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During the bonus mode Love Across the Universe, Kokichi even claims that he truly respects police officers and detectives who fight the bad guys yet get blamed by the public, and he reacts negatively about the criminal organization documents as he claims that thinking about all the bad things they bring to the world makes him sad. Kokichi's fantasy is himself as "a phantom thief" that was captured by a detective, and unlike other Love Suite Events, Shuichi is surprised when Kokichi knows it's him. Blood Type The figure measures 4.3" tall and features Kokichi in a sitting pose with a calm expression and slight smile that belies the trickster within. While everyone else investigated the newly opened areas, Kokichi was able to get through the tunnel alone and discovered the supposed secret of the outside world, of the killing game itself, that they were the last remaining survivors of humanity and that the Earth had been destroyed long ago by meteorites. He has claimed multiple times that he is physically weak and appears fearful whenever he is physically attacked by other people, often preferring to run away fast and claiming that he prefers to sneak around. Eventually, after more evidence was revealed, Maki realized that Kokichi wasn't the mastermind all along and regretted how she led the one she loved into killing Kokichi and Maki took the blame for it. English Afterward, seeing that Himiko was still trying to hold in her emotions from Angie and Tenko's demise, Kokichi called her out, belittling her for still holding back. After Monokuma officially started the Killing Game, Kokichi read the rules on his Monopad. Obviously, there is no evidence of it and the Ultimate Detective, Shuichi Saihara, does not know any organization matching with the one Kokichi mentioned. The character was made to be a liar to add to the story's main theme of truth and lies. "You have no idea how many crazy things I've done, do you? We just have to connect the "How" and "What." Despite this, Kokichi seems to be genuinely disturbed by her, possibly due to D.I.C.E. He likes the character quite a lot but states that Kokichi is not the kind of guy he would like to meet in real life.[5]. [6], As a big contrast to his other clothing, Kokichi's "trendy" underwear has much brighter and vibrant colors with red and yellow stripes. We just gotta do it! Even though he enjoys to lie and stir chaos, he also addresses many valid points and is occasionally the student who speaks the most sense. In Chapter 4, after Kokichi leaves the trial grounds alone with an evil grin on his face, for a very short moment his face is shown to turn very serious before turning back to "evil". That's what you do in, "Then just die in a hole for all I care! Kokichi gave her a pout and it worked to some extent. He is excited about K1-B0, wanting to be friends with "the robot" and childishly chasing him in an attempt to touch him, seemingly not realizing that his behavior is offensive and condescending. The other students escape the scene quickly, hearing the sound of "buzzing and Kokichi's screams" from the lab. UTDP. In the end, after Kirumi was convicted, his claim would be proven right as she received her own motive video from the start by pure luck. To further his own ends, Kokichi kept this truth hidden but continued plotting. While Kokichi claims that his arguments are simply based on logic, he appears to have some sort of trust issues. However, Kokichi sweetly asks him to let him go and calls him "big bro", causing Rantaro to immediately soften and let him pass "just for that one time", to the annoyance of the other students. Besides lying, Kokichi is shown to be very intelligent in general, with he himself claiming that his head is always filled with complicated thoughts. After everyone had gathered, Monokuma appeared and told the participants that it was a Flashback Light and that it had the ability to restore lost memories before leaving and letting the students decide what to do with it. He occasionally talked to Monokuma in a friendly and casual manner, even if his words implied the opposite. This made Gonta panic and so he tossed the toilet paper somewhere nearby. However, the point was to give him a creepy feeling as well, so his early designs included things like black clothing, skeleton patterns, and heterochromatic eyes. How Tall Is Kokichi Ouma | StatMuse Lance Bouma was 6 feet 2 inches tall. He later mocks her during the trial for being perverted. Since he has made Shuichi think about him constantly, he claims he has already "killed" him by "stealing his heart". They begin to start fighting, but it's interrupted by Maki breaking into the hangar to torture and kill Kokichi herself. Kaito would proceed to retrieve the video camera, snap the cords to the press machine to ensure it would not move again, and hid inside the red Exisal until the class trial began, where he imitated the Ultimate Supreme Leader himself thanks to the Exisal's voice changing function, as well as a book that Kokichi prepared for this exact moment that detailed his exact way of speaking and specific behaviors unique to him, essentially carrying on his will and plan until Shuichi is able to deduce that the person inside of the Exisal is not Kokichi, but Kaito. When they enter the Neo World Program for the first time, Kokichi almost immediately slaps K1-B0, supposedly to test how it works inside the program. However, after some of the other students started to accuse Himiko as the potential culprit and she turned apathetic and suicidal, Kokichi later appeared to try to