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ABG, venepuncture). From the Department of Anesthesiology, Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, Hershey, PA. Dr. Murray is on the Speakers Bureau of METI, Sarasota, FL. 1-6. Diabetic Ketoacidosis: An Emergency Medicine Simulation Scenario DO NOT perform any examination or procedure on patients based purely on the content of these videos. The file explaining the session is sent to instructors 1 week before the sessions. Inspect for evidence of infection on the skin (e.g. Keyword Highlighting Margolis GS, Romer GA, Fernandez AR, et al. DKA can develop within 24 hours and is potentially life threatening, requiring prompt recognition and therapeutic intervention. 4. PDF Adult Type I Diabetic Ketoacidosis Pre-simulation Preparation Student The lecture allows for understanding of concepts prior to action, and instructor feedback is immediate. Keywords: diabetic ketoacidosis, simulation, expertise, emergency medicine Introduction Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening complication of diabetes mellitus, most commonly occurring in patients with type I diabetes. Simulation of Diabetic Ketoacidosis for Cellular and Molecul Circulating nurse in the emergency room (ER). Open the patients mouth to ensure there is no foreign material that may be pushed into the larynx. Ziv A, Wolpe PR, Small SD, et al. The students are in their first year. DO NOT perform any examination or procedure on patients based purely on the content of these videos. In the context of DKA, a patients consciousness level may be reduced. If any obstruction is encountered, remove the tube and try the left nostril. Pediatric Emergency Medicine Didactics and Simulation (PEMDAS Keywords: diabetic ketoacidosis, simulation, expertise, emergency medicine Introduction Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening complication of diabetes mellitus, most . Several environments may be suitable for your classroom. - Geeky Medics OSCE App: https://geekymedics.com/geeky-medics-app/ Other details are also important, including descriptions regarding patient language skill, social history, socioeconomic history, family history, religious practices or beliefs pertinent to treatment, and descriptive signs and symptoms. 4. The reason for inserting the airway upside down initially is to reduce the risk of pushing the tongue backwards and worsening airway obstruction. The Simulation Laboratory session follows after a completed PBL session, and is aimed at making the case come alive, while providing a clinical perspective to preclinical students. After entering the environment, the student doesnt have the option of leaving the simulation until the learning objectives and performance measures are achieved. 2017 May 29;9(5):e1286. Kymera Systems Inc | SCADA Online Demo Ignition The simulators do not have rock steady vital sign values, and the students were unsure as to write down 121 or 122 mm Hg as the systolic blood pressure. This environment doesnt allow the student to identify presentation cues, be active in their own learning or apply their skills without endangering the lives of patients.(2). Open the patients airwayusing ahead-tiltchin-lift manoeuvre: 1. The trainees have had background knowledge of biochemistry because they had completed the PBL case. Perform urinalysis and send the urine for culture if urinary tract infection is suspected. doi: 10.7759/cureus.1286. angioedema, rash) commence appropriate treatment as discussed in ouranaphylaxis guide. Blood sugar issues in the Type II diabetic will have a gradual onset, with diagnosis generally resulting from routine laboratory exams.(1). vD0 x@FFJ{m[ 3//Oh|JR7! The simulation experience serves to give substance to the theoretical words and concepts that the students encountered during the PBL sessions. 2. We combined both to indicate the continuity of the curriculum, and the building on prior knowledge. Another example: At one minute into the scenario, the patient becomes unresponsive and their breathing becomes shallow. diagnosis of DKA Trigger 3, ABG show acidosis and high BM and normal potassium. and Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Data is temporarily unavailable. See ourfluid prescribing guidefor more details onresuscitation fluids. Healthcare Students' Psychological Well-Being in a Diabetic Ketoacidosis Simulation. 1) Please read through this document as it will help you prepare for your upcoming simulation on DKA. Highlight selected keywords in the article text. The patient synopsis should include such standard aspects as age, sex, ethnicity, medical history, medications and allergies. If the patient is conscious, sit themuprightas this can also help with oxygenation. Diabetic Ketoacidosis: An Emergency Medicine Simulation Scenario. - PDF If the patient loses consciousness and there are no signs of life on assessment, put out a crash call and commence CPR. In keeping with the case study, as a treatment marker is reached, the instructor should place emphasis on physiological, pharmacological, environmental and psychosocial issues. