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In the long run, they believe Practice deception regarding product safety issues. Which of the following are examples of outside stakeholders that must be told about a company's ethics program? Here are five reasons why you should keep things legal and follow business ethics in accounting. In the long run, CSR enhances profits. Those who exemplify ethical behavior do the right thing regardless of whether they get credit for it. A code of ethics builds trust and credibility in an organization and creates a culture of open and honest communication. profitable charities Ethical managers encourage autonomy, involvement, opportunity and responsibility - and these factors contribute to: Creativity. What is ethical is determined by the public, government regulators, interest groups, competitors and each individuals personal moral values, Studying business ethics will not necessarily, Inform you concerning the impact of the work group on ethical decisions. that only society's health is improved when they invest in companies whose goods and services benefit the community Giving back to society \text{Rent} & \text{0.30} & \text{\$ 12.000}\\ With respect to business ethics, it can be said that "it takes two to tango." 'Business' can mean an activity of exchange. The amount of pollutants a firm unleashes into the environment would serve as an example of a negative activity that would be included in the social audit measurements. that they can improve their own financial health by investing in companies whose goods and services benefit the community B. philanthropy How does the action I am proposing to take make me feel about myself? ", Corporate social responsibility is when businesses are concerned \text{Retained Earnings, Jan. 1, 2016} & 4,800 & & \\ unethical [D] only with their responsibility to their shareholders, A company that has socially responsible human resources management is U.S. companies tend to overlook and forget human rights abuses abroad. Corporate policy refers to the position a firm takes on ______________ and __________________ issues. What Are Business Ethics and Why Are They Important? [A] making the charges public before the investigation [B] reaches broad and diverse groups Compliance-based ethics codes, In order to have trust and cooperation between workers and managers there needs to be True or false: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and corporate profits can at times go hand in hand. Supports ethically sound behavior It also helps to ensure that employees are treated fairly and that the company is acting in a responsible manner. A legal provision known as the _______________ provides a "bounty" provision for whistleblowers whose actions result in a legal conviction. In the workplace, there might be a standard for ethics set throughout the company. There are a number of reasons why businesses should act ethically: to protect its own interest; to protect the interests of the business community as a whole so that the public will have trust in it; to keep its commitment to society to act ethically; to meet stakeholder expectations; to prevent . C. diversity penalizing wrong-doers, increasing control On the line provided after the sentence, write the possessive form of the underlined words. Many organizations create a code of ethics, which might include generic guidelines for ethical behavior about doing the right thing or remaining fair. Another reason why business ethics is important is that it can improve profitability. A. you need to justify socially responsible behaviour from an investors standpoint only. whistleblowers A. Diversity and discrimination B. D. management is insensitive to ethical issues. Multiple choice question. Compliance-based ethics codes True or false: Individuals have social responsibilities regarding their ethical behavior in the business world. When implementing a new ethics program, businesses must also communicate the changes to outside parties such as: customers The statement by Patagonia that "A love of wild and beautiful places demands participation in the fight to save them, and to help reverse the steep decline in the overall environmental health of our planet" is an example of: an individuals behavior is influenced by the behavior of others. only with their responsibility to their shareholders C. Watch tower sentinel Rank the following jobs according to their importance in influencing the implementation of ethical standards. because strict global regulations require it Corporate values are: 1 Mini-Case Study, (Learning Curve 11 a) Body Development; Cogni, (LearningCurve 11b) Becoming Your Own Person-, chapter 3 psy 200 (LearningCurve 3b) Survivin, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese. One strategy guaranteed to displease your customers is to: Stresses shared accountability C. Accounting fraud One employee whose name was at the top of everybody's list was instrumental in helping another employee who failed to wear his protective headgear to avoid suffering a serious head injury. If your supervisor directed you to enter false information into a sales order book and told you if you refused that you would lose your opportunity