make her feel better by happily congratulating her for her proven innocence and complimented her decision to use the middle room as an extremely important clue. After Kaede explained her motives, Kokichi calmly explained to her that it never dawned on her that she was caught in Monokuma's trap the moment the thought of murder entered her head, and regardless of her reasons she agreed to be part of the killing game at that very moment. When Kaede turned out to be the first culprit, Kokichi was shocked for a moment as he pointed out how bad it is that the one who talked about cooperation and unity then went and killed someone in cold blood. It's not exactly home sweet home, but it'll do. Kokichi theorized that this school was specifically made for all of its participants if Angie's lab had all her favorite sculpting and art supplies. His name, title, and clothing also have references to dictators. He only dodged her questions and much to his annoyance, she then started to lecture him about his general behavior and relationships. He claimed he didn't understand what Maki was talking about and appeared genuinely bothered by the fact that she was trying to restart the killing game, seriously asking her if she really did love killing that much. K1-B0 is very uncomfortable with Kokichi because of this and repeatedly asks him to stop. :*:.~* He carries a wooden and plastic toy scythe around to keep his image as "Death" himself. Once inside the virtual world, Kokichi immediately hit K1-B0, confirming that everyone's sense was still connected and that their real bodies could die of shock if their avatars were killed. 's, corpse. Fitting for his title, Kokichi claims to be a leader of a secret society, with more than 10,000 members. After the fabrication process was completed, Kokichi and the others entered the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles as totally different people, officially commencing the 53rd killing game season known as the Killing School Semester. According to him, their creepiness expresses Kokichi's true nature to some extent. He also once called Shuichi "Shumai", as a parody to Kaito's "Maki Roll" nickname for Maki. ", "I'm gonna survive! He would go on to pin the crime on Miu Iruma, the Ultimate Inventor, in the early stages of the trial since she constructed the cameras in the library, but Kaede, along with Korekiyo, the Ultimate Anthropologist, was quick to defend her and said that she was in the cafeteria at that time with Korekiyo, Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Maid, and Tsumugi Shirogane, the Ultimate Cosplayer. However, he has also claimed that nobody would care if he was gone, and it's been implied that he has no parents or family. Kaito initially refused, but when Kokichi made the point that Maki would be the blackened if he didn't, he had no choice but to go along with the plan in order save Maki and stop the killing game as well. Hiro Shimonoen-US Derek Stephen Prince[3]. Sprite Like everyone else, Rantaro can be a bit annoyed with Kokichi's behavior. He revealed everything to them, that the world was in ruins, and that they were secretly on a giant spaceship that acted as an ark for the last sixteen survivors of humanity, or rather last "seven" survivors of humanity. He also occasionally seems to just show his true emotions more openly, knowing that the others wouldn't believe them anyway, while during some other moments he seems to accidentally speak out loud what he is really thinking. In the official art book, it is stated that he does not seem to care about his hair and the hairstyle is a result of him playing with ithowever, he does sometimes make use of the shadows his bangs form to make himself look evil.[5]. In his Free Time Events with Shuichi, he seems to make sure the detective won't get actually hurt even if it means hurting himself instead. Kokichi went to Korekiyo's lab to get what was needed but ran into Shuichi and Maki, who was investigating due to the fact that the katana used in Angie's murder came from the Ultimate Anthropologist's Research Lab. Romaji After talking about it a bit more, Kokichi confessed that he lied about being the culprit, claiming that he wanted to draw out the real culprit with his lie. In the end, Himiko completely refused to believe that Kokichi may have had good intentions, saying that he isn't the type to shed real tears. Kokichi appears to love video games and the official art book states he's been playing them his whole life. He can also notice when people are lying to themselves, which is a trait he considers "not good". ", "How do you expect to find the culprit when you're all worried about each other's feelings? Face it, I need you and you need me, if we are to survive here" 5 feet and one inch. However, it is also noted that his lithe body makes him very agile and in Chapter 4 he manages to punch Kaito with incredible agility (as described by Maki), though it should be noted that Kaito was at the time greatly weakened and slowed down by his illness. Kokichi once again pretends to not know anything and go along with everyone else. When Maki and Shuichi noted that he went to the rooftop himself, Kokichi suddenly got anxious and stuttered, but quickly calmed down after he used what Himiko said to try to hide the fact that he went to the rooftop. Kokichi says he can help Shuichi save everyone, but Shuichi doesn't trust him and leaves without saying a word. He was suspicious of her ever since the first chapter, as during the first trial he called her the most suspicious and said she looks like she can definitely kill someone. In chapter 4, Miu