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, Volume 39, 2020, pp. - 150+ PDF OSCE Checklists: https://geekymedics.com/pdf-osce-checklists/ She is lethargic and slightly confused but can intermittently respond to questions. We believe it is important to have active, participatory learning by having conversations with the trainees in the form of questions and answers. Because of this consciousness status, it is very difficult to obtain information of cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, hepatic, endocrine, hematology, or coagulation status other than uncontrolled diabetes. Anesthetic Management Using the Oxygen Reserve Index for Tracheal Resection and Tracheal End-to-E A Scoping Review of the Impact of COVID-19 on Kidney Transplant Patients in the United States, Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine Research, Baylor Scott & White Medical Center Department of Neurosurgery, California Institute of Behavioral Neurosciences & Psychology, Contemporary Reviews in Neurology and Neurosurgery, DMIMS School of Epidemiology and Public Health, Simulation, Biodesign, & Innovation In Medical Education, The Florida Medical Student Research Publications, University of Florida-Jacksonville Neurosurgery, VCOM Clinical, Biomedical, and Educational Research, American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council, Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology, International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation, International Pediatric Simulation Society, Medical Society of Delaware Academic Channel, Society for Healthcare & Research Development, Surgically Targeted Radiation Therapy for Brain Tumors: Clinical Case Review, Clinical and Economic Benefits of Autologous Epidermal Grafting, Defining Health in the Era of Value-Based Care, Optimization Strategies for Organ Donation and Utilization, MR-Guided Radiation Therapy: Clinical Applications & Experiences, Multiple Brain Metastases: Exceptional Outcomes from Stereotactic Radiosurgery, Proton Therapy: Advanced Applications for the Most Challenging Cases, Radiation Therapy as a Modality to Create Abscopal Effects: Current and Future Practices, Clinical Applications and Benefits Using Closed-Incision Negative Pressure Therapy for Incision and Surrounding Soft Tissue Management, Negative Pressure Wound Therapy with Instillation, NPWT with Instillation and Dwell: Clinical Results in Cleansing and Removal of Infectious Material with Novel Dressings. This allows the learner group to make a psychological break from the patient and environment while beginning the reflection process. SimMan Nursing Scenarios Software - laerdal.com 2010;49:578586. A simulation training session is described designed to acquaint emergency medicine residents with the presentation and management of diabetic ketoacidosis through the use of simulation. Adds true to life parking codes and extra parking for AI. If the provider starts an IV and gives dextrose, then the patients alertness will increase, respirations will normalize and repeated blood glucose will read 210 mg/dL over a two-minute interval. Consider any precipitating factors for the development of DKA and involve the diabetes team in the patients care. On the basis of the feedback from the students, they indicated that they believed the small group sessions are better. These are not learning objectives in this program. Acad Med. At the end of the previous section, the trainee can make the diagnosis of DKA but has not confirmed it yet. 2. In this case scenario, dehydration is one of the most serious immediate issues. PDF Medicine Simulation Scenario Diabetic Ketoacidosis: An Emergency - Cureus Capillary refill timemay be prolonged if the patient is hypovolaemic. The instructor should have visual access via one-way windows or cameras. An hour was . Trainee will learn to collaborate with peers to decide on appropriate interventions, tests, and therapy. The addition of a fluid infusion containing some potassium allows insulin therapy to continue to suppress ketogenesis and normalise plasma pH whilst preventing the development of hypokalaemia. If foreign material is present, attempt removal using suction. We do point out the blood pressure (BP) cuff, but these medical students in their first year do not really need to know how the BP values are generated, they need to understand the origin and therapy for the low blood pressure. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/geekymedics A nasopharyngeal airway is a soft plastic tube with a bevel at one end and a flange at the other. Intubation lubricants can mimic drooling. Deteriorationshould be recognised quickly and acted upon immediately. Simulation provides a safe environment where learning is enhanced through the deliberate practice of skills and controlled management of a variety of clinical encounters. Interactive lecture/discussion with use of monitors that show the vital signs of the simulated patient on manikin. Catheterisethe patient to closelymonitor urine outputto guide fluid resuscitation and need for escalation. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.". Diabetic Ketoacidosis: An Emergency Medicine Simulation Scenario Its absolutely necessary to follow all immersive simulations with a positive, emotionally safe and nonjudgmental debriefing environment. There are actually two sets of educational objectives: the first set is for the theoretical PBL sessions, and the 2nd set is for the Simulation Session. 6. SimMan Nursing Scenarios Software. An oropharyngeal airway is a curved plastic tube with a flange on one end that sits between the tongue and hard palate to relieve soft palate obstruction. DKA can be caused by either: Absolute insulin deficiency (e.g. It should only be inserted in unconscious patients as it is otherwise poorly tolerated and may induce gagging and aspiration. We are looking for declaration of DKA and request for pathway. The students are in their basic science course. The 60 minutes training time consists of four 15-minute sections divided as follows. Virtual patient simulation (VPS) is an interactive computer simulation that recreates real-world scenarios with the objectives of training, education, and assessment for health care providers [].Virtual simulation has been used extensively to adapt nursing education to the COVID-19 pandemic context [], such as social distancing and/or confinement. Instagram: https://instagram.com/geekymedics This article originally appeared in March 2011 JEMS as Diabetes Demonstration: Simulation-based learning works best., Simulation Training Ideal for Diabetic Patients, CMS Begins Reprocessing Retroactive