for promotion, you would probably consider this situation to be a(n), According to the text, ethical behavior begins with. TV ads Intro. business chapter 5 Flashcards | Quizlet Today, as many Americans (64%) say that a company's "primary purpose" should include "making the world better" as say it should include "making money for shareholders." Mistakes and misunderstandings are bound to happen in any work setting. These steps included creating a climate based on service quality and ethical behavior that guides employees without direct supervision, taking corrective actions before unethical behaviors occur by periodically measuring employees perceptions of the companys ethical climate, and emphasizing the importance of service quality and ethical behaviors as they relate to competition in the marketplace. She has asked you to give her information about what determines the level of various interest rates. Discrimination and Harassment. In the study, researchers determined that a higher quality of service positively impacted business operations when ethical adherence was also high. separating themselves from suppliers who violate Some common workplace ethics include trustworthiness, accountability, respect, transparency, and integrity. employees and internal public relations secondary market companies. [B] passing laws to make accounting records more transparent What is the real risk-free rate of interest (r)\left(\mathrm{r}^*\right)(r) and the nominal risk-free rate (rRF)\left(\mathrm{r}_{\mathrm{RF}}\right)(rRF) ? [D] They may choose to cancel orders when there are environmental abuses. Top leaders from other countries have been charged with bribery, The emergence of the green movement has affected businesses by False, If the statement "ethics is caught more than it is taught" is true, then management facilitates this by: corporate raiders. businesses with good reputations attract customers it reduces the likelihood of lawsuits by employees or customers it reduces employee turnover it increases the likelihood of government intervention businesses with good reputations attract customers integrity-based This indicates that: A. dancing around issues should be part of a firm's code of ethics. This is an example of corporate: E. Consumer safety information, Which of the following is NOT one of the "Business System Design and Development" responsibilities? This, then, creates greater stability within the company.. Marketing, Finance, Sales), technical roles (e.g. CSR can lead to even more profits. Economist Milton Friedman believed that a business's only social responsibility was to make ________________for its owners and that anything else was socialism. A. Internet The moral and ethical standards by which leaders are judged are far stricter than in the past. By being ethical, leaders can foster an environment that rewards and encourages good attitudes. fairness, honesty, openness, _____________________________are insiders who report illegal or unethical behavior. based on a commitment to integrity and respect Explanation HR Ethical Dilemmas - SHRM The total rent on the plant is$80.000 per period. Ethical Dilemmas: How Scandals Damage Companies With respect to business ethics, it can be said that "it takes two to tango." This indicates that: A. dancing around issues should be part of a firm's code of ethics. Read 'Storm' by Gary Paulsen, that you can find on the internet and answer the following question. 23 Ethical & Unethical Behavior Examples in Workplace - Formpl It is actually a structure of moral principles and code of conduct applicable to a business. Religious institutions, Which set of ethics codes defines an organization's guiding values, creates an environment that supports ethically sound behavior, and stresses shared accountability? technical policy reaches broad and diverse groups CSR can lead to even more profits. the fastest way to demoralize your stakeholders is to spend too much money supporting social issues, such as having employees assist in community efforts. B. However, anyone caught violating a law will be immediately fired." Study 19 Terms | Philosophy Flashcards | Quizlet Chapter 4 - Business Flashcards | Quizlet (C) occur in many countries Strict global regulations require it. The World Trade Organization (WTO) The motives of those involved in unethical behavior that caused the financial crisis in the real estate, banking, and mortgage industries included: Who sets the standards of right and wrong as defined by ethics? \text{Total production cost} & \text{\$ 9.20}\\ It is essentially a moral compass. If a business fails in meeting its responsibilities to its employees, all of the following are likely to occur except: capitalism (A) likely to perform better financially This is somebodyelse\underline{\text{somebody else}}somebodyelse notebook. The chief engineer has recommended against this move, however, pointing out that the cost to produce the starters would be greater than the current 8.40perunitpurchaseprice:8.40 per unit purchase price:8.40perunitpurchaseprice: PerUnitTotalDirectmaterials$3.10Directlabor2.70Supervision1.50$60.000Depreciation1.00$40.000Variablemanufacturingoverhead0.60Rent0.30$12.000Totalproductioncost$9.20\begin{matrix}