgrade that can give you that survival edge. On evade you turn into lightning, inflicting 4 damage and putting 1 stun counter on anything within 3 meters. This movement can range from a simple side-swipe to a twisting barrel roll. Body: +25% max speed, +25% lunge speed, +25% . While the first two will go up naturally as you gain levels, the rest are mainly affected by organs and body parts. The best way to extend your time in the danger zone is by equipping the Hearty organ. Inflicts 20 damage and puts 3 stun counters on anything in the path for 30m. This is the most powerful ranged attack in the game and lets you devastate both vehicles and enemies in a manner similar to Godzilla. Allows you to launch a ball of poison from your tail when you tail whip. With the release of the Truth Quest DLC, the world of Maneater got bigger and took on a more conspiracy theory type feel. The Evolution Level is one aspect that can contribute to your shark levelling-up to reach the next stage of growth. The shark you control starts off small but grows big enough to fight off the coast guard. Maneater is a single-player, open world action RPG (ShaRkPG) where you are the shark. --- Gamertag: Gobey6. Youre pretty much unkillable. Every shark evolution in Maneater. Taking along the right armor and gear can mean all the difference in the fight to become Maneater's dominant life form. In this Maneater best shark build article, we will cover the best combination of shark evolution upgrades you can get. This set is mainly unlocked via killing the ten bounty hunters. ), - The Stone set has high defense and is great for smashing up boats (and probably good for bashing larger predators too.).