Payments, Documents Detail EMTs Failure to Aid Tyre Nichols, New Course Lets Bystanders Be the Help Until Help Arrives, All Paramedic Recruits in New Castle County (DE) Obtain NRP Certification, International Prehospital Medicine Institute Literature Review, March 2023. Target Learner Groups - PSA Question Pack: https://geekymedics.com/psa-question-bank/ 34 - Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Pregnancy | Obgyn Key insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes), Altered consciousness (e.g. Some manikin models support a variety of human functions, such as capillary and facial cyanosis, facial sweating, foley catheter and IV placement, blood pressure generation, cardiac rhythms and abnormalities, defibrillation, cardioversion, external pacing and vital sign generation. An integral part of a PBL session is for trainees to be able to navigate through huge literature bases. As the name says, this screen is used to graph and plot any parameter. x]o ]?9kgq~:)?hE )R6!up}\<8||\]}Y~;xp~yQ$#4~djX&{n_m-]^K1/~/AD Hv 99evs,;8}8zwnhFxV.kf-V^? Typically potassium levels should be maintained between 4.0 5.5 mmol/L and close monitoring is required. For similar reasons, we do not believe a videotaped session will keep the students attention as much as these live simulator sessions. After the initial treatment is initiated, by showing a simulated urine and blood, and by getting them to smell ketones, we can enable the trainee to confirm the diagnosis of DKA. Hypothermia may be present if the patient has been unconscious and exposed for some time. She was taken to the Emergency Department from her soccer game because she complained of nausea, extreme fatigue, mild disorientation, and blurred vision toward the end of the soccer match. Using your thumbs, slightly open the mouth by downward displacement of the chin. Data Description All the product records are stored at /user/spark/dataset/retail_db/products All the category records are stored at /user/spark/dataset /ret. Tilt the forehead back whilst lifting the chin forwards to extend the neck. Management of diabetic ketoacidosis in adults. Respiratory Failure in the Course of Treatment of Diabetic Ketoacidosis Extremities: mild cyanosis, no clubbing or edema (verbalized by instructors); pulses equal, and symmetrical (elucidated by trainees). opioids, sedatives, anxiolytics, insulin, oral hypoglycaemic medications). Endocrine - thesimbook.com %PDF-1.5 The purpose of this simulation is to demonstrate the specific clinical signs of the patients with DKA, and the keys by which we recognize DKA in the early stages. See Table 4 for a suggested standardized script. Trainee will recognize and interpret the clinical signs and symptoms and the typical history of a patient with DKA, as well as understand the major causative factors of DKA. She Died the Next Day. 2008;6:278302. They have had no clinical exposure or any clinical experience. Search for Similar Articles Calculate the patients current fluid balance using their fluid balance chart (e.g. Discuss the patients current clinical condition with aseniorclinicianusing anSBARR style handover. Reduced urine output (oliguria) is typically defined as less than 0.5ml/kg/hour in an adult. Experience has shown that the more experienced the provider, the more detailed the environmental and manikin staging should be, because providers are trained to take in and interpret visual cues as indicators of patient status. Make sure tore-assessthe patient after anyintervention. Int J Evid Based Healthc. This video demonstrates how to use the SOCRATES acronym when taking a history of pain or other symptoms. This guide has been created to assist students in preparing for emergencysimulationsessionsas part of their training,it is not intended to be relied upon for patient care. This allows us to get in touch for more details if required. Facilitator to ask how often to measure BMs Always adhere to medical school/local hospital guidelines when performing examinations or clinical procedures. In the first, the authors expanded the National Registrys Longitudinal EMT Attributes and Demographic (LEADS) study by resurveying 1,600 EMS workers about their sleepiness while at work. A collection of free medical student quizzes to put your medical and surgical knowledge to the test! Clearlydocument your ABCDE assessment, including history, examination, observations, investigations, interventions, and the patients response. Scenarios. Therefore, we have to emphasize the importance of airway, breathing, and circulation in the very sick patient in any clinical setting. endobj Because of the early stage (first year) of their medical careers, they have not yet seen vital sign monitoring, or patients, so these clinical aspects are introduced and emphasized. The immersive simulation is performed when the instructor feels comfortable with the acquired knowledge and skill base presented in the animated lecture or when the student group has sufficient practical experience to apply the cognitive, behavioral and technical skills outlined in the case scenario. Environment & Manikin - Medical Finals Question Pack: https://geekymedics.com/medical-student-finals-questions/ Always adhere to medical school/local hospital guidelines when performing examinations or clinical procedures. See ourCXR interpretation guidefor more details. 