tried to ask everyone to enter the virtual world and ordered them to bow to her, but Kokichi told her that she should be the one bowing since she is asking something from them. But in my case, I'm full of confidence! It is revealed here that Kokichi has actually been trying to stop the killing game from the very beginning. ", "I'm more nervous around friends who share too much than strangers, really. During an event in the bonus mode, Kokichi claims that he truly respects police officers, who fight the bad guys yet get blamed by the public. I'll win this game, no matter what! Liar, liar, pants on fire! His favorite presents include a pop electro-water gun, most likely to use for pranks, and a hammock to relax and feel like a child again. The loud noise created by the sudden impact alerted everyone else in the virtual world. Kokichi answers with a slightly surprised and innocent "huh!? [4] During his Free Time Event with Shuichi, Kokichi claims he became the supreme leader by murdering his parents and usurping their role. He enjoys pretending he's something other than a mere human. However, even though Kaito was roped into helping with Kokichi's plan, he later reveals that he was actually convinced when its purpose was to ruin the killing game, and admitted that he found the idea pretty awesome, and willingly went through with the plan to end the killing game with Kokichi. As the class trial continued on, Shuichi was able to deduce Kirumi as the real culprit of Ryoma's murder. This must be the powerful bond of friendship. Kokichi tells him that games can be won without playing them, foreshadowing the end of the killing game. yeah his birthday tweet from kodaka this year states he's turning 20 this year (june 2020) v3 was originally released january 2017 so i assume that kodaka intended for kokichi to be 16 and a half in v3. Finally having enough with this absurdity, K1-B0 used his recording function in order to convince Gonta that Kokichi had tricked him so that this absurdity would end. Lance Bouma stands at 6'2 and is listed as having a height of 33 1/2. However, Kokichi lured Gonta into killing Miu by strangling her with a roll of toilet paper. After the Chapter 3 trial, Kokichi brought up the subject again and prompted Himiko to cry by bluntly calling her out for lying to herself by running away from her own emotions and bottling up her true feelings. During one of the anthology stories, it's shown that Rantaro might have a big brotherly attitude towards Kokichi. The government then decided to counter the situation by faking the students' deaths, calming down the Ultimate Hunt while providing protection to the students. Kokichi often tries to ask other people to join his organization, claiming it would have multiple benefits such as having all the food, sleep and sex you can wish for. This shocked and angered the other participants greatly, claiming that there's no way someone like Gonta would commit murder let alone listen to Kokichi after what happened with the Insect Meet and Greet. Kokichi is highly protective of the members of his group, caring about them like a family. It contains various sprites, ripped from the game (s) in which the character appears. He claims that as an evil supreme leader, he doesn't like violence and would rather sneak around. He was a degenerate male, that was for sure, but he seemed different from most. ", "Well, whatever. I'm gonna resign from lying! Honestly, I don't really wanna get along with, "Who can say? He calls him "not boring", which is a huge and genuine compliment Kokichi has given only to Shuichi and Kaede besides Kaito, indicating that Kaito earned his respect. Kaito shot him in the arm and they got into a quarrel. As soon as Kaito rushed in, he was also shocked to find Miu's dead body, but Kokichi asked him why he had logged out before everyone else did, quick to suspect him despite knowing for certain that he didn't commit the crime, likely to fool everyone. he is childish, manipulative, secretive, and annoying. In his Harmonious Heart Event, he even considers stopping lying for a moment in order to get closer with Shuichi, and if Shuichi agrees with this, Kokichi appears annoyed and says it's arrogant to expect other people to change such vital parts of themselves just for other people. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early Life 1.1.1 The Gofer Project Very difficult. In his state of despair, Kokichi convinces Gonta that being dead without knowing anything is the best option for everyone and offers him a plan to kill Miu now and then kill everyone else with the Class Trial. Kokichi then called everyone out for being whack jobs if they wanted something this "fun" to end. ", "I'm the supreme leader of evil! While he enjoys messing with him, Kokichi appears to feel some care for Shuichi and seems to be unwilling to actually harm him. As everyone logged back out of the virtual world, Kokichi stopped Shuichi for a second to tell him how interesting he is and that he should work for him, though this only irritated the Ultimate Detective and so he logged out. He also tends to say whatever riles up the other students at the moment and tries to mess up conversations without any apparent reason. "Yeah, manga is great! I guess he is around 14-17 years old. ", "Of course, I am! He occasionally made fun of Shuichi's nervous personality, calling his hat "emo hat" and calling him and Tsumugi a "plain pair". Translation He told everyone that he wouldn't interfere with them any longer before leaving the gym, along with Miu's memento for them to use, the electrohammers. ", "Doesn't sound like a bad ideal, y'know? I, Kokichi Oma, am the mastermind and king of the. More or less jokingly, he proclaimed that the rest of the students should have a war against the student council. ", "I *am* the supreme leader of evil, so it's obvious my personality would be twisted. height, hip size" . If I wanna become closer to, "But I'm a weirdo! On his whiteboard, it's shown that Kokichi has a more positive, though slightly unclear impression of Shuichi, considering him "trustworthy?". Kaede was confused and shocked by his words, not realizing her actions could come across like that. Saiouma is the slash ship between Kokichi Oma and Shuichi Saihara from the Danganronpa fandom. After the caged child did not answer to Korekiyo's question, Kokichi and Shuichi reignited the candles and the whole group helped in removing the cage and cloth from Tenko's position, only to find her dead in a pool of her own blood. Instead of tending to his wound, he decides to pull a prank by faking his own death, lying face down in the middle of the fourth-floor hallway. Whenever he threatens to kill Shuichi and challenges him to play even dangerous games, he always makes sure Shuichi won't actually get hurt even if it means getting himself hurt. Throughout the game, Kokichi mocks Kaito for his foolishness, going as far as to call him an idiot several times in the Chapter 2 trial for blindly believing in Maki. Size: Height(15cm/5.9inch). However, due to Kaito's illness, Kokichi was easily able to dodge him and punch him back, knocking him to the ground. He has claimed that, among other things, his organization has covert agents in every country, control over all the mafias in the world, torture as a form of punishment, and that his defeated opponents will get sent in Siberia. Super High School Level Supreme Leader Later, when Kaede rushed to stop the fighting in the cafeteria, she could stop to talk to Kokichi and ask him why he wasn't there to stop it if he knew about it. During the second trial, after everyone had supposedly pinned down the culprit as either Kaito or Maki, Kokichi proposed that they all have those two argue against each other and convince the remaining participants on who is the culprit since if only two suspects remained, one of them had to know for certain that the other was the culprit. How old is Kokichi Ouma? : r/danganronpa - reddit Much later on in Chapter 5, after the remaining participants cleared the Death Road of Despair, Kokichi lied about being the mastermind of the Killing School Semester and that he was the leader of the cult bent on stopping the Gofer Project. 50 Stories. I may be an evil supreme leader, but even my lies have standards.". Easy. Kokichi remarked on how tired she looked after spending so long crying. Kokichi considered Gonta a typical dumb muscle and planned to use him as one of his minions from the start. In his Free Time Events, Kokichi makes multiple references to shows such as Yu-Gi-Oh! In Chapter 4, Kokichi seemingly manipulated Gonta into killing Miu for him, because Miu had made it so that Kokichi couldn't harm her. Kokichi was later found in one of the classrooms on the first floor by Kaede and Shuichi. There's no need to bring emotions into, "If you're planning to expose a liar, then you have to corner them psychologically Only then will they reveal their true self as a liarhiding beneath a layer of deceit! Kokichi's goal is to end the Killing Game at any cost, unlike Byakuya, who was largely driven by self interest; and Nagito, who only sought to . Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Kokichi Oma Non-Scale Figure (Re-run) During the investigation, Kokichi tells the others about the situation and how strange it was, with him appearing visibly disappointed. The group includes both boys and girls. This motive caused a majority of the group to seem too depressed to stay united, and they left the dining hall. Difficult. ", "No matter how dangerous it gets, we just have to do it. Y'know, one of those lies to make us more united or whatever. Deceased ", "How rude. He appeared more serious as he stated in Chapter 5 that he thinks of everybody as his friends, but would watch them from afar because nobody would want him around. Kokichi presented everyone with the first topic, bringing out Ryoma's motive video, and said that one of those two had it. Everyone else who had been detained was thankfully able to take back their motive videos and leave, heading to their dorm rooms to finally get some rest. "People you trust and defend will ultimately betray you. In a bonus scene in Chapter 2, Kokichi, Miu, Shuichi, Korekiyo and Ryoma Hoshi, the Ultimate Tennis Pro, gathered in the casino in hopes of playing a secret game with the medal that Shuichi had received from the Monomono Machine. After everyone leaves the trial room, Kokichi states that there was an even worse liar than himself hiding among the group, much to everyone's confusion. You showed your determination to fight together, and you ignored my advice from earlier. He also keeps praising Shuichi and smugly points out whenever Shuichi agrees with his points and keeps emphasizing how well he and Shuichi work together. Maybe I can retire from my organization and stay here for the rest of my life That's probably better for the world too O-kay! Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, D.I.C.E. Kokichi seemed to agree, telling everyone to leave Maki to him. He cries in anger as he explains that he hates the killing game, its creators as well as its viewers for toying with their lives and enjoying it, and states his dislike for games you are forced to play.