3. We do have a wig that we place on the patient, but we do not try for full realism. For instance, if we mimicked the noise and traffic of a real emergency department, this would constitute excessive realism, and become a distraction to beginner medical students. reduced air entry, coarse crackles) to screen for evidence of pneumonia. As this is an interactive discussion session, any needed debriefing and/or explanation is given during the sessions. Introduction: This simulation on diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in the obstetric population presents learners with one of the more commonly encountered etiologies of critical illness in the pregnant patient. A traditional classroom lecture format allows for student participation but limits the instructors ability to create realistic situations. Assessment & Treatment of Five Diabetic Emergencies - JEMS Its best, however, to allow the student group to continue so theyre able to evaluate their decision-making processes during debriefing. Topic: Abdominal TraumaTitle: Motorcycle CrashTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: Adrenal CrisisTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: AnaphylaxisTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: AnaphylaxisTitle: Anaphylaxis In An InpatientTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Alison Rodger, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: AnaphylaxisTitle: Bee Sting In An 8 Month OldAuthor / Institution: Katie Gordon / University of Maryland School of Medicineclick here to download, Topic: ApneaTitle: Drowning In A 3 Year OldAuthor / Institution: Katie Gordon / University of Maryland School of Medicineclick here to download, Topic: Asthmatic Protocol for EDTitle: Branching Scenario: 3 Treatment Routine ER - Pediatric PatientTargets: Emergency Department Staff and Respiratory Therapy StudentsAuthor / Instituation: Carl Rod, MS, RRT, RCP, Rose State College RT Clinical Simulation Labclick here to download, Topic: Atrial FibrillationTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download plus chart documents here, Topic: Bidirectional Ventricular Tachycardia from Digoxin ToxicityTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: BradicadiaTitle: Bradycardic Arrest - Carotid Sinus MassTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: BurnTitle: Cigarette FireTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: BurnTitle: Meth Lab Explosion Target: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: Cardiac ArrestTarget: Inter-professional Team TrainingAuthor / Institution: Alim Nagji, Krista Dowhos / Joseph Brant Hospitalclick here to download, Topic: Chest and Abdominal TraumaTitle: Auto AccidentTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Tim Chaplin, Alison Archibaldclick here to download, Topic: CHF (Congestive Heart Failure)Target: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Communication, Interpersonal Skills, Mediating Conflict Title: Managing Family Members with Different Views Target: ICU FellowsAuthor / Institution: Ryan Fink, Miko Enomoto / OHSUclick here to download, Topic: Crohns FlareTitle: Complicated CrohnsTarget: PGY1Author / Institution:Allen Tran / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Delirious, Combative / Violent Patient Management Title: DeliriumTarget: ICU FellowsAuthor / Institution: Ryan Fink, Miko Enomoto / OHSUclick here to download, Topic: Delivering Bad NewsTitle: Delivering Bad News after a StrokeTarget: ICU FellowsAuthor / Institution: Ryan Fink, Miko Enomoto / OHSUclick here to download, Topic: Difficult AirwayTitle: Ace Inhibitor AngioedemaTarget: Mid - 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Child Course - Nursing EducationAuthor / Institution: Kelly McMunnclick here to download, Topic: PEA Arrest (pulseless electrical activity)Target: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Pelvic FractureTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: Penetrating Thoracic TraumaTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: PneumoniaTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: PneumoniaTitle: Community Acquired PneumoniaTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Iain Arseneau, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Pulmonary EmbolismTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Ruptured Ectopic PregnancyTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: SepsisTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Allen Tran / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: SepsisTitle: Sepsis - 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Apnea Post-BenzodiazepinesTitle: Seven month old with Status EpilepticusTarget: Pediatric ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Keith Gregoireclick here to download, Topic: StrokeTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Allen Tran / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Subdural Hemorrhage Title: SDH and DOACTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Allen Tran / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Syncope / TorsadesTitle: Syncope / Torsades in the setting of acquired prolonged QTTarget: PGY1Author / Institution:Tasha Kulai, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Tachycardia Rapid AFTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Allen Tran, Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Toxic Shock SyndromeTarget: Senior Emergency Residents / Trauma TeamAuthor / Institution: Anonclick here to download, Topic: Toxicology - Bupivicaine OverdoseTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Queens Universityclick here to download, Topic: Toxicology - Hydrofluoric Acid BurnsTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Queens Universityclick here to download, Topic: Toxicology - OrganophosphatesTarget: Senior Emergency ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Queens Universityclick here to download, Topic: Upper GastrointestinalI BleedTarget: Internal MedicineAuthor / Institute: Jim Boseovski / Queen's Universityclick here to download, Topic: Upper Gastrointestinal BleedingTitle: GI BleedTarget: PGY1Author / Institution: Babar Haroon / Dalhousie Universityclick here to download, Topic: Viral bronchiolitis in infants requiring intubationTitle: Apnea in the infant with RSV bronchiolitisTarget: Pediatric ResidentsAuthor / Institution: Mike Storrclick here to download.